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Everything posted by CplAh

  1. Is there a place on this site to download all the maps at once instead of waiting for them all do download in-game?
  2. Hahaha, nevermind... about 20 mins after it started to work i got the message again.... still having the same issue.... %#@% @%$# @^#%$^@ #^$#@
  3. Thanks for all the help. Turns out my front USB ports have low power supported to them so I plugged the headset into the back of my pc and BAM everything works. Who woulda thought it would be something so simple that made me say the four letter word more in an hour than in a life time. HAHAHA! Thanks again all!
  4. Hahahah. i wish it was that simple, but even when i load up teamspeak there's an X where it should be a green circle (when talking).
  5. Hey all, I'm having some issues with my pc. I'm getting this error "the controller does not have enough bandwidth". I have plugged into usb my Keyboard (Logitec G11), mouse (logitec G5) and my headset (Razor Megalodon). Any idea what could be causing this? Everything work but my mic.
  6. CplAh


    At work.
  7. Hey all. after being MIA the past month or so, i will be back up and killing this weekend. Lots of new part for my pc, so i hope putting it all back together with the new additions will work this time!
  8. Was she good lookin at least? HAHAHA!
  9. Hey, can anyone tell me why COD WAW looks like the this??
  10. Since i cannot access my PC at this time, does anyone know how i can connect the internal hard drive in my pc to my laptop so i can completely wipe it clean? ALSO does anyone know of a program i can use to low-level wipe my harddrive? Im not sure if theres a virus on it, but a lot when wrong with my pc all at once, so to be sure i want to try to wipe it clean. Thanks
  11. Hey all, Just recently my computer ventured me into the matrix (lines on the screen) and then my screen just started to go black. After a lot of "FUCK!, DAMN IT! and WHAT THE FUCK!"s being thrown around, it now doesnt load past the "Starting Windows" screen. I googled all the symptoms and it came down to a Videocard problem. Does anyone have any suggestions on a good PCI-Express videocard that can play the most recent games. I'm only looking to spend up to $150, but the cheaper the better. My old card was a GeForce 8800 GT. Thanks!
  12. Hey everyone, just thought i'd show off my new additions to the family! Blake, Daniel (big brother) and Jayson Jayson Blake
  13. Thanks everyone. They're all home now and healthy!!
  14. Well the only thing they forgot to do was jump up and down.
  15. First post i read this morning, thanks for the laugh Chile, but no i really don't want to talk about it.
  16. CplAh


    Hey Beks from Canada! Welcome!
  17. Well, dinner is over, my belt and pant button are undone, im tired, stuffed, and lazy as hell now... why are there sooo many dishes...? Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving!
  18. Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians out there! Drink and eat a Bird!
  19. Yeah im in Pet, just a 20 minute drive to Quebec to get 24 can of pretty much anything for $24.00.
  20. I love going to Quebec for beer, sooooo much cheaper than ontario prices. I blame Dalton Mcguinty for everything thats over priced in Ontario.
  21. Hey all, Does anyone know where i can download all the COD world at war patches from? Thanks.
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