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Everything posted by Angel

  1. Yeah sorry, I tried to get in touch with 3 admins..no luck hopefully they get it sorted soon.
  2. @Ruggerxi Thanks boss, your the best edit** because sometimes tagging works for me and sometimes it doesnt lol
  3. @Spartacus--once you reach level 55, hit your escape key and you will see prestige..once its unlocked then you can start moving up. Everytime you reach level 55, escape out and move up. I would like add that what @@AyaqGuyaq is saying is spot on, be nice to have something to announce the round is starting. I like his suggestions bc it makes the game a challenge. I dont want this mod to be easy, if you want easy then play on the other zombie mod we have. It gets boring really fast, trust me lol I like the challenge this one has but some things do need to be a lil harder to get.
  4. I am actually liking how it is. I like the challenge honestly and this mod is meant to be more for a group. The other zombie mod is just toooo simple and got boring really fast so that's why I had asked Rugger for this version or any other version of the zombie mod to play. I get bored easily so keep it challenging And yes blaze, get more friends lol (now I do feel bad about tripping you on that one map, tho lol) And always blame ice when you fail
  5. You have very pretty hair. I am jealous!! I have natural curly hair but I did used to keep in length down to butt. I donated to locks of love one time and I cut it to my shoulders now I leave it just long enough to put in a ponytail and its a lot less time to straighten it lol
  6. As others said, sex with a friend can be good or bad. I wouldn't pick someone who has been a friend for a bit cause it may end the friendship when the sex is over. Eventually one of you will move on. My advice: toys and always have that one guy to abuse and work on not being shy, just get to where you can ask a fella, hey lets go back to my place....enjoy some pizza as u said earlier lol
  7. Thanks everyone! It was a great day!! And I miss u as well noears
  8. Thanks everyone! It has been a good one so far Sorry Onyx, no more mw2 for me lol You can have my cake hxtr, I don't like cake..just give me a pickle(don't take that naughty) and I am happy. LoL @ leadfinger
  9. You are one of a kind, ya dummy luv u as well mule!! lol You should have the numbers memorized
  10. Thx Frenchi boy thanks killerkitty
  11. Thanks all!! I have decided I'm not gonna celebrate it cause I don't wanna be older, lol
  12. Maybe even clue Overkill into what I want for my birthday?!
  13. You can just call me Mule, leave those 800# alone lol And yes we always end with, God Bless or Bless Your Heart
  14. Told u already what I wanted *hint* its a game of sorts
  15. oh I am so sorry Dean. I will be praying for you. Sometimes things like this happen for the better. I am here if u need and if I was closer, I'd certainly help get ya moved. Maybe me and Giggles need to make a roadtrip lol
  16. Thank you kev!! Oh my dear, you are rushing it lol I dont wanna be, , oh I cant say it..lol You know what will make it great? lol (and don't go get naughty lol)
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