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++ Conan Exiles Admin
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GhostfaceJim last won the day on April 17 2023

GhostfaceJim had the most liked content!

About GhostfaceJim

  • Birthday 04/22/1975

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    Jacksonville, Florida
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  1. Congrats @wetNreckless Welcome to the shit show! Haha!
  2. So far always a good time!
  3. Good to hear from you Friend!
  4. Well read friend! About time you get some respect around here!
  5. If you have steam and want a copy of this software let me know. I stupidly bought two copies! First to respond can have the steam codes.
  6. I did it! I started a server on the new map Amissa! I added what I think are the best mods and settings. It seems to be working fine! I'll be adding a channel to XI Discord also. XtremeIdiots - Modded Direct Connect:
  7. I was thinking Fjordur or Caballus or Amissa
  8. That seems good enough. I have a 1tb M2 drive and bought a 2tb because of all the steam games I have. I still need to install it.
  9. Was thinking of adding a new XI ARK server and adding group to Discord. It appears that the current servers are offline or removed? Any Map Suggestions? Was thinking of going with one of the newer modded ones. I've played the island, crystal isles, and genesys 2
  10. It's about time I get some serious recognition around here! Haha! This is going directly on my resume! XI Member Spotlight - July 2023
  11. I'm a big supporter of streamers and love to watch! But, don't forget Hearthstone is still a popular game to stream also!
  12. https://www.twitch.tv/wardogs411 We need more streaming Wardogs!
  13. I would still find some way to put an eye out, or poke a spleen?
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