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Everything posted by ALanHim

  1. Cindy is a proper name so it should be Cindy.
  2. Swiss what year did you depart XI? It seems you left shortly after I joined in 2006 to 2007. Good to see your name. What have you been up to all these years? I think you came back several years ago for a bit if I'm not mistaking. Time flies but it seems like 2006 was a long ass time ago. hxtr wants to know btw
  3. Well f you let that pool of beer get warm it's really going to taste like piss then.
  4. They need to put more chees between the toes. Be funny if they had the parmesan cheese shaped like the bottom of a foot and it looked like you were scraping dead skin... aka the cheese.
  5. Tans cop car occupants get asked a question.
  6. Please... pretty please y'all... DON'T PISS IN THE POOL!
  7. To the cartoon Madam... Look at the size of his bucket Madam. Dreaming big is always the way to go and to each man his dream belongs to us, not you. I see your hair is done. I see you have nice shoes on. The dress ok you could be the maid, but my point is Madam, you look well fed and you look clean and done up right even if you are a bit ugly. What is @Budman's doing that he shouldn't be? What ain't he doing that he should? Because Madam you look taken care of. So leave my @BUDMANalone! Quite traying to hack his life! This is why most of us men today drop kick you bitches out of our lives. Not saying Budman will do that to you Madam nor saying you are a bitch. My point it's been done before so don't test him. Just a little friendly advice. Happy Birthday Budman. I love the huge bucket of beer. I have a mini frig full of weed.. well not completely full but that's all that's in it is weed so I'm trying to catch up. Dreaming of a walk in frig someday full full of it.
  8. That would be interesting Budman going from 3 displays down to one curved. Let me do a search on this. I wonder if the curved would be better. OK found lots to choose from. Some of this may help. The Best Curved Monitors for 2024 I like this Samsung. Heck this wide of a display.. heck yet it has to be better than three displays. @TBB needs three of these to make a circle so he can be surrounded by his porn collection. https://www.pcmag.com/picks/the-best-curved-monitors Ultrawide vs. dual monitors: Which should you choose? https://www.pcworld.com/article/395110/ultrawide-vs-dual-monitors.html Here is something that may or may not be an issue with a ultrawide display. I guess Window management. Someone with one can confirm or deny this one. That being said... I like this verdict.
  9. You doing any noodling? I've been playing 2 of N64 fishing games They are quite fun. I have no place to fish around here otherwise.
  10. They need to add a dull knife mode so it take two slices just to mess with you. hahahaha If your hands are like I, I can not play like I use to for more than 20 minutes before I become stiff as a board and not in the good way. I consider it the rewards for playing the game. It is fun though to jump in a game or two and have a blast. Agreed. Get a duller knife and I'll take a slick of your arse.
  11. That looks so good. I'm out of Ice Cream. The cake looks good as well. hahaha jk That cake looks hellofalot better than the ice cream. Happy Birthday Weed!
  12. That's what's wrong with me. All I know my folks and I loved to watch Solid Gold as a kid and they ended up buying Boy Georges Album and a few times I caught myself wondering what he was. 1986 to 89 I think I was wondering.
  13. I imagined it more like this.
  14. Sorry young guys.. older women rock or for TBB and I's case.. Old women. Add about 50 years to my 54 yeas though for TBB. What about her taco's. Not sure why I have dreamed of her taco most of my life. Or was that Boy Gorge's Taco when I got confused as a kid?
  15. I just noticed the taco bell sauce. If in your area give the Ortega brand a try. I think that's were Taco Bell got their flavor from and it taste better if you drink it. Try drinking 25 packets of Taco Bell Sause. It's nasty and I did it on a dare back in the 90's. Take a gulp of Ortega's... yumm yumm.
  16. Oh shit.. Bacon Bit got Slammed!!!!!
  17. You don't like Taco's? He's from Jersey y'all. Ask Pace over there to "get a rope". What about Fish taco's? Not nessisaroly your girlfriends.... any fish taco you want.
  18. That's a Taco Salad... we're doing Salads over here. I love the zoom shots... makes me want a taco salad.
  19. Jumping the shark like in the TV show Happy Days after Fonzie jumped the shark means you ran out of material and you decided to pull stories out ones ass.. or a sharks ass.
  20. Fact: it is Rattlesnake season Fact: I get rattlesnakes here and all kinds of other snakes Fact: Rattlesnakes will never.. I repeat NEVER chase you. Aggressive ones like the Mohave Rattlesnake, is a venomous pit viper species found in the deserts of the southwestern and they will strike quickly and aggressively but it will never chase you. Just don't get close to step on it and you are fine. Fact: Yesterday I sat down about to rinse my body off and I got distracted by a large pretty lady bug. I then reach around to keep the lady bug out of harms before I ran the water and I hear a little rattle... just a short soft rattle. I get up asking myself, "did I just hear a rattlesnake". I peak around the makeshift wall by tank and I realize I was sitting next to a Diamondback with my back next to it in a 2 foot patch of shade next to my seat. When I reached around to put the bug down it gave me a little warning. So I get my trashcan and scoop it up and it doesn't even seem to care. I planned to take it up the road a good mile but decided to let it go where I found it, then I moved in under a tree so I can take a shower. It only rattle once more when bring out of the can and then it moved away on it's own. They stand their ground when threatened and this only only wanted some shade. Opinion: I may be an idiot for not moving the snake far away or killing it but then I can't have any fun looking for it every time I go outside like I'm suppose to any this time of year anyway. Dog has no interest in them. I've had too many close calls I need to stay on alert no matter what so leaving this one around will be a cool test. You can't hardly see him but he is by that wall or roofing material in the shade. That's were my dog goes but only when I tell her.. so I'll always check first. I was sitting on the step to the right, not that center one.
  21. Damn dude.. hang in there. WOW... scary stuff. Man are going though the same thing. I will explain why. I notice you said the word clot and not blood clot. Why is that? What kind of clot was it. The vaccinated are having this issue. They are getting clots growing in their bodies. Would you like proof of this? Would you like to see them? Proper diet for a athlete, get on Ivermectin. You need to detox that mRNA vaccine out of your system. Otherwise them clots will keep growing and keep clotting. I have a list of doctors that will guide you in your efforts. They understand the problem so hit me of if you want to know more about it. Hang in there P-Man... who will give me crap and hate on me if you pass? I need my P-Man around to keep me on my toes.
  22. Listen bacon bit... everything here today is considered gourmet. Have you seen the price of food lately?
  23. Weed your Salad is a bit more authentic.
  24. Seen all these salads so I made my own. Condom mints not shown which was barbecue sauce and ketchup dripping to the point it made a mess hence the foil. The patty with Colby cheese is for the dog as she only gets the good quality cheese. Mine's that tasty Mexican Style Velveeta. Both patty's seasoned pink salt. After a hard day playing with rocks, dirt and sitting right next to a pretty friendly Rattlesnake.... the salad was great. Thanks for the idea Chefs.
  25. Keep her buns off the menu then.
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