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Everything posted by vipersniper

  1. used to love that show . ONE TREE PER NERD .....fackin nerds lol .
  2. great so it's true . had cherries on cheese cake this morning . like deerejon said as well OLD ENGINEER opened my eyes i'm only 50 . i always thought that if i was to get it i'd be older . if we could find a way to give gout to prisoners i will assure you there will be no attemps for escape .
  3. hey that's why i'm disturbed with this . manitoba public insurance or (mpi) pays for loss of your vehicle and the removal from the water when safe . then we all have are insurance rates go up . i like how ontario has it sounds good. i take it you get no insurance or you pay through the nose for it for being an idiot . guess all the morons are sent here from ontario .
  4. FACKING GOUT . any of our male xi members ever get this shit .90% of people that get it is us guys just wondering if any of you ever had this .started in my left foot had a hard time walking ,more so in the morning .it was in my left foot for about 2-3 days THEN it left that foot and went into my right , my ankle is so swollen now on my right it feels like someone is taking a knife and prying all the large toe joints and small bones in my feet apart . my wife and i were at the dollar store a few years back and seen these walking sticks and we had a sword fight in the store with them .we had tears in our eyes from laughing so hard . so for a joke i bought them ..... lol not funny anymore now yesterday she went and got me one can't walk in the morning without it . and today i have to entertain my inlaws ,my mother inlaw works in shoe department at sears and alot of younger guys are coming in with this gout thing . the only thing that will fit on my foot are my sorel - 40 c snow boots :hrhr: .any home remedys out there besides amputation .
  5. yep i agree when the holidays are here i have the worst download times .i also have to download one at a time like you said sb it like jams up . i even have to shut my download down just so i can use the internet at times , then when i'm finished i start it back up again .
  6. yep these people live in my province this only happened a few miles from where i live .this is the best report i found has the REAL truck that went through the ice on saturday. truck can be seen in the CTV news link . this is the second idiot that went through in the past 10 days . Truck Falls Through Ice On Lake Winnipeg Posted: December 22, 2012 FullscreenClose Manitoba, Canada – A father and daughter were almost killed when their truck fell through the ice on Lake Winnipeg. Fortunately, both individuals managed to escape the icy waters before succumbing to the frigid temperatures. The Montreal Gazette reports the pair were on a fishing trip when the incident took place. While driving the truck across the frozen lake, the ice reportedly gave way. The father was able to pull his daughter from the truck before it sank. Sergeant Line Karpish said the weight of the truck likely caused the ice to crack, sending both it and its passengers into Lake Winnipeg. “Their vehicle did break through,” he explained to radio station CJOB. “Both he and his daughter we able to get out safely and did contact police just to let us know from home that they were fine and there were no concerns otherwise.” According to CTV Winnipeg, the father had to go back inside the vehicle for his daughter while it was underwater. The pair were brought back home safe and sound by someone who happened to be in the area at the time of the accident. The incident was later reported to police. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are cautioning fishermen to be extremely careful when driving across frozen bodies of water. As evidenced by the truck falling into Lake Winnipeg, the ice may not be as stable as it initially appears. People are injured every year after venturing out onto ice they believe is thick enough to support their weight. The New York Daily News reports a grandfather and his nine-year-old grandson fell into a frozen lake near their home last November. Sadly, both victims died as a result of the accident. Although the pair were taken to area hospitals for treatment, both succumbed to their injuries. What do you think about the truck that fell through the ice on Lake Winnipeg? Read more at http://www.inquisitr...xfTu8DFz0g9A.99 JUST ANOTHER DAY IN VIPER'S HOOD . stupid people should not get insurance for stupidity like this but they will ...... still .
  7. hmmm ... just went back got another game . sniper elite 2 , and all dlc's . i have the first one from years back . this second one just came out this year apiril 30 2012 . O ya you can play multiplayer and co-op on this game .
  8. count me in but i'll have to start downloading it soon . my borderlands is 12.1 GB and it only downloaded 1.3 GB in 7 hours . i take back my couple day download and change it to maybe 4 or 5 days lol . hmmm just looking at all i have approx 51 GB to download in total crap i change my mind again to better part of the week . dead island is 4.7 hope i can have it done by the morning i just started it . anyways dead island was only $6.94 Canadian after the US exchange . where you going to get any kind of entertainment for that price .
  9. Is that a Zombie game? ya zombie game sorry i never got back to ya sooner . maybe we can play the co-op sometime .you can have 4 people in co-op .
  10. hmm just went back and got another game .... dead island . looks not bad .
  11. purchased the borderlands 2 and borderlands game of the year . ya borderlands GOTY includes the dlc stuff that's what is different . also got tom clancy's hawx's 1 and 2( dog fight game ) , sniper ghost warrior and left 4 dead 2 . it'll take me now over 2 days to load them :crazy: . same time i have to download my farcry 3 decoders :crazy: ...... . gonna be busy let the computer run all nite and day .
  12. just wondering can anyone tell me if the BORDERLANDS on the steam store are 3 diffrent games there is borderlands 2 ,borederlands game of the year edition (oct 12 2010) and this borderlands oct 26 2009 .i know it's a stupid question by looking at the dates . but this is 3 diffrent games right the last 2 are a year apart . never played them before .
  13. great i over looked that thanks .
  14. ya i remember going on a field trip at school we all stopped at the teachers house ( can't remeber why but ) 2 of us shoveled the driveway out i was maybe 8-9 years old at the time . the next day the teacher gave us 25 cents each and we never asked for anything . it was just good to do something for someone . it was her father that told her to give us the money she told us . guess she still lived at home . dam at 8 , it was 1969 for me grade 3 .
  15. for my ears 320kbs mp3's are just fine. but for a no loss in quality compression..... flac is a great. I just can afford the space it takes up. I have 180GB of STOLEN mp3's. That would be like 2 or 3 terabytes of flac music. Where would you back that crap up at? Way way better quality for someone else's ears.. just not mine. mp3 and flac are the most popular audio formats using torrents. and my favorite bit torrent client is BitComet. http://www.bitcomet.com/doc/download.php Viper I will send you all my music.. just send me something with 200gb's of space. ya it will get taken at the US / Canada border most likely lol .
  16. went to download but could only fine whole albums ? not just singles .
  17. lol HIS BLOWER BROKE HXTR LOL ...... o that's right your an idiot lol . o ya nice clean up there dj . hope i don't get snow broke hose on old bobcat yesterday but i know a guy that is handy with a shovel .
  18. i was thinking about getting this as well is it any good ? looks not bad .
  19. just wondering is there such thing of downloading free music anymore ?
  20. nice Johnny . love the doors. and yep i'm still here .
  21. lol not the first time i heard this over the years .
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIeFtME59dE&feature=player_embedded
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