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Everything posted by Icey

  1. i figured that since it was running on other servers ok
  2. i kept it low on MB and it supports FT aswell
  3. ==================================================================== map title: mp_db_snowypark map version: 1.0 Original Creator: EA Games Recreated & modified by: Icey Xfire: vadegaming steam: icey_ Origin: IceyNL Website: http://mappersunited.com/ & http://dbleveldesign.exodus-multigaming.eu/ ==================================================================== Features : - Custom winter textures and models - Original mohaa ambient sound track - Fast pace Action like the old days - Can climb some trees ==================================================================== map size - small/medium Teams : Allies - Marines Axis - German Supported Gametypes - Team Deathmatch - Search & Destroy - Capture the Flag - Headquarters - Deathmatch - Domination - Sabotage - Freezetag ==================================================================== ==================================================================== Credits & Thanks - Mappers United ( thx Ray and crew for having a good home for our mapping community.) - Zeroy's wiki Thanks to Treyarch for providing the tools/assets. ==================================================================== Additional notes All original and composed textures or assets in this modification remain property of the sources respective owners. ==================================================================== Downloads http://www.exodus-multigaming.eu/download/cod5/mp_db_snowypark.rar http://www.gamefront.com/files/24755469/mp_db_snowypark.rar
  4. Maya is being used in the mappers and modders scene
  5. this happens with more then 1 map ye, it crashed waw, after restart waw its ok again. maybe a faulthy custom model or texture is usually causing it.
  6. ill make sure this one isnt passing the 50mb so this one can be played on the FT server aswell.
  7. thx again dont know bout the ray gun haha
  8. thx guys looking into to get it rdy also for the freezetag server.
  9. while working on navarone i had some requests to rebuild snowypark for dm gametype. Since its not a to big map and a typical dm run and gun map i started with it. It has the stock ambient sound aswell whats been used on mohaa's snowypark.
  10. Icey

    COD5 Hunt Xmas

    Version 1.0


    Xmas version of the map Hunt Winter
  11. Icey

    COD5 Hunt Winter

    Version 1.0


    Remake of Mohaa's stock map The Hunt in winter style for COD5
  12. thx Phoenix like i explained earlier to beers that i not really intend to create another way to the church, the layout is close to original, i just changed some buildings and opended them up. Mohaa maps and especially hunt were/are known for their great gameplay and i like to try to keep it that way. If i add another way it means i have to change alot of geometry of the map and the gametypes that goes with it, it means it changes the way S&D, CTF,TWAR , SAB etc etc plays aswell. the map supports all gametypes. Normally no problem and like beers said, always willing to lissen to idea's etc but for this its imo not good for the map.
  13. thx on request i added playability at the church, besides the stock way (side of the church) that u already could get up u also can het through the inside up all the way to the top. U will find boxes inside the churchm from there u can get up to the attic and then by ropes u can get higher on to the roof etc.
  14. ye i think so to, atm working on snowypark from mohaa, prolly some more to follow.
  15. Update! 28-12-14 During playing on XI server we found a glitch. (building ground lvl of storage boxes) Fixed it and at the same time i added a bit of gameplay at the church. (per request) Its now possible to get acces to the top of the church and roof. ( accesable from inside the church by the boxes) This goes for both versions, hunt_winter and hunt_xmas are updated. Hunt_Winter http://www.exodus-multigaming.eu/download/cod5/mp_hunt_winter.rar Hunt_xmas http://www.exodus-multigaming.eu/download/cod5/mp_hunt_xmas.rar Can also get them from my site. http://dbleveldesign.exodus-multigaming.eu/
  16. Update! 28-12-14 During playing on XI server we found a glitch. (building ground lvl of storage boxes) Fixed it and at the same time i added a bit of gameplay at the church. (per request) Its now possible to get acces to the top of the church and roof. ( accesable from inside the church by the boxes) This goes for both versions, hunt_winter and hunt_xmas are updated. Hunt_Winter http://www.exodus-multigaming.eu/download/cod5/mp_hunt_winter.rar Hunt_xmas http://www.exodus-multigaming.eu/download/cod5/mp_hunt_xmas.rar Can also get them from my site. http://dbleveldesign.exodus-multigaming.eu/
  17. ye like labob says , the only thing changed is the .ff m8
  18. the original mohaa hunt never had ladders in the church in the first place, keep it original and maybe check the map first before critizise since its wide open and almost every building is accesable.
  19. sorry for the trouble but i also updated this one a little bit and fixed some clippings that came to light. couple haystacks needed clipping and the barnfloor is reclipped. here's the fixed version http://www.exodus-multigaming.eu/download/cod5/mp_hunt_xmas.rar
  20. updated* fixed some little things that came to light by a public tactical server that are running the map on their server. Haystacks clipped and barnfloor reclipped, some area's players could fall through. same dl link can be used since i replaced the old one with this one. http://www.exodus-multigaming.eu/download/cod5/mp_hunt_winter.rar
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