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Everything posted by LiquidStool

  1. that's fucked up...... it still does the same even if i rename the file 0001, 0002, 0003 etc
  2. Labob have you added numbers to the names yet ? front(1001)jpg rear (1002).jpg main (1003).jpg and then they should show up in order. And what way I ask is wrong with a chrome dome mr hairy hairy head - Hey Labob Haven't tried that yet but i'll give it a stab, but as i said to Phantom, i'd assume it would sort them alphabetically. It seems to do it with some files/folders but not others. I don't want a picture of a cd on the folder, i want the picture of the cd/album cover on the folder. I'll try it in a bit an post back. Having a wonderful head of hair, (even if it is so grey i look like Kenny Rodgers) is a wonderful thing. If i pull all mine out , i'd have kids offering to polish my head for a quid......... besides which, i'd look like Big Daddy, AKA Shirley Crabtree...............
  3. ph4nt0m This is a really good question that I don't know the answer to, as far as I can see, it just picks a file from within the folder randomly to display as it's icon, I read as much documentation as I can and nothing points to how to modify this view !! And i'd love to see the rest of you collection some time Stool, I just bought some Dennon CDJ's to go along with my Technic's 1210's so maybe do some trading some day eh ? Yes, that's what i thought. surely it would choose the file first in alphabetical order to put at the front? I did wonder if it was picking them by file size but it doen't seem to do that either. I HATE things that aren't uniform.... As for trades, yes mate defo. Ain't got much in the way of newer stuff, the last 2-3 years as i retired when i moved to the sticks. Everything is now in mp3 as i was using a lappy to dj. Is there anyway to create a list of files, say copy and paste the titles/artists to a text file? i'd sure as fuck hate to have to make a list manually! Also got about 12,000 karaoke files that play on the pc/lappy if ur interested, i used to play them in winamp and out to screens all over the venue, piece of piss, course now i use Virtual DJ, just getting to grips mixing with video.......
  4. Hey Phantom, how's trix? screeny attached. Now the one on the left shows the reverse picture first, the one on the right shows the front first and yet they're all labelled the same. It's a bit anal i know but that's just my DJing thing....... thanks mate
  5. hey all i've been sorting my mp3 collection, finally finished tagging over 30,000 bloody tunes However, when i put them into folders i keep getting the wrong pitures showing up on the file icon. Ive named them , Front, Label, Reverse so logially, i think, they should show up on the folder in that order, but they don't all do that, in fact most of them seem to be in any bloody order it fancies! Can somebody tell me where i'm going wrong before i end up as a chrome dome? win 7 x64 thanks
  6. sup, i was on the cod2dm server about 2045 GMT today, i had a HUGE amount of lag then suddenly got the message "server disconnected" I immeadiatley tried to rejoin but got the message - keycode in use, please try later. Firstly, i thought this was a pb issue and as we don't run pb on the server........ secondly, i have NEVER given my code out to anyone - fuck that, i paid for the game, why would i do that!? anyone got any ideas? i been trying for 10 minutes with the same issue. stool
  7. hey man, try this http://www.serif.com/webplus/ i've used a slightly older version and it's a piece of cake, no html needed, even get 18months hosting for free.
  8. tthankyou guys and gal for yourr meeasgesa of support. Hope to be back fraggging your asses wiv my luky nades soon. I'm saving a spesial one for you Noddy in the meantime, i would appreciate it if admin coould mak sure my tags etc are kept intact, as well as my xfire? if i'm upto it over the coming weekenddd i may show my face on the cod2 server. cheers all Stool
  9. hey all, ain't been on the server much over the lastlast couple of weeks, and this may get worse over the next few months. I've been having crazy headaches for a while now, i just asumed it was due to the amountamou8nt of time i spend in front of a screen, anyway, my doctor thinks there is ssomething more sinister going on and has referred me to Neurology for scans and shit. Hopefully they won't find anything nastastynasty up there. Just wanted to let peeps know that i haven't lost interest or anything, just that it's a bit too much to play. I will try and join a game for a map or two occaisonally, but onlyy if i get a good day. In the meantimme, keep pullin' your triggggers! Stool PS, sorry about anyy spelling mistakes herre
  10. thanks guys, i'll check this lot out. I contacted the support team where i bought the lappie from and the pricks told me that Microsoft had been sending duff updates out - spastics, if that's the case then why did they install ok on every other win 7 pc and lappie i got?!
  11. right, i just got a brand new laptop running windows 7 home premium, for the last three days i've been trying to install critical upadates, windows live etc but they all fail. The only clue i've been able to get is that when windows live installer starts trying to install, it pops up saying that another installer is running or a program is preventing the new installation. I'm at a complete loss here - any thoughts? thx
  12. Thump man - wtf? always had a good laugh playing with ya, you're a good player and a gent - i logged out just as i caught somebody calling u a hack last night on COD2DM, dunno who it was but as far as i'm concerned, i've never had any cause to doubt your integrity - there were i'm sure a few hacks on last night, particularly on the MP Industry - you weren't one of them. I agree with everyone else - not sure how you resigning ur tags will help but you gotta do what u feel is right. Good luck bro and check in from time to time - i'm always willing to play with ya........not in a gay way or anything though !
  13. Good job on the timely fix my man. Now, to use an Area51 taunt......"I am going to kick your ass" Dawg!
  14. welcome to our little band of brothers - enjoy ur stay
  15. hey man thats NVFN, i never said u did anything dawg, i merely stated a fact. simples.
  16. hey what's up with all the custom taunts on the DM server? None of them areworking still, appars to have gone back to stock but when you press the taunts the custom writing comes up. Only appears to have happened since the new map rotation
  17. I think the last thing anybody would do here is give Dawg and the other Admins any shit whether or not they liked the rotation. I'm sure we appreciate them giving up their valuable gaming time to sort out new rotation. With regard to the downloader, i set it to down the new maps a few days ago and, almost a gb i think, anyway when i got into the game, lots of invalid map files were giving me grief, renamed a lot of them as .bak files rather than move or delete them, i tend to leave the game running during the day (GMT) here, and it downloads as nesessary, only takes about 2 minutes per pack depending on size - if i try to down in the evening it can take forever......... Good job on the new rotation Dawg - finding some class maps that i haven't played for ages, as well as more stock maps which makes for a refeshing change ;-O
  18. i'd also like to point out that as of yesterday 2300GMT, the custom taunts etc weren't working in any of the maps on the co2dm server. stop slacking Dawgy loooooooolz
  19. just wanted to say, this is the worst feckin map i've ever played, i'm sure there was only one spawn point - this is so bad, it's even worse than the map "the 300", no fun or skill in either of those 2 maps, frankly i'm disappointed. just my opinion, i'm sure others will think it's great..................
  20. Mornin' Is it possible to introduce modern weapons on COD2? played on a few servers with an awesome array of new weaponary in the past but still prefer to go with the M1 & scoped Karg. Just thought it's a way of keeping it fresh..... Happy April Fools Day Idiots!
  21. Hey I guess this is probably been brought up before...and as the man like Dawg is now the map man, is there anyway that we can get a voting system in place for the DM/TDM COD2 server? It's a monumental pain in the ass to have to play a map that is not suitable when the servers are quiet, generally there is a concensus that a map is to big or it sucks when there are only a few players on. That's not such a problem when there is an admin on the server that can change the map. We're all grown up and it gives everyone an equal say, then if they don't get the map they choose, they can sit it out. Would this be feasible? Could anybody vote? If this has been proposed before and been decided against then sorry for bringing it up......
  22. Artimus Prime Dawgy!!!! Hey, How about Valley Summer and or Kandahar... Love that valley summer, awesome snipe map, can we have it on TDM & DM? also if anyone can track it down, Penguin Slaughter, played it a few times on different servers and it's a blast! Oh yeah, b4 i forget, how about more RATS & MTL maps, they make great maps and one last req, how about the ORIGINAL Bathroom Tiny/ Tiny Bathroom???
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