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Everything posted by ReaPeR

  1. my monitor took a shit right over everything .. I don't have money for new 1. broke out a 19 old school monitor not made for game 1600x800 I think max res so if u see me playing my aim probly way off so ill suck more then normal
  2. the thing is to play the game and have fun .some people dr.z cough cough looks for glith or a place where it almost impossible to get to for advantage.my opion if everyone can jump or what ever and make it to a spot then its a glitch if u need to do some crazt like straff jumping or what ever he called it to get to place then that's a glich. now quit picking on the admin and lets play. and maps that have glitches look for duplicates that might have them fixed we all know that there is like 5 every map but that r diff. have fun peeps it just a game
  3. yeah I know about the mine on third floor it wasn't me lol. ill stand on the stairs by the third floor but never walk all the way to top lol . and I hardly read text u need to be on mic and yell reaper u asshole pay attention
  4. great job what have u change or did to loss the weight. some of us got few extra pounds I wouldn't mine sheading as well.
  5. should put up list of maps with glitchs and point out where it is and if it a ok area or not any map that there is a questionable spot then when people read the forums they will know. should make admin job easier to.
  6. I was never told it was a glitch on map mp-sab to stand in back on propane tank where u can be killed . pretty easy . and it not hard to get to like the roof on some of the other crazy maps . so is this a glitch or not and why not warning. also if their r maps with glitches on them then fix them or get rid of them that solves all problems . ruin fun cus don't know whats a glitch and whats not. one admin say it is other say no . it just really frustrating.
  7. yeah but my bitch is with some of the older player or they don't use emp grenade cus they don't get credit for unfreezing someone said not sure if true or not , but its a team game and u need to help defrost no matter what.
  8. I notice more and more people ignoring defrosting running past frozen people even in spawn not paying any attention to snow flacks on mini map . im not saying im perfect I miss people here and their and some people do a great jub at defrosting ,but when u got 4 people in spawn frozen and u see some one spawn and go running off it kinds is a pisser. I was think mmay be like kill streaks defroster perk like u defrost 5 people u get extra car or uva defroster or defroster turret or something make people want to help defrost. cus im getting frusted when I have 20 kills 20 defrost and 20 deaths and guy has 16 kills 2 defrost and 25 deaths it make me not want to defrost them cus they sure not putting in the effort I aways say u should have close to as many defrost as u do deaths. just thought on my rage babbling idea.
  9. we should put suggestion up for vote and only people who play the mod can vote. also as far jumping and shooting u could make the person jump their sight go crazy like when your getting mortared.
  10. how about emp nades these need a little tweaking or in sycle case twearking. they don't don't defrost if more then it landing on people feet, also they don't stop rc anymore or they have to land on top of them. nade and tubes seem they got 15 foot radius how about emp 6 foot also make it 2 people r bay the emp it can defrost both like a grenade can kill both.
  11. how about a double edge sword if u use a rc and if u get r/c blown up it in return feed back and u die. but not if r/c get emped just blown up. or r/c has no problem when defrosting but but when u kill someone with r/c their a 35% chance of feed back and u dieing?
  12. I was trying to change game I was just asking for a day to change it up like we could have no hopday on sundays. just make thing diffent.
  13. can we have like 1 day with out tubes like tube free Tuesday:) I got plastic on and ready for everyone to throw stuff at me lol
  14. well he pass this morning . it was very hard for my gf it was r pet when her mom and dad was still alive ,so it was like ur last thing from her family when she was with mom and dad.
  15. he might need leg amputated and chemo around 3-5k he 13 years old. plz share the link ty.
  16. https://www.youcaring.com/nancy-cummings-526886#.VszD7_CnrIw.facebook plz share to help my kitty he like r son .
  17. amd usually uses ati cards. pci express 1x 2x 8x 16x? few more spec might help witch board and which cpu
  18. lol what ships do u all use.
  19. I have a old asus router rt16n that works with 2 cell phone a ps4 plus my computer and tv I don't do Netflix so I don't know how much that will hurt but my router never get lag or anything . so im sure newer asus one should do even better I paid 100 dollars for mine.
  20. im the knuckler I ve add u both
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