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Everything posted by hxtr

  1. nice going.... good to see you so excited. i know what it is like to be without a job and other. Shit happens and we move on. Nice to see you have moved on.
  2. hxtr


    BlackOp8 - doom I was dickin around on youtube listening to doom music, and thought I'd share some. Most of you here probably played doom when it came out so many years ago, but those of you who didn't, it was one of the first FPS's that started it all. Without it, there probably never would have been a call of duty, etc. With ID Software's new IP(RAGE) dated to come out next year, I thought I would look back on the music of unarguably one of their best games, and one of the best games of all time. Enjoy the soundtracks, idiots. I agree with you, without ID Software we would not have moved this far this fast. thanks for the post...
  3. hxtr


    snaFU73 OMG….. I’m back in college! I remember buying my 1ST Creative Labs sound card, so I could hear DOOM in all is glory. was it the Sound Blaster AWE32 with 4 megs add on cache? I had one for the same reason.
  4. Johnny!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday bro... may you have a great birthday and a great year. Just continue to be you brother.
  5. hahahaha..... that was funny as shit
  6. way to go sue... very nice. Now get that A+ next.
  7. RogueKill GOTTA LOVE COLORADO!!! Here is my "legal blunt" card!!! Can have 6 plants and up to 2 oz's on me--LEGALLY. You know I have alot of freinds out here now, I don't know why very nice.. maybe i should move again.
  8. loader>XI< Haha Hxtr when i used to roll one it took 4 hands to twist up .....friends would never hand me there weed nd say twist one up cause i would roll it all in one big ole bluntski... Thats what happened to me, i gave them a massive bud for us to smoke off, they roll this joint that was massive for my standards. I smoked the rest this morning and man you get blitzed smoking blunts. You stay away from my bud buddy..... hahaha
  9. 2cuteSue hxtr wildthing where is the weed all I see is a paper towel cardboard roll made to look like a blunt any moron can do that. what would you like a picture of... the entire 2.5 ounces or will a half an ounce do? They took a picture of me smoking it, and one of my buddies but they would not do a video... i wanted to post on youtube. Should i post a picture of my penis with the weed to prove it's my pictures? you would say yes Gotta love Christmas bud!! But , thats not KY CHRISTMAS BUD!!! LOL.... Nice pics tho... looks tasty and stoney!! But still pressed, get that year round .... I wanna see that fluffy, sticky, gummy, no stem, no seed, 50 bag looks like a half shit!!! Thats what im talking bout.... You know where you go and pick a bud to buy and buy it by the gram!!! I once picked a 36 gram bud from the rafters of the barn, gave the man 300 bucks for it!! Smoked on that mf for about a month!! Roll one big joint, last me 2 days!!! OH MAN.... DAMIT!!!! Thats exactly what it is.. Christmas Bud. I usually get midi grade, 130 at the most to 110 an oz. This at 3 oz, buddy getting the 4th for 110 an oz. Stinky as shit, not pressed very fluffy. Love it love it....
  10. wildthing where is the weed all I see is a paper towel cardboard roll made to look like a blunt any moron can do that. what would you like a picture of... the entire 2.5 ounces or will a half an ounce do? They took a picture of me smoking it, and one of my buddies but they would not do a video... i wanted to post on youtube. Should i post a picture of my penis with the weed to prove it's my pictures? you would say yes
  11. Sonovabich Where's Hxtr pot smoking medal at?............................BOOBIES Yea what does it take to be recognized around here.. hahahahaha
  12. 2cuteSue u call that a blunt?? hahahahah BS!!! blunts i use to smoke took up a whole qtr bag!!! LMAO... sometimes a half!! must of been a small party!! LMAO!! the batteries are bigger round then that blunt!! WEAK!!! ahhahaah It was a small party but we had a good time. You should have seen the size of the bud that went into this thing. yumm yumm... you have to love Christmas Bud. Wish i was in KY to share with you Sue. And it's snowing again in Virginia Beach this year. WTF
  13. that was a great video.... i was worried for a moment. Thanks for sharing Xray
  14. Wonder how many guys are going to read this..... lol I was at a party and we rolled a blunt.... we could only smoke half of it before we were all done. Them are AA Batteries.
  15. that's a hell of a cock Rugger... hahahaha
  16. Sorry to hear about your issues Storm. Spending money on Christmas is killing me and for a game you already had. But..were not running MW2 so forget that game. I ain't going to spend 60 bucks on a game that cant be modded or served by public.
  17. That looks real nice RedRum.... thanks for sharing.
  18. another nice shot... very nice. I think i need that dirty towel from the other picture.
  19. UnChileno that shit is funny..... Lucky dog.... to bad the stupid owner was a buzz kill.
  20. UnChileno Jerk..you had me worry...I need 1 now.. sorry for the scare.... ill smoke one with you. I need one before 4:20.
  21. JohnnyDos Yesterday Hxtr you told me you were ready for a Wake & Bake.Myself I've been going since I was 18 -19 and in a few days I'll be 59.i might of missed a day in all them years.Been with my wife since I was 20.She used to smoke but stoped when she was pregnant.Got 2 boys 2 grand daughters and 1 grandson.Never missed a day of work and never was late.Now the wife and I are retired.I smoke weed and drink beer daily she drinks the wine I make from scatch.I still like my MJ.I used to bring myself down to the levels of the morons I used to work with.Oh and I went all through high school and a few years of college. Crack to bad I'd have to cross the Detroit River border or I'd visit you and Ripple.We could have a Smoke-A-Thon. I just like relaxing with it and listening to my tunes.But not the rap. no johnny yesterday i told you i did wake and bake.. hahaha
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