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Everything posted by Cygon

  1. Automated sugar cane farm is more effective...will have to post a video soon.
  2. I just checked them out in game and they work fine for me...so idk. They opened right up and had a few items in them.
  3. I loved Crysis 1 and Crysis wars, but they are very different from Cod and most other shooters. A majority of the multiplayer gameplay is closer to that of Battlefield, but their is an element of advanced gameplay that resembles quake and other fast paced shooters. This advanced gameplay has a skill depth and learning curve about 10 to 15 times that of most other shooters, perhaps 20 times that of Cod games. It took me over 9 months playing 25 to 30 hours per week to get to my plateau, and another 6 months before I reached a peak. I think I plateaued at Cod 4 after 2 or 3 months...then got bored. Crysis 2 is actually closer to Cod than crysis 1 and crysis wars as far as gameplay is concerned, although it is deeper than Cod as well. There are some things about c2 that are much improved in the gameplay over C1 and Wars, but if you are a Cod fan you will feel more comfortable with C2. My preference is hands down Crysis 1 and Crysis wars over Crysis 2, but both of these games are on the verge of death at this point and you will not find many full servers like you will with most other shooters. Crysis 2 was fail by most PC gamer's standards and therefore appears to be on the brink of death as well. I don't know if I would spend 60 bucks on it (I didn't and I am, ?or was a hardcore Crysis fan). However, you should be able to find Crysis 1 and Crysis warhead (comes with crysis wars) for relatively cheap (look for maximum edition). I would say it is worth trying out if you want a challenge. You can also download the amazing Mech warrior living legends mod for Crysis wars (which is spectacular for a mod imo)...which essentually gets you 2 singleplayer games and 2 distinct multiplayer games all for under 30 bucks last time I checked. And yes I also concur with there...tf2 is free and lots of fun right now.
  4. Cobryis_XI I'm thinking we should start a new world with the release of 1.8. And wipe out all the work we've done? :0 oh noes i'm scared. I suppose as long as it is backed up I wouldn't mind rotating worlds on occasion. I wouldn't even mind running that sphere world again, but I think we need to have a message put in the server to let people know in advance. This way they can get work finished up before we switch from one world to another. As I think about it...a new city to build roads in has a certain appeal to me 8-D. But man those rails were a lot...lot..lot of work. Not sure I would do that again. Of course steel played the major role in the long distance tracks, but just the downtown loop has been arduous to say the least.
  5. Would love to see dread join us in our current Minecraft server at some point...it has become quite developed...although no one seems to be playing as of late.
  6. This is just a reminder that griefing will not be tolerated on the Minecraft server. Griefing will result in removal from the server whitelist and/or permanent ban from the Minecraft server. No racism and no personal attack rules are also in effect. Griefing includes: -stealing items that are not yours (borrowing is one thing but out right stealing is another) -intentionally destroying or altering creations that are not yours Obviously there will be times when accidental damage may occur (ie from creepers). If you cannot repair it in the server, I ask that you make note of the damage in the server with a sign or make a post here in the forums. If you are in need of certain items many of us would be willing to donate certain things if you just ask.
  7. Well its not like everyone is given admin access .
  8. Ya mushrooms are now too common since they spread. I haven't harvested quite that many as I always leave at least half behind so they will regrow but I have quite a few myself.
  9. Well I will say we need to save the mossy cobblestone that is valuable...We should save that for Chen.
  10. Yeah I want to experiment with some pistons myself.
  11. Can I help you build some big supports for that thing...I have an idea that would look cool I think.
  12. lol i hadn't thought about an ewok...definitely a resemblance there.
  13. No lol I'm not changing a thing...just wasn't sure why it needed to be flat and squared off. I usually just slap my houses on the side of a hill...or cut out an area for the hill that fits the house. Not putting it down or anything...just looks like a lot of extra work.
  14. I like the idea of a little village outside of downtown...but why all the long straight lines and flatness?
  15. Cool...will see if the lapis is restored back to my place...and check to see what i might have lost.
  16. I would say that we will likely have more traffic if we keep a couple of very popular maps (offroad, sphere wars) going all the time. Then rotate out the others weekly (keeping about 5 to 7 maps total). It seems that when u have too few maps ppl get bored but if you have too many people don't want to wait for the maps they like to come back around.
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