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Everything posted by Ruggerxi

  1. Welcome back Jack now dont fuck up and make me look like a fucking douch bag.
  2. Cant wait to see it, when that map is ready I will add in some other new ones along with it.
  3. Now that Jack is back he is the numder one for me to kill, he is a pain in my ass and it feels so GOOOD when I put a cap in his ass.
  4. NP this idea came from Porky and needed to be done to help organize the forums a bit. We have so much traffic on here and so many posts that we need to get some more topics to post under so its easier to find things.
  5. We have opened up two new forums categories to help with finding posts, they are Computer Help and Signatures. We will open other new ones as needed. So if you are making a post about one of the subjects please post them in there correct category. Thanks and have a great day!
  6. Cant wait to get into these new games since Call of Duty screwed us over.
  7. Thanks for the heads up this will be looked into. Add ruggerone to your xfire so I can chat with you a little more about this when you have a min.
  8. This will be done ASAP Porky and it is needed I agree.
  9. With Freezetag svr 3 not really being used anymore we might try some Ace mod tdm or something like that. Stay tuned for details
  10. This is now lifted and thanks for registering on the site.
  11. These look outstanding!! I will get them out in the mail tomorrow or the next day at the latest, still need to unpack and need to make love to my computer that I have not been with for 5 days.
  12. Sounds good Dog, We could play the Packers Grey if both road teams win next week we will play the Packers at home. I could be wrong, but that is what I read.
  13. Can some who knows how to do this make 2 xfire videos, use the same weapon, one video with the scroll wheel and one without so we can see how big the difference is. Without the scroll wheel you have to shoot as fast as you can so we can get a true idea on how big of a difference it is. Also do this on a stock server like freezetag.
  14. The ACE mod took a hit when the asshole not naming names tried to take it down and make it his own. Then the members stepped up and kept playing, kept welcoming the new players on the servers and making them feel at home. This is the truely special thing we have here at XI, we have the nicest people in the world on these servers, we dont cheat, we dont steal, we get our hands dirty and do some hard work. It really shows at the end of the day with the product we put out there for people to play on.
  15. Love to see the pictures of the tshirts. Crash and Rick I love the pic of you guys at the bowling center, great stuff. Sorry Shadow I hope you get your shirt soon.
  16. Great job Idiots and wanna be Idiots. We took first place in our first month on the ladder. Thank you for the support for a group of idiots that love to play video games. Man I love this place!!
  17. You are my hero Shadow, great job. I dont see anyone beating that score for a long time.
  18. Just a heads up, I am back from vacation. I see I have a shit load of emails and pms I need to address so bare with me and I will get to all of you as soon as I can. And I will get to any posts that need me also through out the next day or so. Man it sucks coming back to -15 degree temps here in MN.
  19. This server for the 1st day will be running 1 map and a mixed gametype rotation. This is only a beta version of the mod so please leave feedback if you see any problems.
  20. This will be up in the next couple hours on a server, more info to come.
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