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Posts posted by Pheonixx420

  1. Well im going to go with this.

     Metro  - CTF, OB, Conq and Dom

     Locker - Dom, Conquest

     Guilan Peaks - Dom, Conq, OB

     Lumphini Garden - CL, Conq, CTF

     Zavod - Conq, Dom, OB

     Propaganda - Conq, CL, OB, DOM, CTF


    Basically anything with a small map rotation is always best, Keeps it more simple. More people prefer the quicker rounds, also makes for good competition. Gives you a challenge. I really think the server did well when we had a small map rotation in the mornings to start with until it got more then 32 men in the server and then the vote map would change to have bigger maps as well as the smaller maps.


    I also believe that having some sort of gimmick on the weekends like the knife tourney, or changing it to knives only or pistols would encourage people to come in an check out the variety that we have to offer. And then at that point members of XI can inform that we have other servers for HC in both US and EU. Making it fun is what were here for an the more ideas we can come up with to populate the server, the better.  

  2. Hell I was thinking of renting a vehicle, who knows maybe others would want to go. but leave at 5 or 6am an drive there spend the day checking out the scenery and then drive back, followed by a delightful diner and a night at the zombie burlesque house lol. Then the next morning go to the shooting range and fire some real guns. Considering most guns are illegal here in Canada. Yes it will be an epic week.

  3. No we don't have a sniper tower at our base yet, someone was mentioning that we should build one. maybe its time this weekend we did something like that and secure our base even more.

     For Saturday and Sunday, I will be only on for a short period of time each day and in those time periods I will be focusing my time with collecting material and items needed for fortifying our base and getting more resources of ammo. Hoping someone can stick to spending a lil more time working on the base. Looking at you O_neill or Sicarious as you both have the most experience for that. but we also have a great tutorial that mouselad wrote up so anyone really could work on fortifications of the base!

  4. We had a pretty decent battle against another team on the server today. It was pretty even for the most part. Seems they have a pretty huge base near ours and we are both established well so we have become an alliance with these members. They will protect our base when were in need and we have agreed to protect them when they are in need


    We have also agreed that if someone kills someone from there team or they kill someone from our team that it will be taken care of and decided when both team speakers are on.


    We have a pretty established base with quite a few lockboxes, we have a few people that know how to build bases but willing to take anyones advice.

  5. Ive already posted what times were better and was told it wont work flat out, so why should my input really matter. Obviously football is more important and this BATL isn't. plain and simple. Im done talking on here cuz no one seems to care what my input is, just how to vote against it. So basically Im wasting my time and effort to try and help out anything cuz all I get is negative feedback.

  6. ya but if you keep changing the dates from sunday to Saturdays and having it so dam early, no one will be interested in playing. You guys are only looking at whats the best time for people on the east coast an that's it. Saturday is never good for anyone, they either work all week and want to relax or use the Saturday for their weekend needs, Or like to party on a Friday night and stay up late. Well once again 10-11am east coast time is 7-8am westcoast time. Its all bout timing. \


    And secondly people forget bout the match  or other plans do happen and get in the way, you cant expect everyone that signed up for that week or the next one to make it on time. This is a game and people have real lives, and well sometimes real life gets in the way and screws over your gaming or everyday plans.


    I think everyone needs to chill, its only a game for one and its in early stages. If your thinking you wasted all your time putting all of this together, then go ahead an think that. But honestly things like this take time and wont happen right away. you need to take at least 6 months to a year of this happening all the time before your gonna have it working perfectly. But giving up on something you want to happen really bad, specially right away is kind of garbage and childish.


    I understand you want this to happen, but you posted earlier that its not going to happen on a sunday due to fucking football. Like seriously my friend if you want this to happen pay attention to this and take football off your brain, you cant have both buddy. And you stating that its not going to happen on a sunday due to football, kinda makes it look like its all bout your needs and wants and fuck everyone else.  Im not going to change my plans to play a game cuz your football game is more important. And I seriously doubt anyone else will cuz you want to watch football. Take this how you want. Think that Im being an ass or whatever you want. But im telling you how I feel bout this.

  7. If you put it back to a Sunday then it would probly be better, not to mention not so dam early in the morning. You have it for 8am pacific time, well most of us enjoy sleeping in on weekends. IF you had for 11 or noon pacific time you probly have a better turn out as well on Sunday. But you have it bright an early on Saturday and most families do things on the Saturday morning due to working all week. You have to take into consideration those two things. I enjoyed playing what I could of BATL but its not organized that well. You have your teams there kind of stacked at times. There is absolutely no communication cept for squad leaders and commanders which makes no sense what so ever. The maps that are chose are deff not maps for scrims or matches. These are just my opinions. and for something like this to be successful you have to give it more time than just a few days of actual playing. Honestly I think you should have 2 squads of 5 with 1 commander. and both of those squads should be able to communicate with each other, not with only  squad leaders. You should have custom maps that are small and have them either set to team death match or capture the flag. makes way more sense than a huge open map of conquest. Also for something like this to work properly you need to have people in the same squads and teams every time you play so you can get used to who you play with instead of randoms. And you also need to have someone generate the teams that is not a commander or a squad leader. I wasn't able to play last match due to work, but from what I heard oddjobs team had acucats and odd on the same team. to me that's stacking the teams. I don't know who won or lost but still having leet players in the same squad or team and then the other team having maybe 1 or 2 good players really isn't fair. You should give this more time and I mean a lot more time, Play it till Easter or spring time when things start slowing down. instead of giving up right away. I mean we only started this a couple times. It hasn't been long enough to decide whether or not its a fail. Thanks

  8. Im not a smart when it comes to applying settings to games or how to remove certain effects of the game. So im one of the 90% your talking bout not knowing how to remove such things. Be nice if there was a tutorial out how to do it. Cuz people like me who play for hours on end and get major problems. Such as lag an latency issues. Plus I get the problem with suppression effects. Mind you im sure im the only one who has an R9 270x OC video card and get maybe 50 fps max with any settings applied!

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