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Everything posted by eidolonFIRE

  1. Without a molten core, plate tectonics is impossible.
  2. Congrats Edd! What will be your first action in office? Maybe stimulus package?
  3. The coolest part about all this to me is that we were able to strap a camera to a rocket and fire it so accurately This is the second coolest thing since landing a camera on a comet.
  4. Cool size comparison. I highly doubt it has a molten core. Some melted ice maybe, but no molten anything.
  5. ah... I don't think that's possible considering it's ice and doesn't have a molten core.
  6. Many people have told me that it's a good idea to just jump in head first and buy a crappy house for an outrageous price. However, I want to look for an alternative option. Cities change and in 10 years like you say, tech can go elsewhere. Think of detroit when the car companies moved out. My supposed $1mil house would then be worth it's real value of $40k. Right now there are some big cities in texas that are REALLY booming and expanding with tech. In some cases there's no tax and there's always tons of cheap land. In 10 years an awful lot can change. The dotcom era is over and there's no guarantee that the bay area will continue to hold it's value for any longer than the companies stay here. Anything from a company leaving to a big earthquake could change things drastically. Buying a crappy house at super inflated prices to me is like buying stock when it's at it's highest. Like I said, I would rather look for an alternative that isn't such an expensive risk. Probably I'll buy something as far out as I can reach with a daily commute. At least then I could get a few acre's of land and a house that reflects the price more accurately.
  7. It's all a beautiful green during winter and spring. It only dries out like that during the summer.
  8. I actually did a thorough looking into getting a 21' rv. I calculated that I'd save about $20k/yr (post-tax). It would require too much of a lifestyle change though.
  9. My gf's sister put an offer on a house... we went to go see it. - Bad side of Palo Alto - 1/8 acre maybe? - windows busted out and boarded up - landfill front "yard" - all uneven wood floors and all buckling up by 6" - some walls rotted out and drywall falling away - 2 bedrooms - cubicle bunk rooms setup in garage for renting out (lots to tear out) - layout was very reminiscent of cheap military housing - corner liquor store 200yards away - ALL the cars parked on the street had anti-theft locks on the steering wheels (concerning much?) - TOTAL SHIT HOLE Listed at $450k with 29 offers. WHAT THE ROYAL WHOHUH? To compare, this is the house my parents sold in VA not long ago... http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2140-Flint-Hill-Rd-Powhatan-VA-23139/108013910_zpid/
  10. Roads like that are fun but you gotta be extra careful, they attract some real crazies. Did you know people will move large distances just to be closer to that road?
  11. Went backpacking to Henry W. Coe state park here in CA. These are high-res images and it wouldn't let me upload them cause they're too big... so you'll just have to click the links. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Vaz3nnYzGnI4lO4ay1LHQvWfHSWtNcRvNY-pToi_dII=w2482-h1352-no https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/5un6qu2G4R3fBjIK-z1QSiFNvw0BLdYQnIpKxBPwooI=w2482-h952-no https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/aeo9dU-1pOpi8_6s3bPMwVs2PxlSSmFTYb8Oc_h4y7Q=w2482-h526-no
  12. I really like this one... reminds me of OH just south of Lake Erie where I spent first 10 years of my life. Great pic, just need to crop off a bit from the bottom.
  13. Which is why I'm looking for a house. lol. Oh, and the same thing in SF is about $5000/m
  14. OH GOOD! I have pain in my... er.... this patch'll be good while on the servers!
  15. I'm in north SJ. In Aug my lease is renewed to $2450/m for a 1bedroom aprt.
  16. So jealous of that view! I would just sit out back every evening and smoke my pipe with a cool craft beer... sigh... I've been trying to figure out what to do about housing here... rent is drying me up and houses here are astronomically priced. (you might be able to find a porta-john in an ally for around $75k) I'm almost definitely going to get something as far out of town as I can find with an 1hr-1.5hr commute. Pleasanton looks like a good candidate.
  17. I tried telling myself that too... it didn't help.
  18. Terrible software... and that's a terrible news site. (if you can call it that) HTML5 is the way to go Did you know that you can use youtube with HTML5? https://www.youtube.com/html5 (default in chrome)
  19. The pre-requisite for this class is how to make her happy to start with.
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