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Everything posted by Kev-Turbo

  1. lol yeah i thought it was quite good the way it was done
  2. I wonder how long he practiced to do this..................lol
  3. Hi guys welcome to the family enjoy and have fun, hope to see u in the servers soon
  4. Hi guys welcome to the family have fun and enjoy, hope to see u in the servers soon
  5. thats not right man!!!!!!!!!
  6. lol mate sorry cant help u in that case i know nothing about 7.
  7. Hi sonovabitch i had the same problem with mine it turned out to be the mic was faulty. what do u use a mic on its own or a headset with mic??
  8. like it says above the guy needs proper help where the staff wear white coats and the walls of your room are padded for your safty. lol
  9. Welcome to the family enjoy and have fun see u in the servers
  10. Hi guys surfin you tube and found this can anyone tell me or help me have the music in my sig?
  11. Hi guys sorry to sound like an IDIOT lol but what is this program whats it for and do??? Thanks
  12. Hi bud welcome glad to see u on the webby sorry im late didnt know u had posted, c u soon in server and person lol
  13. I know people would buy the game instead of sticking by the pretion. lol No game for me im happy to play COD 4 unless they do deds
  14. i agree not gettin me to buy it till they do ded's im more than happy to play COD4 and i stick by my sig on the pretition and stay true to all the guys who fight for ded's on MW2 and the clan no matter how long it takes.
  15. well im goin to put my 2 pence worth in as well, i agree somthing needs to be done rugger i was in there the otherday and i had a big 1 to myself as there was lots at one time to kill i used about 5 or 6 clips or ammo then someone came used maybe 1 clip and killed it and got the ponits. i thinks maybe the best way to tackel this is to have the big ones the same points as normal zombies because i think the big ones being harder to kill makes the server more interesting and fun zombies with a twist. or i dont know if it can be done but the hole game would be more fair if the points went to the person who shot the big zombie the most........but again it wont stop the people goin for the big ones only.
  16. Hi daffy welcome to >XI< and the family mate enjoy and have fun
  17. Great mods guys thanks its a good job loads better. keep it up!!!!
  18. hi frost welcome mate to XI have fun see u in the servers soon
  19. Hi Rugger sorry to hear about your dad bud, hope your dad gets better soon our best wishes go to him, you and your family for a quick recovery and dont worry about us. Take care mate all the best kev and family
  20. Welcome guys to our family have fun and hope to see u soon in the servers enjoy>XI<
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