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Everything posted by ALanHim

  1. I know..... my intentions were to bring Pink Floyd into this conversation, specifically Roger Water. What did Roger Water says about all this a long time ago? "This spices has amused itself to death". Instead of anyone paying attention to anything important they're franticly distracted and amusing themselves to death. They can't see their entire lives is a lie. We are all living a lie. To think our money is worth anything. To think major wars are not coming. To not understand they're modifying our weather 100% and blaming humans for it being a carbon base and producing life necessary carbon. They can't see the lies in the vaccine and beg for it. They can see the lies in the PLANdemic, the lies about DEI or DIE which ever it is. They can see our boarders are being overrun or even the 400 + thousand being flown in all in the name of this fake climate crisis they are Occrustrating Right Before Our Eyes. Kids can figure out if they are a boy or a girl or a cat. They are being drawn into this mess of thinking all by design..... in their demoralization operation and it is working. Cancer is going to be taking out a lot of folks from the fake clot shot and as our number dwindle down we will become weaker and the unvaccinated invaders will take over our countries. BUT HEY.... it was fun while it lasted right?
  2. I love it when Brandon shakes thin air's hand. Let's not go too hard on FJB that would be elder abuse. What Bandon needs is a seeing eye dog, a seeing shitting dog, seeing nuclear codes dog, seeing constitution dog and a seeing keep your hand of kids dog.
  3. For fucks sake how can anyone read this with all these CAPS?!?!?! Wait a minute... where are all the CAPS! Did someone steal Pman's shift-lock key?
  4. No way Rick, one thing a Apple can do that an Android can't is turn off apps so they don't have access. I took screen shots for an example. As you see I don't have but a few none stock apps because I hate my phone and I hate all Stupid phones, but at least Apple I can control it better and turn things off.
  5. At least it's not hot and sticky, it's cold and sticky.
  6. I don't care what the lyrics on the album says.. It's and I made proof, "look Mommy there's no plain up in the sky." So maybe it should be, "Look Mommy there's chemtrails from no plain in the sky". I don't know. Why did you drag Pink Floyd into this mess?
  7. We had no idea liberals had a sense of humor. hahahaha
  8. as @BUDMAN would say, "just saying". hahahaha
  9. Looks good but where's the cayenne pepper? Where are the Jap-o-lino's? Were the hell are the spices? Looks like you made a big pot of pussy chili for your 5' 10" dick.
  10. I'm very sorry to hear that Baldie, that's devastating news. She has done everything right and still the big C take over. Praying you can find some answer. Nonetheless hand in there man, she needs you more than ever. Take care of yourself during this Baldie. Stay strong brother.
  11. You should see cows have sex, Chemicals end up sticking all over the place. It's called ice cream.
  12. I did try iTunes but clearly I missed something. I will give it another try. Thank you Tw33iei Brid. I freaking hate iTunes but if it works I will use it.
  13. More information. Phones and short video's fail as well if you do to many at once. The older one getting phones off is like pulling teeth so I resorted to email them to myself. Got two newer SE thinking no way I would have the same issue, and yep same issue just not as bad. I know it is built into Apples OS to do this. So there must be a way to trick the fuck stupid piece of shit PHonessssss. I have a big cat on video but it is 4gb video and I can only take screen shot which I need to adjust the contrast and brightness first because the cat is in a cave but the last time I was to get a view of him but it's hard to see. It's a hybrid Bobcat I believe, male and he's huge. It lives less that 300 feet from me. I want to see if I got a got shot of this cat but I cant. Maybe if I upload the video to another cloud. I will search for something. I can upload to Telegram but it compresses the video and it will destroy my ability to see the cat in the cave so it must be uncompressed. Maybe if I used Dropbox my phone will upload it. Or a FTP app maybe. The can't read is because it disconnected the phones from reading the file system forcing a physical unplug of the phone to rest. Apples sucks Chinese kids balls.
  14. @Crack Happy 420/Birthday bro! I know you had fun like I did! I was upgrading my street lamps (solar sidewalk lights) by raising them up 9 feet to 12 feet using 3/4" rebar for 6 of them. Added a light for my basketball hoop so I can play 24/7. Life is grand and I'm ready for Rattlesnake season. Happy Birthday to the rest of you as well. You have the coolest birthday date. video_2024-04-21_06-29-05.mp4
  15. I have thee phones, two are exactly alike, one is a older model of the same phones all SE's. For the life of me I can't get the media off and this has been a problem for years. No matter the computer no matter what I have tried Apple refuses to allow me to copy them off unless I upload them to the IFUCKYOUCloud first. I don't upload crap to apples AI shit. This is my media not theirs so why can't I have my media? This 100% is a apple problem If anyone has a suggestion for software or something I can yet YEARS of videos off my shit pone it would be greatly appreciated. Don't tell me to get an android.. I HATE GOOGLE more than Apple. I can turn off every app in my iPhone, you can't in a Android. I say what can use data on my phone you can't with an Android.
  16. Damn I do this death move on my dog all the time. I'd be good at this weapon.
  17. "I'll puff puff pass on your life dirt bag! Rest in smoke punk!" pow pow pow "Don't shoot, Dave's not here!"
  18. @Crack Dude check this out Crunch posted.
  19. Heck yea! That would be great characters to play. "Say hello to my little bong". Warzone is a freaking fun game but I only played the original. It's so Red Dawn like.
  20. Great idea... Chicken Salad is one of my favorites and the flavor is so good using a rotisserie. I image the Dressing would be just as good.
  21. I did change the name to Sour Cream Smothered Rotisserie Chicken Cheese Tacos. I was fantastic... could have done without the cheese. Hardly noticed it.
  22. And one of the best Iranian bands/ I wonder what they're up to today, Iran that is. Bring ones that work next time. Everyone is...tized Makes me wonder what their songs about themselves would be today. War makes money. Especially when it centuries old Revenge.
  23. Look what showed up on my feed. Dude can sing and play. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5SeQaESZAE
  24. Is that a marinade, a sauce or both? If enough pineapple in it, it will act as a meet tenderizer. Though the peels works better and it'll make pudding out of a steak.
  25. Sorry No sloppy Cheeseburger tonight but It's coming. I bought 7 rotisserie chickens for $35 early this month which for food prices today that's the Hack. 7 already cooked chickens for $5 a piece and it's been great. Can't beat the prep and server time which usually is grabbing a cold chicken and eat it. One chicken last I for 3 days and 4 days for my dog. idea one... Rotisserie Chicken Cheese Tacos Prep time and cook time was about 10 minutes but I was goofing off while cooking so it could have taken much longer. Heat up some corn or flour tortillas. Heat up the rotisserie chicken. Add authentic Mexican style Velveeta cheese (hahahaha) or whatever cheese you have, then melt it in. Fold so it looks cool for the picture. Closeup on the plate before smothering it with love. Add your favorite hot sauce, be liberal for once only. Then top with with just a touch of sour cream. Be a bit more conservative here than I was. My knife slipped a few time. Make mine, Sour Cream Smothered Rotisserie Chicken Cheese Tacos Then eat... be fat and happy till next time.
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