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Posts posted by CARACAS

  1. Hello everyone. An update of my status: I am much better health, thanks to each and every one because I know they are outstanding in one way or another. What if this is bad enough is the country where I live, my country due to the lousy government that we have, thing that you already know. The food is overly expensive and there is not everything you are looking for. We also lack such basic things as toothpaste, toilet paper among other things. There is no work for many reasons, at least in my field that is music and stop  counting. That is roughly what happens, a very hard life that we treat my wife and I not to think about it. Again thanks  to all of you for your love and attention and forgive me if I have not lived up to your love for me but the situation is so hard for all here. Hugs.

  2. Hello everyone. I'm gonna use a translator because I have many things to say.  Many thanks again to ALL who were concerned about my health and all who collaborated in one way or another to achieve the objectives in order to accomplish what was needed to get out of the great trance in which I was. And I have good news, after a surgical operation in February and a time after undergoing 39 sessions of radiotherapy is now, only a few months ago that I have been feeling really good. I notified Loader at the time and I hope everyone already knows. Even though I do not often come here, it does not mean that you are not in my heart and mind permanently. You are part of my family, that is something that has happened for some time and I am glad that it is so. All the blessings of God for you and your families on these dates and always be so. I love you so much. Happiness.


  3. Disculpa que no había leído tu post de la comunicación Joe. Ya te agregué al Whatsapp pero necesito el código de area de tu zona para poder llamarte. Muchas gracias por traducirles mis inquietudes a los muchachos. Estamos en contacto. Abrazos mil.

  4. Hello my friends again. Loader; I would like to live there, but how come? Thank you anyway.  Thank you for your words ghostouned. Joe, mi No. es +58412 992 62 02, llámame, preferiblemente al mediodía. Se que cuento contigo y con los demás, no se si les tradujiste a todos lo que te escribí en español. Gracias, un abrazo. Thank you very much Logan for those words too.  Please read this, about my country, thanks again to all of you:  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204783862754967&set=a.1042473480646.6096.1789879042&type=3&theater

  5. Thank you my brother Loader. The situation is horrible, not only for food, no medicines are achieved. A supermarket called "Bicentennial" in Caracas. And this is every day for nearly 2 years ago. My escape routes are facebook and CoD .. Stressful and depressing.







  6. Hello friends. I put you my update in health. I have to make some radiation treatments consisting of 25 to 30 sessions. My wife and I are figuring out where to clinical do and makes them more economical. I have to take a CT scan of the pelvic region to know where exactly is acting about that. So far we have managed to fit in the hospital of El Llanito for September 26 but will continue to search to see what the options are. Amid all this, the economic and all kinds crisis has worsened much lately in our country, no bath soap, no paper toilet or milk among other things is achieved. The queues for food are endless and the prices of these rise practically every week. To this was added water and electricity rationing  because there is a very severe drought and the main hydroelectric plant is very dry. I put a photo of people buying bread, this is our daily bread, in addition to the insecurity that is becoming more victims product of theft, murder for hire; etc. As you will see, not easy, things that create a deep stress. so do not think that I have left, it is that with this backdrop life becomes somewhat difficult. Greetings to all.572cdea885873_Colacomprandopan.jpg

  7. Joe Canadian, muchas gracias mi pana a ti y a todos. Se me hace difícil transmitirles a ellos y a ti mi mas profundo agradecimiento porque no se tanto inglés. Quisiera darles un abrazo a cada uno para que no se les olvide mas nunca. Me llegan las lágrimas a los ojos porque me he encontrado con un clan lleno de gente muy valiosa,  de una gran calidad humana y muy colaboradora, dispuestos a ayudar a quien lo necesite. Eso vale todo el oro del mundo y por eso es que los quiero tanto. Joe, por favor traduce esto para cada uno de ellos, empezando por Loader, Crazyman , Viperz y todos. Estoy bastante mejor gracias primeramente a Dios y a todos los que pusieron su empeño y donación para que esto saliera como esta saliendo.  Los quiero muchísimo. Muchos abrazos, que ninguno se sienta excluido de mi cariño.  Gracias Joe.

  8. Once more and all necessary, thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. Remember I do not speak much English and helped me with a translator so if I made a mistake on this page with you whatever I ask you I apologize because it has never been my intention. I love really much to all of you

  9. My dears BlackRose,  cpt.TennealXI, window, Mr.LoaderXI, DeathWaveUK and all of you..  Thank you from my heart.  You are present in my mind and my heart all the time.  I love all of you. Regards and more regards.

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