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Everything posted by Streetcleaner

  1. Idiot Paradise..... Go with the flow.....Titanic
  2. that and a bat house are on my list for this spring,the hive will start out with 150 bees the bat house....none,lol they will move in.I have woods and creek in my back yard,so it will all be good....I hope. Bees for the gardens and flowers and general pollination.The bats,mosquitos...
  3. Wow ! that's a lot to go through and on top of that only 45 days into your new job floating between insurance...timing like that is my middle name, so I know how shit can go sideways real quick but it sounds like your going to attack this situation all out and with help and some luck it will just be a distant memory as you move forward and I'm sending good vibes your way brother as well.You were just given a whole new lease on life and I know your whole perspective on life has changed and for the better I'm sure.....and yes....no more effing cigarettes bro. and a better diet and exercise.There is a guy here I play paintball with who is 67 and had a heart attack last spring and he's out playing again ! This dude just shows me there is life after and motivates me to take way better care of myself,which I do...try doing Paleo....aarrgghhh but it's helping me in all kinds of areas but is not an easy diet(lifestyle) but I'm keeping to it ! I'm 57 and keeping up with guys in their 20's except injuries...lol because I have many miles on this body from playing sports my whole life and I'm not that flexable anymore...uh...time to take up yoga ,I guess. Just keep on keeping on and stay active Phuck and you will get through this.You already did the first step by surviving.
  4. "Walk softly....but carry a Big Mac.
  5. Huh....didn't notice.... those damn Chem trails
  6. Sweet Mike !! I own one myself, it's from around 89-90 has the big writing on the head stock I put EMG's in it of course and a Schaller Lockmiester trem on it but she plays really nice sounds really good too.....yeah what TBB said,now you need to learn how to play it....
  7. What's in a name anyways Eh...........? I have many,the list might be too long to post.......
  8. A.K.A Rob mcLovin A.K.A. Rob mcClean .......wait...I'm sorry,that's too close to $treetcleaner ....
  9. As long as there is no high fructose corn syrup, you're good ! \m/
  10. Toasted sourdough with white sharp cheese some bacon of your choice and a good thousand Island dressing and the tomato of your choice.....solid sandwich !!
  11. Hell to the fuckin' yeah !! I'm enjoying my little California golds I have a bunch of plants because they are so bite size and delicious not many make it back into the house also have some brandywines and roma's and etc....
  12. you are definitely living the dream Broheim ! .... \m/ \m/ you're such a pothead .....lol ... a couple of my old band mates are in a band playing a benefit show Sunday night at the Village Theater in Mainstrasse village in Northern KY. Covington. I might get up with them and jam on some old classic rock tunes.The drummer is actually the drummer for my original project I have going.Should have some tunes on Spotify by December.....keep jammin' Stormy
  13. Here's the quad air https://buyquadair.com/gsrch/US/?ci=13260110392&ai=125651620471&de=c&cr=523935550983&gclid=Cj0KCQiA0p2QBhDvARIsAACSOOPKEKTrcZf1AlMZT8W4yD5Ck7AyeSv2JNDhaXx-Ub99JT5ZUaoEGRsaAhB3EALw_wcB
  14. I have been looking to buy a drone myself for many things like aerial surveillance to birds eye videos and pictures and last but not least paintball...yes ,that's right UAV for big games or private games.One I was looking at was the Quad Air ...have you done any research on this one? let me know, Thx !
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