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Status Updates posted by BigPapaDean

  1. I will always be filled with mixed emotions for the rest of my life. I don't foresee any improvement that will be permanent. I do have some very good positive times and on the other hand I experience some very low times as well. I know that I will be taken care of and not be in need for my basic needs. God has helped me to see that there are things I need to try and change and things I need to ready myself for. I believe those changes are happening just not in the way I had hoped but in a mor...

  2. This is for my German speaking friends with no intention of leaving anyone out because you don't speak German. If you find you want to read this by all means join in. I have several German friends and one of them posted this on her timeline so to show my support I am showing her I count her dear!Ich muss da mal was los werden !!!!!!!!!Dies ist an jeden Einzelnen von euch gerichtet, der sich auf meiner Freundesliste befindet. Ich mag es, Bilder anzuschauen, von euch zu hören, Witze und Neui...

  3. Sometimes the best surprises come at the least expected times. A couple years ago I was trying to go back to school so I could have a better and more comfortable life. It wasn't meant to be as I failed some very important classes that I needed to get the degree I so desperately needed to accomplish my goal! I had to drop out and was very disappointed with my failures due to my physical and mental limitations now. Every since then me and the group of fellow college friends met once a year and...

  4. Why can't I just be normal?

    1. Damage_inc-


      your just as normal as ne of us Dean....Im happy your with us.

    2. Damage_inc-


      your just as normal as ne of us Dean....Im happy your with us.

    3. RustyRifle


      Please bro, dont be normal, we love you just the way you are :D

  5. Lately it seems that our country has had some very heart wrenching and terrible things happen to children! I am seeing an attitude being portrayed now that we must change somethings that are guaranteed by the constitution of the USA. I understand that feeling but my dear mother once told me a very important principle to achieving something right. She said, "Son if you think ten before you speak one then you will be much better off." I have tried to follow that though I do make mistakes but my...

  6. Here is a little humor to help you get through the day! :)Couple in their nineties are both having problems remembering things. During a check-up, the doctor tells them that they're physically okay, but they might want to start writing things down to help them remember ..Later that night, while watching TV, the old man gets up from his chair. 'Want anything while I'm in the kitchen?' he asks.'Will you get me a bowl of ice cream?''Sure.''Don't you think you should write it down so you...

  7. Most of you don't know me these days. I am not like I was when most of you knew me. My life is as far from what I had planned as it could be. I am not complaining as I need to take control and move on. There are a few things I do for my own survival. I have become a handicapped individual that was used to being able to do anything I wanted (that is what most of you remember). I have become an avid pc gamer because if I wasn't I would go stark raving mad. Yes I know some will say "Dean you alr...

  8. What are you doing for New Year?

  9. My Christmas was one of my best in my memory!

  10. I want to wish each and everyone of you a merry Christmas and may you have a safe wonderful time with your family!

    1. Mercy


      Have a Merry Christmas Bigmeandean! I hope you have a wonderful day!

  11. Have you ever had the feeling that the hammer was ready to drop on you? If you have then you know what I am feeling most days. It's nothing but me not having the capability of dealing with stress. I create stress of my own just me being me. I sure do wish I could get rid of this constant nagging feeling it's about to all come unraveled.

  12. When was the last time you stopped and talked with a homeless person?

    1. PingLo


      How are things Dean?

    2. PingLo


      How are things Dean?

  13. I am seeing one major topic in almost all the social mediums I am part of today, and that is "gun control". Somewhere along the line we seem to have picked up the idea that congress wants to do away with the 2nd amendment. Well they can't! You see the Supreme Court has already determined that the "right to have and bear arms" is a fundamental right for us here in the states. It is also assumed that assault rifles are the problem but in reality they are not used hardly ever in the mass killing...

  14. Remember to smile because you never know the person that sees you smile may just be the one that needs some very positive support!

  15. ***This came from someone else's wall...I believe that it is really well stated***The answer to GUN CONTROL is like this- A sheep farmer goes out to his pasture and finds that several of his sheep were slaughtered in the night by wolves. The farmer was distraught that the sheep had no defense, and even more upset that he had no way of finding these wolves. Knowing he couldn't predict or prevent their return and that he couldn't always be there to protect his sheep, he makes a decision. He...

  16. I was just reading the comments to the original story that yahoo had about the horrible event of yesterday. It seems most everyone is of the opinion that this was the most horrific tragedy of this kind for some time as its toward children! I am glad that we as a people here in America have the heart to show compassion when things like this happens! Thank God for that!

  17. What is your favorite Christmas memory?

  18. I remember when I was a child growing up on the farm. We were taught principles that I still count as important to me today. Respect for others was high on the list but also something that goes with it and that is trust! I remember we never ever locked our home and if a neighbor or friend or family member came by and needed to use the phone it was fine to do so. Now in those same farming neighborhoods you double check to see if the whole place is secure. People you think are your friends just...

  19. To all my family where ever you are I am looking to acquire a copy of the video of Aunt Lois and Aunt Venita telling stories from way back and having a grand old time at the campground one year at a family reunion I was unable to attend. I am willing to pay for a copy and if you could email it would be grand too! PLEASE let me know how much you need for a copy!

  20. Nothing under the sun is new. It has all be thought about and contrived. When we experience events in our lives whether they are good or bad doesn't matter They are nothing new to humans. Sometimes we think we are the first and only person that has ever experienced the event in our lives until we come face to face with our counter part and stand there realizing we are not alone or nor is our life lesson and test a new one, but just new to us. I find this thought and experience when It happens...

  21. In your own words what is a friend?

  22. I don't consider myself an extremely intelligent man but if you are going to come to me and try to tell me about what I am about and how to change it then you better have some kind of expertise behind what you are saying, or otherwise be prepared to be faced and confronted with what my experience and studies have taught me. So many think they understand mental disorders but the reality is they have no clue as to what they see and hear. There are terms such as "depression" and "anxiety" that...

  23. This goes out for all my friends and family.This is exactly what has been on my heart for the last few days. The holidays are upon us and it can be a very joyful time of year. Some of us have problems during theholidays and sometimes are overcome with great sadness when we remember the loved ones who are not with us. And, many people have no one to spend these times with and are besieged by loneliness. We all need caring thoughts and loving prayer right now. I ask my friends wherever you mi...

  24. Sometimes a small surprise is all it takes to brighten somebody's day. Such was the case yesterday for me. I asked my daughter when she went to the store would ashe get me some season coffee creamer. You know like pumpkin spice or peppermint? Well when she came home she surprised me with the best of them all. My favorite, white chocolate raspberry! Mmmmmmmm! That is my favorite flavor and has been since the beginning of time!

  25. I was made to smile tonight! The turkey dinner went very well! Thanks Stephen you are a wonderful son!

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