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Everything posted by billyblade

  1. this is one of the greatest musicians of all time...enjoy!
  2. the guy is a certified AUTO MECHANIC!!!!!!what a great place like this to abuse his knowledge for idiot gain!!!!welcome to the forums...if you get tired of the same ole targets...come on cod4 ftag 1 and chat it up with us (i really need help with my truck, the playing is secondary).
  3. congrats chief, your wife has the patience of a saint...but now the bad news. Statistically, now that you hit ten years, the only action you'll see is when you get your junk caught in your zipper after taking a piss........somebody call the wahmbulance!!!!!!
  4. man, i didnt play pc games in 83. It was the arcade with the stand up games. Myfav's were "rip off" and "food fight". Now there were some kickass games. Lets not forget the original Donkey Kong!!!!!!
  5. OK, this should be the last post for this. Still the timeout issue. map just seems to stick in a loop where it wont end and go to next map. I'll say this much. I really like it...some wont. Ftag 1 is just too strong..and the acemod a close second. If it cant be worked out then dems' da breaks. It was definitely worth it for something unique. But some things just arent meant to be so....with a sad heart i say scrap it. Maybe we can find something else to fill the void(and server slot).
  6. console came on and told me it was over or something..cant quite remember. i thoght it was you chief.
  7. ITS A BUST!!!!!!!!!CRAP!!!. oH welll, it was worth a try. something different. I still want my pain in the ass medal. I believe its well deserved on this one. Thx again rugger for giving it the ole college try.
  8. it hung up on iceworld yesterday and soccer asrena this morning. You see the timer at top right timeout...then it just goes into a loop with the beeping timer sound (without the timer appearing) and never resets or goes to next map like normal. As far as the black and white thing, ive only seen the two maps in two days, so thats just my idiotic assumption based statistically on two maps in a row.
  9. oh rugger, it almost seems destined to fail Played this morning on soccer arena map. I failed to mention yesterday, but now i have confirmation, maps are coming up black and white. Use of night vision almost a must to combat that. Server hung up at end of map timeout like yesterday. Whats a poor, unskilled idiot like myself to do? On another note, for all idiots, a brief explanation of the purpose of the mod. This is what you would describe as "ARCADE STYLE" gaming. For those of us over 40, we remeber the old style arcade games that actually cost a quarter to play. In those games, realism was out the window. You always had almost godlike health to ensure you survived long enough to enjoy some of the punishment you would either dish out or take, or both. The way the mod is setup, if you had a full room of idiots ganging up on one person only, its hilarious...not to mention that the one person has enough health to withstand such a barrage and keep talking smack the whole time to his aggressors. The purpose is not to gain points, simply to survive longer than the others for bragging rights. I hope that if the mod survives and folks come and play that they remember this is the most UNREALISTIC MOD SETUP FOR STRICTLY SELFISH AND SADISTIC REASONS. Ya'all gotta trust me when i say pounding an opponent for what seems an eternity with an endless supply of ammo is not only fun...but very funny as well. Its also a refreshing break from what the normal operating standard and pyrpose of most other gametypes...so dont be afraid to give it a try. Thx for listening all.XI RULZ YOU FOOLZ!!!!!!!!
  10. you know whats in the blood that keeps us alive????????????its MSG.
  11. server is great! cant wait to seea full room of idiots running around with their pants on fire!!!played a match with sephiroth and fireuza. Big fun..lotsa laughs!!! only problem is after match was complete, mapo stuck in timeout loop and will not go to next map . Maybe i should get a pain in the ass award for this at the end?
  12. ok, tried to log on, got this message"server is a differnet version 1.6"
  13. why is it smiling? You must have finally stopped playing with it all the time and now its happy
  14. was playing over an hour on busterville.....score 300 to 100. Very long map..even longer than kings own borders
  15. two cowboys are caught trying to rustle some horses from a tribe of indians. They are brought before the chief for sentencing. He says to them, "you palefaces have two choices. Either death, or Bushwa." the first cowboy, not wanting to die, says, "i'll take Bushwa". The chief turns and hollers"BUSHWA!!" at that a 7 foot brave with a dick hanging beneath his loincloth to his knees appears from a teepee, comes over, grabs the cowboy, drops his pants and rawdogs him for an hour. The chief then turns to the other cowboy and says' "what about you paleface?" The cowboy, thinKing himself clever says, "I'll take DEATH!!!!!" The chief then crys out "DEATH BY BUSHWA!!!!!"
  16. heres a thought rugger. Maybe we can run it without the timeout and keep the respawn like a normal deathmatch. Turn the friendly fire off and call it....drumroll pleezz..................SLUGFEST!!!! whatcha think? might save alot of the mod hassle but still allow for unlimited carnage!!! we'll just dispense with the lms aspect for now.
  17. a mouse and an elephant cross paths on a jungle trail. The mouse says to the elephant "ya know, ive never made it with an elephant before, what do ya think, you interested?" The elephant considers this and decides whats the harm, so she says "ok". The mouse scrambles up her backleg, lifts the tail and proceeds to go to town. After a few minutes pass a coconut falls out of a tree and hits the elephant on the head...she says "ow, that hurt!" to which the mouse screams "Take it all Baby!!!!!"
  18. nice to see you here crazy,. Have plyed with you quite a bit here lately and always enjoy it...especially when you are on my team.
  19. i had a question. What is the possibility of running the mod in free for all with a no respawn option. This way if someone joins the server in midmatch, they still get a chance to play. Now i realize that this may cause some to Get out of server and just rejoin to keep playing or "win" if you will. Those are the same types to pull that crap in ftag...one warning then BAM!...banned for just shitty approach and regard for rules. Just a suggestion chief. I am soo stoopid bout all this mod stuff, all i know is the end result. I cant imagine (and to be honest, dont wanna know...my pea brain can only take so much) what kind of work goes into setting these things up. Thx again rugger for all your work and consideration.
  20. i was wondering the same thing chief....patience is a virtue, and i am not a person with much virtue.......i have xi ocd...
  21. its a tas...just small and malnourished if its anything. And as far as the mange goes, i have a slight case myself on the the top of my head, as im sure a lot of idiots have as well. Its more the slow progressive kind tthat only agitates my mental state more than the actual skin.
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