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Everything posted by tinmann

  1. wow... i had that too. my sister has 2 of them and challenged my nephew and beat him in every game lol those games we grew up on!
  2. I recieved a text from my ex on friday that my 2 girls had a dentist appointment for teeth cleaning on saturday.. I had to get the address from my ex because I never knew who it was, and I took them in........ during the cleaning the hygentist told me my kids have smoker stains on thier teeth, probably from being in enclosed areas with smokers(like a car).... the dentist comes in and looks at the x-rays and finds my youngest has five cavities but they were the same ones she had last year! I cant believe my ex knew about it a year ago and never got them fixed!!!!!!!!!! this crap is so frustrating!!!! I made her an appointment to get them fixed when my son gets his cleaned the next weekend I have them, so i know they will be taken care of. anybody wonder why I want full custody?
  3. I am commercial H.V.A.C-R lead installer, also sheetmetal fabricator for my jobs. been doing it for 23 years... started in residential and now im all commercial for the last 15 years.
  4. after this last pretrial thing, I have agreed to pay $375 per month. there are some modifications made so i have the kids half the time. (for now) Im waiting to hear from my lawyer to see where we go from here. Im not backing down from wanting full custody. we waited in the hallway while our lawyers went in and she tried to tell me she wants her rings back and the piano. lol i told her i dont have the rings and we will see about the piano, it is fine where it is. then she proceeded to ask me about what i was going to do when her boyfriend comes here after they get married....... i asked "when is that gonna happen?" she said "probably next year" too funny to me, she is going to get married a 3rd time? lol some people never learn
  5. BANNPIRE: her income did change enough ( because she went on disability for a while) and my lawyer told me she has a good enough arguement to get the child support..... so first we are going to change the parenting agreement which gives me more time, about half, with my kids... its really sad that she spends about 2 hours with them during the weekdays and the only way they spend time with her on the weekend is when they stay over the bf's house... the new parenting agreement states that the kids cant sleep over the bf's house on school nights. this will be okay for now... she even refused, after saying she would over a month ago, to make my son an eye doctor appointment after she said she would because she owes them money, i made the appointment and got him new glasses and paid up his outstanding balance ( i sent her a copy of the bill because she owes me half)... after this is settled we are going to go for full coustody because of the situation. thank you for the advice! i really do appreciate it!
  6. nice rig! wish i could build a new one too
  7. october 28 i will find out more. i already know im going to be forced to pay something for now...... cant wait for this part to be over! when it is done, it will be my turn
  8. thank you hunter! I plan to keep this thread updated until its all done and over. after that, I may not have anything to complain about. lol
  9. after speaking to my lawyer, she cannot demand anything I have once the divorce was finalized and she had plenty of time after to take whatever she wanted. I find it entertaining to get a text this morning from my ex asking about the jewelry she left here. I will not answer it. todays court date has been postponed till October to give me another month with the new parenting agreement
  10. today I let my ex get some dining furniture that I no longer need and she demanded I give her back her wedding ring and anniversary band that she gave to me 4 years ago...she threatened to tell the judge that she wants them back and a bunch of other stuff too... she doesn't know yet that I sold them for the gold and used the money to give my kids a nice Christmas in 2012. lol
  11. update.... currently having a trial run of the new parenting agreement. the big difference is I do all the driving now increasing my fuel consumption. supposed to go to court Wednesday but my lawyer is trying to postpone it to see how this will work out. also in the new parenting agreement will be a clause that states no sleepovers at boyfriends house on school nights... right now my lawyer has the child support paperwork from her lawyer, she told me im looking at a quarter of my monthly income in support but we are going to try to get that down. I need to look at my budget and see how much I can do without. im not gonna get away with paying nothing, but that will be temporary as I will be going for custody
  12. Thank you all! i couldn't ask for a better extended family
  13. my ex is going for child support after 3 years and wants to change our parenting agreement... if she gets the money I will no longer be able to keep the house that my kids know as "home"... and how much she gets will depend on a new parenting agreement... unfortunately she treats the kids like a fashion accessory and makes them sleep at her boyfriends house together in the same bed... btw 13 year old boy and 8&9 year old girls they always complain to me about it but she don't listen to me or them but even after all this is done, I am going to try to get full custody of my kids so I know they are well taken care of and can sleep in their own beds...... I should have done that a long time ago
  14. congrats jim! glad it worked out for you!
  15. Twinkie, you are in my prayers. God bless
  16. thank you all for the birthday wishes!
  17. hmmmmmm....... maybe that's why I don't have a wife anymore! lol
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