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Everything posted by baldie

  1. Yes they are mate as far as i know its 2 years since i was in there, As is the bike shops in Ellistown just outside coalville the ones that import the italian and foreign bikes. My Mum and dad owned the House/garage next door to them the house with the petrol pumps just outside the front door and the large workshop outback
  2. Yes the AJS name was purchased by a chinese company years ago then they eventually partnered up with Honda for the engine and an ex Harley designer, they used to be unreliable a few years ago but they have improved greatly and I must admit it is a very nice ride, not the fastest because it is a heavy bike but for a 125 it will do 70 mph and its more than enough for me to get around town and the odd trip to Coalvile (Leicester) to see my parents.
  3. @RobMc its funny you should say that I found a picture of them too
  4. @RobMc I found the picture of you and your bike
  5. I agree 100% with regards visibility that's why i was wearing all HI VIZ gear and a white helmet lol and he still did not see me. Unfortunately i can not remember anything after the initial impact so i have also invested in a camera for my bike front and back so god forbid it happens again I will have video evidence for the police. Below is pics of what i was wearing how did they not see me
  6. Update................ On October 21st 2020 at 6:20 am I was riding to work it was dark but conditions were ok, when a large flatbed lorry came out of a side road at speed and clipped me which caused me to spin and ended up wrapping myself and the bike round a tree. The lorry did not slow down and did not stop. I was rushed to hospital for scans and miraculously I had no broken bones just a lot of cuts and bruising and soft tissue damage to my shoulder neck and hip on my left side, the side that hit the Tree. My Bike was a total right off and only one witness other than myself but the police have had no luck tracking the driver down. I believe that the only reason I walked away with with minor injuries was the quality of the Leathers and helmet i was wearing the bike was in bits and the frame bent I think I hit the tree around 25-30 Mph so that helped too. Anyway after a couple of months recovery and physio I got my self a New Bike and she is a beauty. Took her out today and did around 30 miles on it I have not stopped grinning since. (Also new helmet and leathers because i had to replace the damaged ones) New Bike My Previous Bike that at the time of accident was only a month old still new really
  7. https://fb.watch/2abrviwLHP/
  8. Here you go a free coupon for you all to use do not tell everyone
  9. Beautiful machine very nice ?
  10. You are right and I agree 100% I should have bought it earlier but with the lock down due to covid I could not buy it and could not book a CBT. The first CBT available was this Monday just gone so I took the course then bought the Bike brand new at a great price with 2 years warranty and 2 years breakdown. But I have also purchased fully armoured Jacket, trousers, boots and gloves and it will be only used when weather permits for the commute to work.
  11. Bought myself a new toy. It is only 125cc but I have not rode a bike in over 35 years ??. I needed new transport for work and decided this was the way to go ????
  12. Happy Birthday to all. And thank you all for the Birthday wishes
  13. Glad you are back ....I really need to get this PC working properly so I can get back to having a laugh with you all again its been a long while since I played on the servers. Time to strip down a couple of old PC'S I think .
  14. Amazing Actor who played some amazing roles my favourite being Jackie Robinson in "42". It is a shame may he Rest In Peace.
  15. Hi Lucky you are Right I am an idiot that is the only thing I never checked... My VPN was causing the issue because the site comes up as not trusted it did not like it and kicked me out. Problem now resolved so I should be good now. Thanks for all your help and hard work
  16. Well I should be another 10 million up now.. slow tables ? but tomorrow I will hit them again @YACCster I am coming for you ??
  17. Hi Lucky No my end is perfect my PC is all good since the rebuild (I have checked) and my internet connection is 100% 1.1Gb Download.. I have my own personal Network Engineer who keeps an eye on my broadband connection ( My Son trained by me works for Virgin media) ??
  18. It would appear that the game has crashed .....I must be jinxed
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