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Everything posted by Cygon

  1. Good to here. I will start using it again...not that i'm an admin for bf3 though.
  2. This last patch has definitely messed it up...It was running pretty smooth for a couple weeks before that.
  3. Would be nice but...we don't have an ender dragon to fight right?
  4. I can tell you that I'll be stuck on this one for a while...Cod just doesn't cut it when compared to something like this game. But as said before, it has its issues. Also, some will prefer a more linear game like Cod while some will prefer the openness of games like BF3. Personal preference but I'll take the open freedom even though I don't much care for vehicles.
  5. If we can get the crashing problems fixed this will not be such a problem...server has crashed 3 times for me in the last 2 days.
  6. I don't notice them being one sided either. My biggest issue is more with metro when it descends into both teams just camping the elevators for 3/4 of the round. With 32 or even 40 you don't have that problem so much. Davamond peak is like this too...but at least you can fly over and flank the wall of snipers and tanks in the tunnel. Tehran highway might actually be my favorite map since it is heavily infantry based, but I can understand when people complain about it being too small for 64 players.
  7. 64 man: Leave everything except the following: Tehran Highway Operation Metro Davamond Peak 32 man hardcore: I'm not sure that conquest (or conquest assault) on some of the new large maps is that great, rush seems to be ok though.
  8. My vote would be to keep Seine Crossing, but take out Op. Metro, Tehran Highway, and perhaps Davamond Peak for the 64 man server. Seine crossing is a bit much for 64 but I think alot of people really like that map. Op. Metro and Davamond Peak are just clusterclucks with a full server if you ask me...they seem even worse than Tehran Highway actually. Those 4 however, should be on the 32 man hardcore IMO.
  9. You can also take advantage of the camera when you click on a player or point to spawn on...it will give you an overview of the area so you don't spawn in a meat grinder. It is all greyed out and not real clear but you can tell if it is relatively safe to spawn or not (particularly when spawning on a player in your squad). I still die alot but I'm also over aggressive; slowing down and patiently moving into position makes a huge difference in this game because it is more open which gives more opportunities for people to hide and camp.
  10. Who are you? How do you know about us? What is your minecraft name? Read and agree to the rules: http://www.xtremeidiots.com/fora_topic.asp?tid=18655
  11. Not surprising to me...haven't played MW3 but BF3 looks way better from my point of view.
  12. Lol ya takes all day...my pc would melt. Plus I can hardly play anything at all with the internet I have at my new place...supposedly 768 kbps but feels like I have 256 kbps again.
  13. Wow nice vid...count me in I want to battle.
  14. lookin good...need to make a trip back there soon to check it out...so much to do in cygonia though.
  15. Awesome...I know what I'll be doing tonight...time to start construction on Cygonia
  16. Yes it is crazy...was looking the other day and it was solid full all the way across accept for one little dip down to like 22 for a short while.
  17. Not sure where we will go from here guys, I do not believe we will be deleting scranton but we may start up a new world and switch between the two on monthly basis or something...I don't know about budget but with current traffic I'm not sure it would be possible to add another server.
  18. Best I can tell bukkit 1.8 not finished yet so it might be a little while...haven't looked at the others yet because I'm not sure exactly which plugins we have on the server tbh. Unfortunately I don't know how to do all this mod updating stuff that Ray has been kindly taking care of for us. Perhaps Steel might be of more help than I. I am getting a backup started now at least, so when they release the mod updates we can give it go but I'm not sure how long that will be. They say a few hours but this is a fairly large update so we shall see.
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