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Everything posted by Arcanage

  1. Best wishes for a quick recovery! Take care Dragon ; )
  2. Hack or not, it is certainly not fair play. He would immediately go under the floor when he spawned, and he could shoot people from under there, while nobody knew where he was and nobody could even shoot back.
  3. Hell yeah DX10 was a BLAST. Literally I request the following weapon attachments/equipment by default, please: -Flashlight - For those moon-forsaken dark nights -Laser - Cuz I can't aim without one -Night Vision - Again for the unforgiving pitch-black night cycles! -Binoculars - Scout out those campers! Helps tactical attacks and stealth!
  4. Possible hack/glitcher judge for yourself .. Name: [32ru]_Djonik Time: approx 11:20 am Pacific Time zone / 19:20 GMT Server: XI mixed server v2 Video:
  5. My rig isn't good enough to make things prettier, but I love the destructible materials and the realistic night/day cycles and lighting! Maybe flashlights aren't as useless as I thought Awesome work guys!!
  6. Yea I tried this before in Vista 64 bit and it crashed. If the rd command in the cmd prompt didn't work for you, try booting in safe mode and manually dragging the folder into the recycle bin. Gave me quite a scare
  7. cookies and candies!! nom nom nom nom
  8. Thank you all so much !! )))) You all rule!!
  9. Yes it's so annoying! I've tried latest drivers, deleting shaders chache, running low sound, clean install, hotfix, xp compatible, admin ... everything
  10. Anyone know when the real release will be? It's way too crashy for me in beta. I wonder if anyone will still be playing C'Wars by the time it's released for real
  11. Lotta new year babies Happy new year/birthday !
  12. Happy birthday to youu! Happy birthday to youu!!! Happy birthday to Deleted User-117!! Happy BIRTHDAY TO YOU
  13. Ah yes more trouble. Although I have solved the black screen crash issue by getting a new Crysis folder in My Games. SO now everything should be working BUT all the servers have version mismatch? I need a patch 3 for MWLL mod??? Where can I get this ..
  14. Coolio I woulnd't mind stats tracking now that I've gotten better. The old one only worked while I was still a learning newbie Good to see AntiCheat being worked on also .. gotta be ahead of those hackers!
  15. That. Is . SO. EXTREME. Like another game with Crysis graphics! Amazing and good thing it's for Crysis vanilla cuz I don't wanna mess with my Crysis Wars
  16. Yeaa welcome all XI to our amazing Crysis Wars servers The more the merrier! I think we should take out the Xmas map now also Oh and Savanna should be fine with the speed mod.... anything is possible ; ) *zooooom*
  17. Sitting- The winners from day 5 of the competition are: swantonbomberArcanagemeszesDarkLiteViperpogFlogger23mfunkkkciociastasiaarmoredbmotep YAY LOL finally Keep it up XI and friends! Hope you had a great Christmas ; )
  18. Xfire screenshots are stored by default in C:\ProgramData\Xfire\screenshots
  19. Congrats Sitting ; ) Knew one of your aztec pics would do it! What I noticed though, is that they pick some rather noobish screenshots, such as your comparison above. I think it's to make sure those new trial players really get a key, and reduce chance of pros getting all of 'em.
  20. That was GREAT fun!! Thank you all for making it happen I loved the new maps, hunters, and of course, the SINGULARITY TANK XD
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