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google last won the day on July 13 2023

google had the most liked content!

About google

  • Birthday 04/12/1969

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    Falticeni Romania
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  1. Sorry to hear this bro.. Thoughts and prayers to you and u family
  2. Is anyone playing this game on EU server ? FU beeeech
  3. I'm still here beech..I can't part with @P!nkbut I don't play cod4 anymore,now I'm a ship captain in World of Warships :)
  4. how do you start it ?? start with auxiliary engine?? or gasoline preheater
  5. no need.. you pussy RC kiler I enter the server once a year,to check if anything has changed with this RC kill. I refuse to play with players whose skill is killing with RC and I can't defend myself I had a lot of fun before pride and carelessness from 2019 I check every year if changes have been made ,maybe I'll come back sometime ,when I will find the same fun................see you next year BEECH
  6. google


  7. After 12 years I still love you all let me know when kill by RC fgk car disappear from the server )))) fu beech
  8. keep your mind clear bro..Take care of yourself
  9. hi, what games do you play? or you will play...
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