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Everything posted by Elvis9

  1. I am not sure, wait, yes I do
  2. Ty eraser, it was good to see the crusher in person!
  3. Here is Crusher and I , had a nice visit along with good BBQ
  4. I will be meeting up with Crusher in Dallas today, I will have to fight the rush hour traffic to get there, Crusher , you better be worth it, lol.
  5. You might of had a better response had it been on a Sunday instead of a Saturday
  6. I would, but is my day off and I will probably be out and about with my wife
  7. lots of taqueria's in L.A......???????
  8. that's too bad, very shocking coming from tunnel rat!
  9. He might fall asleep while you are talking to him, he has done that to me on the phone, he was snoring, also on teamspeak...lol
  10. I have no idea what chile is talking about!
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