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StormCrow last won the day on May 14

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About StormCrow

  • Birthday 03/11/1975

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  • Steam ID
    FU Google
  • Origin
    FU Llama

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  • Location
    Cambridge Ontario
  • Interests
    Golf, Fishing, COD, Golf, Live Music, Golf, Guitars and also Golf

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  1. Fucking hillarious, We talk about the assassination attempt mere MINUTES after it happened in the server and get told by head admin to stop talking politics and we know better???? And look through this thread..... fucking eat me targeting fucks
  2. So, a real real close friend, a dude I have no problem calling brother and telling him I love him when we part ways each time we see eachother, has started a new band, he was the lead singer of my favorite Band Monster Truck, he is now lead singer of The Wild High, well they dropped their 1st single today! If ya got the time, add it to your streaming platform or give it a like on Youtube, I think its a great song and story of his youth, unfortunatly Luke passed away last year and inspired Jon writing this tune. He is very happy with it and as I told him this morning all I ever want for him is happiness in what he is doing! its a catchy tune, I love it myself, but, I love everything he puts out so I am biased LOL
  3. Went and got some ink done today on my leg, need to go back in 3 weeks to finish it off, but LOVE it so far!!! He used these 2 pics to capture my lil girls charecter PERFECT!!! And this is what he came up with!!
  4. Tulsa King with Sly Stallone is decent enough, a few episodes into Parish (has the chicken man from Breaking Bad in it) not too bad, The Boyz is top notch awesomeness, SOOOOOO worth watching. House Of The Dragon season 2 is underway, Jack Reacher is 2 seasons in and good, Jack Ryan is 4 seasons and good All else fails, Femdom porn is in lately
  5. So sorry to hear of your loss, thoughts are going out to you and yours
  6. Sweet ink!!! I have an appt in August for my next one, and ai have no clue what i want to get yet LOL! I am thinking I want the top of my hand done, but stymied on ideas so far LOL Thats the only problem with my guy, you gotta book 6-8 months in advance, so I just make an appt after each time I go and worry about what ill get when the time comes LMAO
  7. Congrats!!! **slowly kicks oz of dank weed under the bed**
  8. As many of you know, back in February I had a full mouth teeth extraction done, too many hard drugs and lack of dental care in my younger years had them rotting and breaking in my mouth, so, had 26 teeth pulled at once. The last 2.5 months have been mentally taxing to say the least, you dont realize before hand just what a difference it is going from teeth to no teeth, even crooked broken bojangled teeth like I had, then to just gums, its been a time i tell ya! But, light at the end of tunnel has arrived! I got my prototype dentures today. I wear these for a week and report back any issues, rubbing, tight spots, sizing ect. Color will be decided in 1 week as well,currently teeth and gums of dentures exact same color, the final ones with have proper coloring and such So here is pics of my smile before extraction, after extraction and with prototype dentures in...what a difference!!! also, any members with full dentures who have any advice on adjusting/eating/talking please feel free to drop your advice here
  9. Fuckin hell Baldie, thoughts and good vibes to you and yours, stay strong, fight hard beside her, and love her harder bro. Thinking of you and your fam
  10. Lol nope, im down there every 2 weeks bringing him weed lmao
  11. Dude, Cowabunga is freaking amazing pizza pies! Ive been there a few times, im about 40 min from Hamilton and am there every 2 weeks seeing a good friend
  12. The phrase "piss poor" comes from back in the day, poor would save thier urine and sell it to trappers who would use it to treat and tan hides. Then there was "So poor didnt have a pot to piss in" also came from same era, literally so poor you didnt have a pot to collect your urine Also, Kellogs Corn Flakes were originally released as a medicine cereal to curb masturbation habits, the Kellogs brothers were freaks when it came to that
  13. Wreckfest and The Finals here
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