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Everything posted by Cygon

  1. Cygon

    Planetside 2

    Rofl...Lord knows my ugly mug ain't impressing anybody.
  2. Cygon

    Planetside 2

    If there are enough people I will make one, but if not it would be better for us just to join another so we can have access to their squads/platoons. After playing with the vindicators over the last couple of weeks (because no one else would play with me), I've discovered how advantageous it is to have coordination with 20 or more players at a time. People in outfits actually follow orders and work together while most people that just join a random squad pay no attention to the objectives whatsoever, making it difficult to capture/defend points. Having 6 people on a point allows you to capture it up to 3 times faster. Plus you need at least one person to man the sunderer or pilot the galaxy and at least one infiltrator to scout, cover, and hack terminals. It is also very helpful to have at least one person manning a skyguard and a nice plus to have one person in a scythe to help scout and give air support. This means you need 10 people working together to form an ideal squad. Roughly half of the people that join a public squad will coordinate with each other (and this is from my experience in beta; i suspect that will drop with the official release). Therefore, you really need at least 20 (maybe 30) people together in a public platoon to get the same effect as having a 10 man squad within an outfit. Throw in the fact that you can have 4 squads working together, and you've got yourself a very efficient setup. Having played extensively from both sides I can assure you that it is much more effective and way more fun working with large groups collectively.
  3. Cygon

    Planetside 2

    It's the moment we've all been waiting for (or maybe just me): Planetside 2's official release http://www.planetside2.com Again planetside 2 is a large scale mmofps (over 1000 players per server). The gameplay is somewhat similar to bf3 but larger in scale and with a futuristic twist. The battles are persistent in that they really never end (just move around). It is also significantly more strategic and places way more emphasis on teamwork. Similar to most modern first person shooters, it has a system where you spend certs (gained from xp in game) to purchase upgrades or new weapons. Of course if you pay you can buy weapons instantly instead of grinding out the xp for months in order to unlock them. However, most importantly it is FREE . The download is about 7 gigs, and the game is a bit stressful on hardware, so a good rig would be helpful. I will be playing Vanu on the server Mattherson (US East) under the name of Cygon. Due to the lack of interest here I don't know if I will be creating an in game outfit for my fellow idiots or not. I may join the vindicators' outfit since they run ops almost daily. It is crucial to have solid teamwork in planetside 2. Loning it doesn't get you very far unless you are a pilot. Either way, if anyone wants to join me i'll likely be on several nights a week (Mon, Tues, Thurs most likely). You can add me through the friends list in game or post your in game name here and I will add you. Note that we must be on the same server. Also, my xfire is coorslt. See you in game
  4. Nothing like a good hitler parody to kick off a new game...those of you that have played the beta should get most of it:
  5. I have beta keys if anyone wants to check this out before launch.
  6. Release date for PS 2 just announced to be Nov. 20. http://www.planetside2.com/news/ps2-launch-date I suppose I will be forming an outfit at that time for any idiots that want to join in. It is much more of a team oriented game, so I will be looking for some folks to join me. The grind to rank up in PS 2 is a good bit deeper (longer) than with your average fps like COD or BF...it could take years to unlock everything in the game if they continue with the current rate (which I think they will). However, you can specialize to one class or a couple and get there a little quicker. I'll post any info needed at release when I know anything else.
  7. We just had an update with another character wipe and server change. We will now be Vanu, playing on server Thebe (West). In game name: Cygon
  8. congrats kungpow, and well done to ya'll other guys. thats some nice buildings i dont understand why ya'll never build stuff like that in the survival.
  9. Hmmm for me a little lack of inspiration, plus played minecraft so much I getting a little bored with it, plus the emergence of planetside 2 beta has kept me away. Maybe if we do that server swipe, start over with some cool cooperative projects I might get back into it some. I do think it would be cool to go back to 1 world, mostly stock gameplay (not really digging all the spells tbh), and cooperate building a handful of themed cities would be fun. I have been wanting to work on a futuristic city for a while. An ancient jungle ruins city would be cool too. Maybe even some kind of frozen mountain castle village or something would be cool.
  10. OK. I've been informed we will be on Metis server (US West) as Vanu Sovereignty. In game name (if available) : Cygon
  11. Hey guys. If anyone is getting in on the planetside 2 beta let me know because it would be nice to get together in game sometimes. It is certainly a very team oriented game and I find a lack of people to work with to be less than desirable. They are about to do a server reset, and when they do I'll post the server name that we have been playing on if anyone wants to join us. It is currently in closed beta and the keys are a bit hard to come by, but they may open it up a bit towards the end of the year if anyone is looking to give it a go. They are going with a free-to-play model, so anyone with a decent rig could give a try with nothing to lose ( hopefully released early 2013). It doesn't appear to be a free to win based on what I'm seeing, although moneys always help you get ranked up faster. I understand it can be a bit strenuous on cpu and ram, but I haven't had any stress on my recently built rig. For those of you not familiar with planetside, it is a mmofps, having potentially 1000 or more players on a server at any given time. It certainly is a bit more of a strategic game than your cod types, being slightly more like a large scale battlefield with a futuristic twist. Well tbh it can be a bit complicated at times so if your in the mood for mindless fragging it is probably not ideal (we all need a little of that sometimes btw).
  12. All she had to do was post in the rules and information thread that she wanted perms and we would have done it...that is after all what all the directions say to do. Anyway I've added her.
  13. I thought creative would cause some problems, did you figure out a way to prevent abuse? I don't mind having a creative land but there really is no point to the game if you are not building in survival imo. Anyone could build a massive intricate city in a matter of hours in creative, there really is no challenge there. Just to clarify, taxes would only be on players with 100 k or more. As it is now we may just need to remove the economy all together if money continues to be so high. The buy/sell system is essentially broken because of it. The purpose of selling land and build rights would be to give players an opportunity to put the money they have to good use before it gets taxed. Riding dragon should be in dragon valley imo.
  14. lol that is pretty sweet...will see what steel thinks
  15. believe it or not mc is actually fairly graphics intensive...unfortunately im not too much help in the technical department.
  16. steel thinks we probably cant handle any more plugins, even we cant really run all that we have...but u have a link so we can check it out?
  17. I reworked some of the prices and re-organized the traders a little. Same as above, use notepad ++ or something better than notepad. BTW the stuff on the right is just the coding used to implement the prices for the plugin, so just ignore that. shop_prices2.txt
  18. Yes, if you have agreed to the rules listed here: http://www.xtremeidiots.com/index.php?/topic/25972-xtreme-idiots-minecraft-smp-server-rules-and-general-information/ post your minecraft name and I will give you building permissions.
  19. Use fire resistance potions ...I know someone who sells them in Cygonia
  20. Oh yea, how long u think it will be?
  21. You can use this to go back to 1.2 without changing alot: http://digiex.net/minecraft/mcvtool/
  22. Yeah we can't update the server without it breaking all of the plugins so it will be a couple of weeks more than likely.
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