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Everything posted by SHADOOW

  1. you know your a redneck if you can intergrade things to perform in your best interest. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA have fun with this one, laughed my butt off at this.
  2. OMG now that is flippen funny, i'm still laughing, can get it out of my head now. took me a few to stop laughing long enough to reply to the post.
  3. i'm on EST, is the XI server in another country by chance? sorry i have no idea, i just push a button and try to get into game or online.
  4. i was just wondering why the forum posts your birthdate a day ahead? right now it states my birthdate is the 20th when it's actually the 21st of this month.
  5. welcome to the extreme idiots.
  6. hey for the longest time everyone had a pleasant little carnavel duck (A.K.A SHADOW>XI<) running around the maps just waiting to get shot by everyone. it's the big maps that make it possible for people to camp. the smaller maps made it impossible to camp, you'd die, then you have your spawn killers. i love to play crysis hardcore, it's my favorite game, those who have played in game with me all know i mostly laugh my butt off and make silly little noises and yell out some weird comments.
  7. those were really funny. 100 cheers to all of us beer drinkers
  8. so sorry, my heart will be praying for everyone.
  9. oh yes i am, got to play crysis for a little bit before it just shut down on me, so i brought it back into my room where it's much cooler, and it still froze up and only this time wont give me anything, powers on no monitor. back to fixing it again.
  10. flees and pretzel sticks, i spoke too soon, damn thing is down again. i was playing oblivion and a half hour into playing the game she froze right up and now wont give me a screen. this is really pestering me off
  11. might have fixed my rig, going to try it out and see if anything happens. going to crysis hardcore to give it the test run.
  12. well that was pretty cool, who is he and what games does he play on our servers?
  13. i'm not using that board anymore, i bought a different one, it has a duel core processor in this one. i may have to go back to my old mother board just so i can get back online to play crysis untill the new board comes in. i may go that route because i'm just not handleing not being able to play crysis very well. i seriously need to be able to play my game and not have to worry about anything going on the frizts.
  14. thank you but i've already got a new power supply, another 650 watts ps. so in my opinion the only thing that is left is the mother board was made on either a mondy or a friday. and i just happen to get it. it all boils down to the mother board is junk and i've just got to wait and not really kill anyone before i am able to get back on crysis and have fun killing people and still not get into a whole lot of trouble. at least this way it's perfectly legal and everyone else is having fun killing me as i am them, well when i can get a shot in.
  15. yep i'm an idiot, didn't even notice i got another medal. WOW thank you for the info black0p8
  16. what about a medal for laughing and giggling all the time during game play? or even the most obsscewer saying while in game play?
  17. the only thing good about any of the parts i have been getting is that they all have a 3 yr garentte warrenty. so i played it safe there. not being able to play crysis right now is really driving me battie.
  18. what's wrong with my sig pic? i like my pic, kind of forgot i even had it in my picture file. the only thing is i don't have the XI logo on it. i don't know how to do all that fansy stuff, i'll leave that to the gifted.
  19. the ether net will not respond, the bios has been flashed and it has also been reset. if they are the same only you would know this not me. the graphics card has lines going through everything in any of my 2 games, (hahahahaha) had to think of how many games i have. idiot. it will freeze up on me after 15 minutes of running, and if i'm in game it just simpley shuts down. it's not the graphics card, as i said before it works fine in another system, but in my rig it will state there is no recognizable ram, what ever that means. it's not the processor had that go into another system to test that out as well, that is also working fine, same with the sticks of ram. so my only guess is that the mother board is crap and is getting shipped back to the company. i am waiting for a new one to show up. think at the end of this week coming i should have it. DID I MENTION HOW MUCH THIS REALLY BITES THE PICKLE OUT OF THE HAMBURGER BUN
  20. tried that. that didn't work either. now thinking it's the new mother board i just got. worked for a couple of nights before everything went to crap again. i am having serious crysis withdrawls here. i so need to get back online with my rig so i can have some fun against the people i have been playing crysis hardcore with. THIS IS SO FOR THE FLIPPEN COW PUCKIES. may have to go back to the old mother board and wait for another motherboard to come in. this SUCKS!!! can't a girl just get her fix of crysis for flies on a prezel stick
  21. well i'm at it again, my gaming rig is down again. thought there was something with my new gaming card and it's not that. even got another card the same thing, even that one was having issues in my rig, so they were put inside a different rig and it's not the card at all, i am now trying out a different hard drive to see if that might work, so i will once again be temporarily out of the game. sorry all crysis hardcore players, it shouldn't be too long before you see me back in game SHADOW>XI<
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