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Everything posted by eidolonFIRE

  1. I recently went backpacking and wanted to take some night-sky timelapse shots. Apparently I was still too near the city light pollution and the sky was too washed out to get good exposure time with the stars. A friend recommended using ND filters. Anyone used them? Will they work for night-time stuff? My camera will only allow up to 30 second exposure times and I usually have to go that long to get the light I need.
  2. 2013 called and wants it's viral video back.
  3. Well, thanks for all the time you're putting into this! I am keenly aware of just how much time and work server management can take... Hopefully you can find a solution without too much of a head-ache. Thanks!
  4. so why is cryserv going down? I don't see anything saying that on their website.
  5. ... and he's always babbling something about holding my hand?
  6. that first pic is fantastic! I love the color. You didn't color it post did you?
  7. You've got some competition... there are a few other members round these parts...
  8. I kick so much ass in COD4 people accuse me of hacks too!!! hahaha..... sigh..... all the time..... I'm just.... so good...
  9. hahaha, oh... wait.... hmmmm
  10. First thing I saw was the accurate label over your head... Here sits Toilets, first of his name.
  11. @@hxtr would be pretty terrifying... all the ufo lights in the night would keep me up I think too.
  12. were you splitting lanes? Glad you're (most) ok!
  13. Nice... I have an alpha 5100. How do you like yours? I got mine for video primarily. Photos aren't the sharpest with the stock lens (16-50mm with OSS), but for video it's incredible.
  14. what is "ping poing" in this context?
  15. laser or IR? Use a Qtip and FULLY clean the dust out of the optical sensor.
  16. yall must have small bladders to be pissing no mater what you're doing. I imagine a constant stream of piss...
  17. I think @@codpiece would appreciate how dangerous flying this low is...
  18. wow... that's fucked up... I would check for security tape footage if it exists before it's erased.
  19. New MUSE album! (official album playlist lyrical videos) https://youtu.be/kzbFxLNpguM?list=PLJ_BVVhJUTmSQW96PaWx0mEqW6Yiu9xMD *just a heads up... one of them has a fair bit of frontal nudity.
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