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StormCrow last won the day on February 9

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About StormCrow

  • Birthday 03/11/1975

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  • Steam ID
    FU Google
  • Origin
    FU Llama

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  • Location
    Cambridge Ontario
  • Interests
    Golf, Fishing, COD, Golf, Live Music, Golf, Guitars and also Golf

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  1. We have so many different game names, many original, some not so (Eyeballs Chris>XI< lol) Wondering where you got your name from? I got Stormcrow from my love of Lord Of The Rings, it is a name the King of Gondor calls Gandalf while controlled by Saruman Where did your game name come from? 20250214_164910.mp4
  2. Its with a mixture of heavy and light heart that Dad came to collect his favorite girl into his arms again last night just after Midnite. She went so peaceful and in zero pain, and thats all a child can ask for at the end. I am a firm believer that our Parents bring us into this world, raise us the best they can and then it is our job to be there and support them as they leave this world. She is up on a boat fishing away with Pops now and in no more pain, she started dying 3 years ago when Dad passed, they were truelly 2 souls connected as one Thank you to all for your kind words of support this week, i passed them all along to Mom and my Brother and Sister Much love Stormy/James
  3. UPDATE We (my brother, sister and I) spoke with the Dr yesterday. Ma was in ALOT of pain but they couldnt give her pain meds due to damage to her kidneys and liver already. The Dr said there is no coming back from this, the blood clot is a ticking time bomb, and her organs are so far gone and she has gone septic inside. Me being the one who lives here had to make the "official decision" but we all know in reality it was MOMS decision and we were just her voice. But, we have stopped all treatments, by doing this the Drs are allowed to pump her full of pain meds because who the fuck cares about her kidneys and liver now, now is all about making her comfortable until Dad comes to collect her (Dad passed 3 years ago this month) So, she is heavily medicated and sleeping 99% of time now, everyone came yesterday to say their goodbyes and she was surrounded in love. She has no IV fluids going in and no food unless she asks and can herself, which is not going to happen with how medicated she now is. Now is the waiting game until Dad decides we have had our time snd its his time again Thank you so much everyone for your messages and those who have reached out. You are all amazing and ill eternally love you all! James/Stormy
  4. Had to have Ma taken to hospital in an ambulance 2 days ago. She has been ill for a while and it got alot worse, hadnt eaten in a week and very little fluids and couldnt keep anything down but gained 22lbs in a week and a half with fluid retention, could barely get from bed to the bathroom. The admitted her and have been running tests, her liver and kidney numbers were through the roof. They did some CT scans and ultrasounds and found blood clots, one in/on her liver and one in lower IVC vein in her upper right leg, then they found one in her upper IVC vein in chest. They are now concerned it is one massive clot all together. The Dr said it is totally out of his area of expertise so they are consulting with a Dr that specializes in Clots. We should know more today as to weather they are going to continue with blood thinner or have to operate to remove it. Then we still have to figure out the liver and kidneys after that I was with her last night and she is hallucinating and saw my Dad who passed 3 years ago this month, very incoherant and weak. Dr says she is on a teeter totter right now, and things could go any way, she could be home in weeks and right as rain or some clot could let go and she would be gone before the nurses even got the alarm Im not a praying man myself, more of a good thoughts and vibes, my Mom is very devout and would gladly take any prayers or good thoughts sent her way If i seem a little off, or quiet just wanted to let you'se know why. Ill still be using the game and my amazing friends in servers as my "escape" and "detoxing" as much as I can to save my mentality and some sort of normallcy James/ StormCrow
  5. Its not so much the "ohhh BS's" and "fuckin hack" there are some players amongst us who go on and on and almost try to rally a whole team in their hacking beliefs and accusations, and I too have never felt the sting of a hacker accusation myself, I suck too bad LOL
  6. Noway it will be bannable in future? I direct you to a post from one year ago from our leader saying it WILL BE BANNABLE! Just asking it to actually be enforced by admins As for other things being said, please feel free to start a post about it
  7. I would LOVE SO FUCKING MUCH to see admins ENFORCE the "No Accusations Of Hacking" rule Has been a shit load of whiney ass bitches lately, and it 99% seems directed at Sharpe. Its bullshit, its annoying as fuck, grow the fuck up. The guy has of his OWN FREE WILL submitted video of him playing, hes fucking better than ya all, suck it up! Every day the same bunch of people crying on comms that he is bullshit, noway he could be that good, that shot was impossible, how did he know i was there, thats impossible! Penguin and i witness a kill last night, player goin batshit on evesdrop saying it was impossible he knew he was there, what WE saw that player didnt as it was overtime was Sharpe in spawn protection after a car, went to run into a room, player in corner, Sharpe ran out, STILL IN SPAWN PROTECTION, shot player through the wall, and the screaming started. Many many many many times in Sharpes team I have given him SPECIFIC info on an enemy, he comes around a corner shooting and gets called a hack for it Bottom line, ya dont like his scores, too fucking bad, get PROOF he is hacking or keep it to yourself, its getting out of control lately Merry fucking christmas StormyClause
  8. And its Cambridge Ontario not Mass LOL Back when I was doing radio call ins for contests all the time I would get through, they would say "Whats your Name" Id reply "James" they would say "Where ya from" Id say "Cambridge" Then when we went on air they would say "We have James From Cambridge on the line" and thats just what I became known as for years, so my IG, youtube and X accounts are "James From Cambridge" The Monster Truck boys even have me in their phones as James From Cambridge LOL
  9. LOL that be me
  10. About damn time!!! Now call sharpe a hacker and continue on! Congrats bro!!
  11. Fucking hacking piece of haggis eating shit!!! In all honesty I think I am the one who sticks up for you the most when on opposite teams, Sooooooooooo many morons (not good enough to be an idiot even though in tags) scream and cry of your hacking. A few weeks ago I was on during the mid morning, not a usual time for me, you were on and doing good, my whole team whining and crying and accusing, finally i said "Way too many babies this time of day, I will be back later on when the adults are on" It gets tiresome hearing the same people bitch and cry year after year after year about ANY good player, luckily I am not good enough for said accusations!
  12. A good friend dropped his 1st album this week!!! If you like blues slide guitar and amazing vocals check out Alfie Smith on your music streaming platforms!!! https://youtu.be/CHCVjLpP6bo?si=gFsGT8bV9eu8fc6W
  13. Dammit, totally forgot... thc brain leaving
  14. Fucking hammered today!!! Drunken balcony selfie!!!
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