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Everything posted by Mummmbl3s

  1. Hey all! A few wanted to see some photos of my new rig that I just built. I have a few taken during the build out. Here's a list for the uber-geek of you out there: SEAGATE MOMENTOUS 750G 2.5" HYBRID XT 720 CORSAIR H80 HYDRO COOLING KIT SEASONIC X660 80+GOLD POWER SUPPLY XFX HD6870 1GB D5 PCIE 2.1 CORSAIR 8GB 2X4 D3 1600 MEMORY ANTEC SOLO II MIDTOWER CASE INTEL BOX INTEL CORE I7 2700K ASUS SABERTOOTH Z77 1155 ATX Pair all of that with my Sceptre 24" LCD - now 3 years old - and lots of accessories... 2 additional internal SATA II drives (600gb and 750gb respectively) and 3 external hard drives, USB hubs, KVM switch, lots of power thingies...battery backup, etc. ...and it's a bit complicated in here. So on to the photos: Basics in before the power supply...there's the Corsair H80 cooler...reversed the air flow to blow OUT...moved the Antec's 120mm fan to the front..pulling air in Wow it worked...had an error on the upload, but there it is. Those are the boxes...before building. Building Windows 7 Pro... Close up of the motherboard...the Asus Sabertooth has this cover over it...with tiny 40mm fans - see the one in the middle - that further cool the components... Before the power supply...rear view... And I can confirm the statement below to be true. It's damned QUIET! Almost done...power supply and modular cords installed... Voila! Everything's basically connected, although I will add 2 hard drives later...I think I have other photos of that...eh..will upload in a comment later maybe...reply... AH! Found the other photos...so here. This was my OLD rig...Core 2 Duo ...not TOO loud, but really BRIGHT - lots of blue lights... Antec 900S case...'gamer' case..yadda yadda...5 years old broken side panel...ugh. New rig...DVD drives installed...video card and there's the fan I moved...on the flip-down section ...there are a couple of dust FILTERS - yeah, filters! - for all air intakes on the front of the case...I'll be curious to see how well these do in my dusty room... More to come in 2nd post..I think I reached the limit of photos.
  2. been saying this a lot lately...."end of an era..." Got into their stuff WAY later than I should have, but always remembered the songs - was oh...6...7...8 years old when the big disco hits happened. Will miss Robin.
  3. howdy! Whelp...got the Fatality headset...it's less than HALF the weight of the G35 and sounds almost exactly the same! Both headsets have the same 40mm speakers...same audio range. I think the G35s give you a more 'immersion' sensation, but the pressure they put on your head and ears...doesn't do it for me. So far, so great! And, I got them for...around $35.00. They're very comfortable. Doesn't eliminate my head/neck issues 100%, but it's much better. I'd recommend these. Inexepensive, SUPER comfortable, and they sound fantastic! I do miss my voice changer and squirrel voice, though.
  4. Ok Amazon...I'm too late. SO... G35 goin' up for sale. I'll post something in a bit. Probably...around $100.00...maybe a drop under. I'm gettin' the new Fatal1ty set. Supposed to be less than half the weight of the G35. Hopefully my neck won't hurt with that one.
  5. ok...after days of tryin' I can't even make one note
  6. and...may the farts be with you.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBiLAy7mDbw&feature=fvwrel
  7. hiya Heelz!! Belated welcome.
  8. Possibly! Gotta see if Amazon will take it back first 'cause then I'll get everything refunded. Few days of NOT using it..my neck is significantly better! DAMN @#% logitech...I swore off them years ago and this is what I get for going back. I definitely need a lightweight headset. Maybe Sennheiser...Bose...or another brand. Or...desktop MIC it is...
  9. ok..update on the G35. Sound: AWESOME...it's detached sound...like you're listening in a room..amazing ambience created by the virtual surround. Comfort: ok, but...see below. Mic: excellent and everyone now hates me 'cause I use the squirrel voice changer all the time. So what's the problem? I now have significant neck and middle-back pain. The headset is SO heavy and pushes on the ears so much that after a few hours gaming, I've screwed up my neck and back. So...I'm gonna have to dump this headset for a lightweight model. Will post about it once I decide on something. The Fatality is looking good at this point...light and excellent sound. We'll see. I'll miss my little squirrel voice, but I'm sure other's won't.
  10. Ok..so I'm about an hour late, but happy birthday anyway!
  11. Just saw you're like ...2 miles from me lol! Check that member map! Have a great day, bud! Mummm
  12. gonna do a test for icelizard... I'm clicking Image, then this url from flickr to see if it works...
  13. Not sure what kind of PC you have, but you would need a FIBER channel interface. However, a PCI fiber channel bus card - just a simple 1 or 2 port - will run you...at least $950.00. Those drives are really cool, but not designed for a normal PC. They're usually used in storage area networks (SANS) for very high-volume and high availability applications - lots of people doing video editing/etc. You would probably notice stuff loading slightly faster and if you're copying multi-gigabytes of data, you'll see that it takes less time to do so. Not worth it for the money. But you could sell them on Ebay for a decent price, I think. You won't get ...maybe $150.00 for them per...probably less. Sorry.
  14. Ok The Mummmbl3s story. Worked at Sony Music International as a consultant back in oh...1996, I think. I was in charge of all the PC techs - supervisor. We had these wonderful walkie-talkies and the boss would keep in touch with us via those 'lil boxes. Anyways, the boss loved to yell and curse the SHIT ouf of us on a regular basis. Someone would call him, yell, then he'd redirect. So, me being the supervisor, I'd be called in all the time to explain things. He'd call me into his office, start in loud and foul, and I'd kinda mummble back something...and he'd say, "SPEAK UP, stop MUMMBLING!" Eventually, he'd just call me in via the walkie talkie: " GET IN HERE MUMMBLES!" So...me, the MAC supervisor, and the Sony Studio B (the place where Michael Jackson did a lot of his later recordings) tech. guy played DOOM 3D on the network together. Since I wasn't an employee, I was directed to a huge pile of discarded computers. So, I put together a really crappy, but heavily modified computer from various parts...extra hard drives, extra memory, video card, etc. I had the absolutely worst machine of the three of us. Still, I was able to kick ass. DOOM was our only diversion from the craziness. So...we all had to have names...forgot what the other guys called themselves, but my name was OBVIOUS: MUMMBLES. I modified it to Mummmbles to give it that extra mummm effect. It stuck...too well. Mummmbles became my online personna. I ended up being a clan leader of some Quake II Jailbreak and QIII Jailbreak clans, had lots of LAN parties that we called MLAN - http://www.theseltzers.com/larry/LANPARTY/ - and eventually, I changed the E to a 3 ya know..ta make it...hAcKeR-ish...eh, whatever. I had a www.mummmbles.com for a while, but gave it up. People ended up calling me 'Mummm' in person. EVERYONE cracks the mummble jokes. What can I say? If you had that guy screamin' at you, you'd mummble too. Then, of course, he'd say, "Stop mummbling! ANSWER ME!" Was funny after a while. Offered me a job at least 3 times. Kinda glad I turned him down 'cause I went on to a significantly better job that lasted almost 7 years. Ahhh..memories! My original online name was Figaro 'cause I was studying opera for several years - legit baritone. Yeah...there's like 5 or 6 lives in me...LONG story... Mummm
  15. whoo hooo EGGY! I thought you were already in! So are we like...gonna get hazed for being noob Idiots?
  16. another thought... are you synchronizing with a smart phone? If it's ALL incoming messages, it's definitely a forward or a smartphone that's deleting messages after it downloads them. If it's only certain apparently random messages, then it could be the server's antivirus moving or deleting your items. If you're not the admin, then whomever is should check. It's a 30-second thing to figure out, unless it's not forwarding. And wouldn't it be nice if everyone stopped using Outlook in 2005? ALL of my 120 some-odd clients use it. Even thouse with Gmail use Outlook to access it. Home users mostly use whatever they've been using. Many of those are still using old versions of Outlook. I'm not a fan of Outlook 2010. Some things are better, others are awful. But Outlook holds a very high percentage in the email client market. I believe it's something around 94%. Outlook comes 'free' with just about ANY hosted Exchange environment and anyone who has an Exchange Server setup. It is commercial software, yes. The true competitors to Outlook are almost gone. The largest is Lotus Notes. Mummm
  17. it's funny, people always called me an idiot. It's about time that I took my place...
  18. NO Shuck it Bob! *says in chipmunk voice* Shuck it definitely sounds better in chipmunk mode.
  19. thanks! I've been on the COD5 servers before...just not as much. Do you guys do, or have ever done, rifles-only? hmm?
  20. me me meeee... (in squirrel voice) *pant pant pant* Do squirrels pant?
  21. not sure if this matters, but I just changed my 'nickname' on XFire to Mummmbl3s>XI< I think I'll still come up as Mummmbles, though.
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