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Everything posted by eidolonFIRE

  1. Don't be afraid... I'm very skilled. Make sure you have extra blank tapes and pick out your favorite wine.
  2. I need to start making videos like this... you could make serious money on the ad revenue.
  3. let us know what they taste like...
  4. Ahhh, I don't think it's as mainstream as you seem to think lol. It is however mainstream to jump on the bank-wagon, just to avoid coming under fire from homo-hater--haters. (that is, don't get in the way of people who hate the people who dislike gays... lol)
  5. what is your function @@Icequeen?
  6. Yea... @lom already dropped a big one and I stepped in it.
  7. hey, wait, I thought YOU were 80 years old?
  8. "oops, it's stuck on repeat for some reason... that's weird... oh well."
  9. gf wants to binge watch all 5 seasons... score...
  10. Is there not just a header on the file with all the meta/context data?
  11. I'm telling you, @@iboomboom knows...
  12. He plans on covering most of Africa with them... Gotta get new sources of ad revenue. lol.
  13. Hence the UAVs.. There's no way around the high latency though. If you want low latency, you need physical connection.
  14. I really don't see why it's such a big media topic. Don't we have anything better to do than hear about how confused it is over it's gender? Who gives a fuck?!
  15. I believe mark zuberpunch is looking to provide internet to rural areas via high elevation UAVs.
  16. @ has mentioned that they are going to accept only demos in the future with this: http://www.xtremeidiots.com/topic/53196-c-developer-small-project/ I agree with @@Blaze. PM's being delivered to personal email really is all most admins need. Both @@SupaDupa and I go that rout and it works fine. Email is easily accessible everywhere we go. (smart phone) The last thing I need is some obnoxious chat every time somebody wants to "!fu" me.
  17. http://www.xtremeidiots.com/topic/53191-x-fire-shutdown/
  18. You know a game has a problem when you need to commission a ticket submission system to handle all the hack'usations. bahahahaa
  19. Well, my team and I have never used x-fire It's bloat-ware as far as I'm concerned.
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