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Joe Canadian

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Everything posted by Joe Canadian

  1. Sonovabich I thought i read somewhere that Seth Rogan was a Canadian? Yes, that dude is from Vancouver. Also Russel Peters is Canadian, He was in a movie recently but I don't think he's known in the US..
  2. Here's another clip of Jim Carey. My kids love it and have probably watched it 100 times , the funny thing is that they don't have a clue who the real Vanilla Ice was...
  3. Just noticed its your b'day, have a good one!
  4. NickTheGrip its "eh" you idiot Laz - LOL - they are Canadians, not pirates Happy Thanksgiving all you peeps north of the border. Lol, good one Nick
  5. PigDog StormCrow Sry, i am Canadian, But i hate that one act pony. I know there are slim pickins for Canadian comedian actors... but he is just nausiating... just my poinion... the wife thinks he is the next best thing to sliced bread... but she is a little slow Really birdy???? Are you serious? There are slim pickins for Canadian comedian actors? I hope you are being facetious. I am not Canadian, but damn Canada has some funny ass comedians.....let's see, who might be Canadian.... Jim Carey, ok, we already established that one...... John Candy! Freakin' genius! Mike Myers Phil Hartman Dave Foley Lorne Michaels - ok, not an actor, but he started the SNL franchise Seth Rogen Dan Akroyd Howie Mandel Norm McDonald Even Tommy Chong!! (Yeah, that one surprised me too) Will Arnett Michael J. Fox Rich Little Rick Moranis Martin Short Dave Thomas (Doug McKenzie for those of you that know) .......and don't forget Terrance and Phillip!!!! Did I leave any out? Tom Green, but I don't find that guy at all funny
  6. Crazyman21 Not mad TV... The show was called in living Color. Funny post thanks Thanks Crazyman, I just corrected it Cheers
  7. Jim Carey's character, Fire Marshall Bill, In Living Color
  8. Joe Canadian I originally said: 1)Dolphin 2)Mrs Bill 3)Sassy Bitch But after she beat the crap of me a couple nights ago I must add Blackcat to the list. Awesome shot! +1
  9. Happy turkey holocaust day to all , lets pray on Monday for all the innocent birds slaughtered for the occasion jk...
  10. CplAh Yeah im in Pet, just a 20 minute drive to Quebec to get 24 can of pretty much anything for $24.00. I am in Vancouver, about 20 minutes from Washington state. I go to Burlington or Seattle every three weeks to buy fuel, groceries and beer. I usually buy Heineken (box of 12) for $12.00, Blue Moon or Stella Artois for $14.00. The best deal I have found so far was a 30 pack of Bud Light for $16.50 at WalMart, taxes in and no deposit.
  11. spanky WHITEBOY Nice to see you finally introduce yourself Joe! Thought I'd let you hangout near the top of the nade stats...since I haven't thrown a nade in over a month! did you mean you'll let him be in second in nade stats for a while? Nothing wrong with being second nademaster lol
  12. WHITEBOY Nice to see you finally introduce yourself Joe! Thought I'd let you hangout near the top of the nade stats...since I haven't thrown a nade in over a month! Ha ha, whatever WHITEBOY, I like your avatars a lot better than your nades, wow! We should play cheesy together with the nademaster sometime soon... Cheers and thanks for your message
  13. hxtr Joe Canadian PimpedOutPete - Party Like A Rockstar Destinations http://www.cnngo.com/explorations/play/worlds-best-party-spots-503515 Rio de Janeiro, would definitely be my choice, why? check the video from 0:34 and on ;-) I am with you def my first choice. Hey hxtr, you should go to 2012 Rio Carnival as our XI Goodwill Ambassador. We can do a quick vote here, issue you a "XI gold idiotcard" and send you on your way. What do you think?
  14. I also wanted to thank Mike, Blackbart, Artimus, Nick, Mule, RIP, TBB, Frenchi,Paper and all the other idiots who have replied to my post. I was planning to do it on a one-to-one basis but just ran out of time. Its nice to feel welcomed here... Joe
  15. ferzulo Nice intro you Rat Devil... I've been blasted by your dam nades lot of times but still enjoy a lot playing with good friends and good players like you, keep like that and always watch yor back everytime I'm around LOL I will nade you everytime I find you lurking around or setting up those nasty tripwires, ;-) Nice playing with you Ferzulo
  16. Gomer Pyle Joe Who ? Oh no not another Canadian, and worse yet a nade chucker ! Just kidding my friend, its good to see you on our website and I really enjoy playing COD 2 with you. See you on the battlefield ..... Oh and watch your back, you never know when some rat devil like Ferzulo will be lurking around, or your brother in crime nade chucking Spanky, but never fear you'll be safe around Gomer. Ha, ha, thanks Gomer, I promise I will try not to call you a "back shooter" anymore... I will point out your "camping" and "spawn killing" skills instead, how about that? ... just kidding!
  17. LtLaszlo Sgt Alvin York Nice intro Joe Canadian,, get yourself a mic so we can her you scream when you blow yourself up. Spanky and I appreiciate a 'nader who understands the way of the 'nade... Yes, nice intro Joe! Noticed you have been throwing a lot more nades! Assume Spanky has been your mentor. I love when I get the nade revenge on you and Spanky, since I throw a few more myself lately . You've helped make the COD2 XI servers what it's all about - having fun!! See you on the battlefield! Thanks Laszlo, you are right, Spanky has been kind enough to teach me some secrets of the trade. Its all about fun, absolutely, see you around!!
  18. Sgt Alvin York Nice intro Joe Canadian,, get yourself a mic so we can her you scream when you blow yourself up. Spanky and I appreiciate a 'nader who understands the way of the 'nade... Thanks Sgt, its always fun playing with you. I got a mike now, but need to get a better one soon, it kinda sucks
  19. spanky i couldn't say it better myself! you've got two bullets and gomer, ferret and ferzulo are running at you...what do you do?: "nade ferret, bash ferzulo (and his dead corpse) and shoot gomer in the back (twice)!!!" Lol, good one Spanky!! Thanks buddy for everything!!
  20. PimpedOutPete Hey Joe, it's great to have u on the servers and forums. It's nice to have a fellow Western Canadian on board.. Cheers buddy and I will see u on the field.. Great intro by the way..Pete (Ter) Hey Pete, I was going through the September stats and noticed that we got 4 medals for Canada together: You got two for most kills and headshots, and I got two myself: number 1 target and suicide, but who gives a f..., probably nobody knows the difference lol, Canada rules !! Thanks for your post Joe
  21. PimpedOutPete - Party Like A Rockstar Destinations http://www.cnngo.com/explorations/play/worlds-best-party-spots-503515 Rio de Janeiro, would definitely be my choice, why? check the video from 0:34 and on ;-)
  22. I originally said: 1)Dolphin 2)Mrs Bill 3)Sassy Bitch But after she beat the crap of me a couple nights ago I must add Blackcat to the list. Awesome shot!
  23. Dear idiots, I have been around for a while and I think its time to introduce myself. So lets see how it goes: My name is Matt; I am in my mid 40’s and live in Vancouver, BC. I have been playing cod2 multiplayer off and on for about four years under the alias “Joe Canadian”. I am the proud father of three children: A 17 year old daughter, who is attending university in Montreal and a boy and a girl who are still in elementary school. My style of play is ”run and nade”, style developed -in my case- almost spontaneously as a “response” to ruthless back shooters like Gomer, bashers like Ferret and the dirty ways of players such as Ferzulo, to give you a few examples. Every time I get bashed, stabbed, killed or humiliated I feel almost compelled to give something in return. There is nothing more exciting and appropriate in my humble opinion, than blasting your “enemies” to the afterlife with a grenade. I’m looking forward to becoming “the nemesis” of most of you and to making some new friends Nade you around folks! Joe
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