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Everything posted by hxtr

  1. yes... keep rats, the sand one open with crap all over, the one with hills all over and damn one more I love in rotation now but cant think of it. lol i know i'm so discriptive but I dont know the names except Rats2. Good luck Dawgy... you the man!!!
  2. hxtr


    pigdog is getting a new sig... vedy nice the green things on the side look like an octapuss eating some dude with big eyes. But.. hold let me take a puff......................... that's all I see. hahahaha
  3. FooFighter Yes, but you can't beat UNDERTOW! what a GREAT album. I am listening to it right now. It's one of those rare albums that you can listen to from beginning to end, over and over and over and over again. fave from 10,000 Days has to Vicarious. Undertow is amazing but I am lucky. I started listening to all the albums at once so they are all amazing to me, each and everyone. But this song.. wow what a great song. Oh yes on the vicarious One thing I can say I dont like about Tool is the videos. Not what I want to see when I hear good music.
  4. i second that wildthing or at least put some restrictions on his account... i would rather be a unix than deal with that.
  5. Graffitti >XI< Floyd, I have them all, even the hard to find ones.. WHat a band! My favorites: Dark Side of the Moon, complete album, and The Wall, complete album too, as it is written in complete story (opera) style. For the Wall, I would say that it was for me reconciliation with excellent music in a period when only SH.T was making success... I'm more the Led Zep, Purple, BLack Sabbath, the Who - type, so after these groups that made history of rock more or less vanished and made place for a more "gentle" and especially more commercial styles of music, The Wall really was a bright sunshine in cloudy grey days!! I just don't like their live-recordings, they often lack of inspiration and sontaneousity for me. Happy spring to U, HXTR, and all Idiots! Am i missing any.. i dont have the vinal like you do.
  6. FooFighter hxtr good to see you PigDog..... PF calls me once a year except one year, 2006. That year all i lisening to was Tool Tool and more Tool. But Tool can be depressing so better to do that with PF not Tool. again good to see you bro! TOOL! I have to break out those CD's! I haven't listened to them for so long. what a GREAT band! I actually got to see them live in Seattle when they were big after their first album was released... it was the most intense performance I had ever seen. they were so damn good and energetic and sounded amazing. they had a secret special guest singer for a song during the show, if I remember correctly it was "Sober".... this guy comes out in a ski mask (no joke) and the second he started to sing, I knew it was Layne Staley of Alice In Chains. it was wild! wow cool story, Alice In Chains is another great band and the new singer aint bad. As for Tool, if no pink floyd was around Tool would be my favorit band. I've not heard a bad song from them and I listen to all the alubms from cover to cover. you said it had been a wile for tool, did you like 10,000 days? Sober.... iv lived this damn song.
  7. Phuckitman has seen them a few times as well in concert... that I never had the pleasure of seeing. But still my favorite band like yours. My first time to hear the wall was in Germany back in 1981.
  8. sorry man i passed out last night... no gamming nothing
  9. good to see you PigDog..... PF calls me once a year except one year, 2006. That year all i lisening to was Tool Tool and more Tool. But Tool can be depressing so better to do that with PF not Tool. again good to see you bro!
  10. glad to hear it Gorilla.... get you ass back online now... lol
  11. I didn't see anyone say they loved this song.. Really???? lol Echoes Live at Pompeii one of my top faves by PF... all 20 minutes of it. But I did hear Comfortably Numb.. this is my favorite version off the Pulse album 1994
  12. Usually once a year I get into a Pink Floyd kick in Spring and Summer most of the time. What bands do you bring back and rediscover once and a wile over ur years? Post your favs from each album.
  13. hahahaha... at least onces a chick and kind of hot.. hahahaha
  14. hxtr

    my new sigg

    very nice Ricko.. very nice. Them nips rock.
  15. I know the map.. it is rather long for such a match.. should 10 minutes max on something like that.. lol but it is very funny to play.
  16. SCE_hidden - I'm called a hacker Today I joined in a game on Modern Warfare 2 and was playing with a couple of your clan members and was called a hacker for going 43-9. The players I played with were SunTzu, and Chevy. There were a couple others. I didnt like the fact chevy was running his mouth towards me for playing so good in that map. The words he said I can't post on the forums. I know a couple of you guys in the clan and use to play Freeze tag all the time with Rugger, Wardragon and much more. I kept my mouth shut and let it be cause I know I'm the better player in the game then him. no worries ... one of my nicknames is hackter .. so dont worry if they mistake you for me.... hahaha if you do hack.. well I dont think you do or will again.. I hope.
  17. X-RayXI Communication, and thats why we run XFire, Website and Ventrilo. I just dont get it why mature people lack in communication here now, with all the tools is given by >XI<. Talk in ventrilo is always what we do to clear the situations. I went in Ventrilo just after when it happend and what I saw was comment "Got booted from bfbc2 channel" which in my honest opinion doesnt solve ANY problems and why should you. It would only stirr up more irritations. Its is so easy to talk what ever it is, and most of us are 18+ who the hell is mature.. soeak for youself hahaha lol just joking... nicely said X-Ray
  18. wow who the hell were you playing a buch of 3rd graders???? You proabably had one opponet..... hahahaha jk great job br... im mean god
  19. billyblade face it man....you pissed your pants for certain. NO sense denying it, no shame in the game. The last time i was that drunk i passed out buck naked on a cold ceramic tile floor, all nice and cozy like. That drunk could make your personal record books as the one to compare with from here on out. Don't do it again............and if you do, please feel free to let us idiots know how it was. I especially like (and miss cuz of work) the smoke pot part of the tale. Cheers. If I did piss my paints I will broadcast that as well.. to me I thought it was funny for me thinking i did and being afraid to check.. that is what made me laugh ..... I tend to laugh at myself quite often.
  20. damn just make another room called whatever2 for petes sake... hahaha I was in that room chatting before this all happened.
  21. hahaha unexist.. that was funny... well I went to work but I was a bit tired. Man Im not ever drinking again till next time.
  22. ShadowLady You're a true Idiot! LOL!!! Hope everyone else had a fun St. Paddy's.... I worked !!! -Shadow no doubt... i boarderline stupid sometimes. my new clan name sould be hxtr>XS< for xtreme stupidity
  23. you son of a bitch hahahahahaha good mate that explains alot but what else did you do with my pants down and me passed out?
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