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Everything posted by LiquidStool

  1. Brand new sex position called 'THE PIRATE' try it!! When goin at doggy style, just as you are about to cum, pull it out and spit on her back so she thinks you've cum..when she turns around unleash a blast right in her face to stun and amaze her! It's Known as the Pirate because she'll put her hand over her eye and say 'arghhhh'
  2. ph4nt0m About time too, wat took you so long What He said - welcome aboard mate!
  3. thanks man, i was about to download one with bit torrent then noticed that Adobe bought the rights and have renamed it Audition. Downloaded the official free trial then got a cr*** from the torrents, works like a dream - and saved myself $350! Bit more advanced than what i wanted it for but it's so advanced i should be knocking out remixes much faster! Thanks again man Stool
  4. morning..... does anybody know what program i can use? Several years ago, i ripped a load of my mix cd's, unfortunatley when i did, the were written back to discs as individual tracks. Now i've got some spare time, i'd like to rebuild those mixes but as one complete file. not 30 inividual tracks. I could do it the hard way and use Wavelab or Cubase, but frankly, that's a lot of fuckin around. If i select all the individual files and load them to winamp, it plays them with no pause/gaps at all, just as they were mixed. Is there a (cheap/easy) way of recording them while they're playing in Winamp? Don't suggest (and i know some idiot will anyway) outting them to a DAT etc, cus that'd cost me an arm and a leg. There must be a program i can use???
  5. Ha, dunno what happened there! Good guess there Gump! Thanks man
  6. finally got it sorted all, thanks for help, except LaBob.......... You better get those f'ing tissues ready Bob.............. Don't ask me how but on the 4th attempt/uninstall install it seemed to go straight forward!
  7. DEEJAYKEG Stool, Before you take the advice of those suggesting a custom build is cheaper, I suggest you go and play with some of the builders' configurators online and determine the real cost involved. I think you'll be shocked at the bottom lines generated, frankly. When I was faced with replacing my PC earlier this year, I did so, and even compromising heavily on the initial spec that I input could not get the price below £1000! Then I visited www.medionshop.co.uk and browsed what Medion was offering. They'd picked up an award for best brand from PC Advisor magazine to add to their already impressive reputation. Visiting Aldi is hit and miss because they do not stock Medion machines continually and usually get small numbers of PCs in on release that are sold the same morning. No, Medion do not sell super fast gaming rigs or fit the very latest graphics cards but if one is on a restricted budget, they are worth a look. I bought an 'Erazer' gaming system with which I am pleased, by the way. (If it's relevant, I have built/refurbed systems at home in the past but found the practice uneconomic, though it was great fun putting everything together myself.) Hey dude, I agree that aldi is hit and miss with stock and that they aren't fab gaming rigs, but you do get a lot of bang for your buck and i have had no problems with medion stuff, aftersales is great and most items have a 3 year warranty which if you boughtfrom pc world is gonna cost a fuckin fortune. Never built one from scratch but think i could. I prefer to start with a pretty good system and upgrade it myself. This was an old thread that i just happened to come across so the link/offer is way out of date. Still thinkin about a new one though, hearing good things about the i5, i7 chips but don't know how they'll compare to mine, Intel Quadcore Q6600 4gb. Plenty of life in the old dog yet, and with win7 on it does most of the things i want at the same time - i can happily rip and burn a dvd while playing music, moving files and playing COD2.
  8. wickedwelk i gota 22 inch, my missus loves it lmao. sometimes it keeps me occupied all evening whilst she watches her tv hehe go for custom build fella, get more for less right im off to puke becouse that avatar mr stool is wicked lol 22inch my ass - you're measuring in cm fella - turn the tape round lmao! With regard to the avatar, thanks - i put a lot of work into it the night before!
  9. Reload wooooooooo there cowboy,,, how the hell you run it on 32 inch???? and how far back you gotta sit in your room hehehe, seriously tho, i was gonna get a 22" but thought it would be too big,,,, does it refresh ok?? Note to self - subscribing to threads would be useful! Runs sweet on a 32" Samsung LCD mate, grafix card has HDMI out as well, so i connect it through that way. Dunno if it makes any difference but the detail is splendid, i guess it gives me an advantage a bit, particularly on sniping maps. I was a bit worried at first as i tend to shove my face almost onto the screen when playing, currently sat about 4ft from the monitor typing this so you can see my point! If i get too close, it feels like my eyeballs are spreading out toward the sides of my head!
  10. ok thanks all, but apart from the COD2 folder, i'm still not seeing the compatability tab/icon in when i go to any folder in either cod4 or cod; waw. i'm currently using the xi downloader to get all the maps for these games but we're talkin 10gb, and at a <3mb connection it's taking forever. What i wanted to do was down all the maps with the downloader, then make a back up of every currrent map, then if i reinstall W7, it's a piece of piss to reinstal them in the proper folder. can somebody give me the paths for the maps folder/s in cod4 and cod/w@w? UAC is off btw
  11. u-uh, sorry WildBill, that tab you refer to is not there and that is the one i want. I've got it on my COD 2 folders but i damned if i can remember how i got the tab to show, it's hidden by default! Can you remember how you got it to show up?
  12. hey, how do i get win7 x64 to show me the compatible files in the /activision/call of duty folders? thanks
  13. sup, been trying to install WAW. Installer says it installing to c:/program files (x86)/activision/world at war but this is the 3rd time i've installed it this morning and it keeps going to c:/program files (x86)/games. then it just plonks the icon in there. to say it it fucking me off is an understatement! WTF is going on??
  14. Well, political correctness is a pain in the ass but this is going toooooooo far! Xbox LIVE locks out ‘Fort Gay’ gamer [X360] Thursday September 9, 11:18 AM Political correctness takes a step closer to complete insanity, as Microsoft bans a gamer from Xbox LIVE just because of where he lives. You see, Josh Moore, a 26 year-old unemployed factory worker with a penchant for first-person shooters, is a resident of “Fort Gay”. This diminutive West Virginian ‘burg dates back to 1789 and is thought to be named after an American Civil War nurse. Sadly, Xbox LIVE staff knew nothing of this and didn’t even bother to check the town’s existence. Instead they suspended Moore’s Xbox LIVE account when they saw what was considered to be an offensive term in his gamer profile. Needless to say, Moore was somewhat dumbfounded, complaining: "At first I thought, 'Wow, somebody's thinking I live in the gayest town in West Virginia or something. I was mad. ... It makes me feel like they hate gay people." You might think that such a simple mistake would be easy to fix with a quick phone call to Xbox Customer services. Alas, this only seemed to make matters worse: "I figured, I'll explain to them, 'Look in my account. Fort Gay is a real place. I told him, Google it - 25514!" said Moore, identifying the town's ZIP code. However the Xbox LIVE employee responded with a stern warning that if Moore put Fort Gay back in his profile, they’d cancel his account and keep the two years’ subscription fee he’d already paid in advance. Even Fort Gay’s Mayor, David Thompson, was unable to help, and was summarily informed that “Gay” was deemed an insulting term when used in any context. Which, of course, is complete nonsense – quite apart from its ‘Happy’ meaning, Microsoft itself has recently changed its policy, allowing Xbox gamers to express their sexuality in their profiles and gamer tags. But it took Xbox LIVE’s director of policy and enforcement, Stephen Toulouse, to finally break the unfortunate impasse. “Someone took the phrase 'Fort Gay WV' and believed that the individual who had that was trying to offend, or trying to use it in a pejorative manner. Unfortunately, one of my people agreed with that. When it was brought to my attention, we did revoke the suspension." "In this very, very specific case, a mistake was made and we're going to make it right." To which end, staff training has since been improved and senses of humour have been reset. At least until the next moronic misunderstanding hoves into view...
  15. is it possible to have a maps in the rotation on the DM COD2 that are only pistols and knives?
  16. i got the new 360 recently and donated my old one to my son. Does anyone know how to use the controllers from one on the other? Everytime my boy starts his 360 by pressing the xbox button on the controller, mine comes on and interrupts the porno i'm watching on the main tv. He tried using one from my pc and for some unkown reason, it installed the driver (even though it was already installed) and launched my Microshite flight simulator!
  17. Nice one, thanks Cavey - that makes sense now!
  18. hey all, does anybody know if a files is in the "library" is the file physicaly there, or is it just like a link back to where the file is stored? thanks
  19. hey Phantom, that's what used to happen but this is wierd. i checked your link but none of it seems relevent to me, i don't have that shareing tab on windows media player, so i can't selcet to share. if i look on the windows network, it sees the 360. my 360, sees the media centre, but not the pc which is crap because they're the same thing. I can access the files i've selected on the pc from the xbox using media centre, but if i press the "XBOX" button in the middle of the remote, it says there are no pcs found. any ideas?
  20. hey, i've just set up my 360 as an extender. i chose what folders it could access. i look this morning and my windows back up has failed due to lack of room on the disc. when i look around i see that my "pictures" and "music" folders seem to have been stuffed with the music and pictures i allowed the media centre to access. Is this right? that means it's copied nearly a TB of music and 30gb of pics (not porn before somebody says) to my C; drive. the thing is, i don't know if they are physically there in the folders or if they're just like links back to the originals. My PS3 didn't do it, i could just stream direct from the chosen folder, and i don't think my old 360 done it either. help an idiot will ya?
  21. I think, that is just the skin you are using. If you visit the website from a new pc or you've cleared your cookies etc, this will happen. I think you just need to select "skins" in the top left corner and choose "World At War" - i think, if you're looking for the cami green skin.
  22. Hey Primal, i'm sorry to read this. I know what it's like to lose a child. You and your family are in my thoughts. God bless you all. Stool PS; You'll gain strength from the Idiot family. I wish i'd been a member when i lost my daughter.............
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