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Posts posted by Elmo

  1. go to your control panel... select sound...on the sound panel... select recording... click on your green check marked microphone... in microphone properties click on levels... then on the slide bar advance the level to 100% see if that helps! in the same panel you can click on listen and you can hear your feed back! just click on listen to device... pick a plackback through this device(usually whatever your headphones are called!) then click apply at the bottom of the box or window! this should help with your mic issue!

  2. We've sort-of secured the 64 slot US server for this scrim. I've also sort-of gotten confirmation from two admins they'll be helping out so that password thing won't be a problem. I will do a PM flood to everyone who's said they're showing up to confirm and then I will draft the teams.


    I've already gotten suggestions for modes, but I will hold out a minute for the actual team sizes because I don't think carrier assault will work with two teams of 8.


    My thinking right now is: 

    - one round of CTF

    - one round of CQ-S on a small map with limited vehicles (the foresty one with the aztec temple and one LAV and one tank looks pretty decent for small teams with vehicular warfare)

    - one round of Gun Master with idiotic/explosive weapons (USAS, C4, M320, XM25, crossbow w/ explo bolts, that railgun thing, mortar, claymore for instance. Still working this one out)


    - a round of Demolition replacing whichever of these modes doesn't suit people. 


    The idea being to have three modes we don't play normally (most of us don't play CTF or Demolition very much and my personal experience is virtually nobody ever plays as a team with vehicles, so that could be interesting and different) 


    If there are any issues with server availability Jay and Murda will be the ones who are held to be at fault. We can make them buy a few rounds of drinks in York i there's issues. :)

    if you are going to do gun master i think it is best to let the server pick the weapons, because the mortar thing is going to be nonsense! i would prefer the map 311 for a gun master! just my thoughts!

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