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Bama last won the day on February 12 2018

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About Bama

  • Birthday 02/29/1968

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  1. Teds, I wish I could have met you in person. You were always kind and fun to play a match. I pray the Lord give you peace, and for your Sister as she helps you.
  2. Sorry to hear about the rough time you’ve been having but hopefully you are on the mend. Hang in there man!
  3. Yesterday is an imposter
  4. on leap year day!!! I’ve only had 14 birthdays… gimme a break.
  5. A couple of pano pics that turned out pretty good, except poor Pigdog is glitching
  6. GOOOOOOOOOOOGLE!!! long time no see!!!!
  7. Old Pman is one of the legends!!!! The only part I didn't know was you lived in NC. I bet that was a hoot!!!
  8. Bob you say?? Well hello!!
  9. I’m a hired gun, hitman if you like. Cash or precious metals only. Half up front. Only 18 or above, I have a soft spot for children and puppies.
  10. From one blast in the past to two others!!
  11. Thanks guys!! Ya make an old man feel.... well, older
  12. Was a lot of fun! I believe Gatlinburg was on fire just after we left.
  13. In that light, it's hard to argue against your conclusion, but that would boil down most countries that currently exist into Socialist or Communist.. which probably isn't far from the truth. lol.. looks like it's just varying degrees. No one wants to admit they are Socialist.. but who isn't? I guess it's a trade off, but I'd have to err on the side of preferring a government that values individual liberty and yet enforces personal responsibility. A hard balance in today's world.
  14. I know I'm late to the party, just wanted to add this. Basil hung an argument on Finland, and I don't believe it holds up. While Finns enjoy an expansive social safety net, good pensions, and robust sick and family leave protections, their economy cannot be characterized in good faith as socialist. Finland is a thoroughly capitalist nation: Some people make lots of money, and others make very little. But Finland has chosen a more inclusive form of capitalism that ensures that the wealthiest Finns pay their fair share in taxes while the poorest Finns don't suffer for lack of access to food, clothing, shelter, and medical care. In so doing, they've redefined what freedom means in the modern world. They have struck a pretty good balance between social issues and free market. They also do not deal with the diversity that most countries have to manage. Ethnic Finnish people make up about 96.5% of the population.. just an observation, not a mandate for ethnic cleansing
  15. Depression and anxiety problems are huge, and most men don't like to talk about problems to others. I can tell you for a fact that just talking about it with another friend, or even a professional, is a big boost to getting better. I've been there, and many others have too. Seeking out someone you can just talk to about it is a big step to recovering and getting your life back in order. I speak from experience.
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