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Everything posted by Sonovabich

  1. I say leave it alone it was put there to try to stop the spawn camping and i think it works pretty well.
  2. So why do you need to lose your tags, explain please.
  3. Hello Crim i know you from FTAG glad you like the server.
  4. Don't get confused Phrog Hitler might of been leader of the national socialist party but they had nothing to do with socialism they were fascists Stalin was a communist not a socialist and are you really saying Hitler and Stalin were both socialists boy are you confused probably a lifetime of brainwashing telling you the reds were under the bed, and for your information many serviceman from all over the world fought and died in the 2nd world war your country didnt have exclusive rights on that. The first thing the British did after the second world war was to have a general election and guess what, years after fighting these nasty socialists we voted in a socialist government, good old Winston Churchill did'nt have a chance because the British people were sick of being shit on by him and his priviledged friends in the Conservative party, and in that period we brought in the the National Health system that gave free health care to the vast majority of Britains who had never ever experienced it. Yes people do complain about our National Health service but that is because we take it for granted now, there would be more complaints if there was none. Listen it's your country you can do whatever you like with your health system but when i hear you say that your system is good and everyone gets treatment then i can only assume you are well covered either from where you work or you pay through the nose for it, well millions of people arent covered and if you are covered why do you oppose other people having the right to medical help it should'nt affect you, or is your country turning into a Britain under Margaret Thatcher where greed was good and you were only encouraged to look after yourselves and not give a damn about anyone less priviledged. America is the most powerful country on the planet a world leader and your healthcare system is ranked something like 35th in the world under polital powerhouse like the mighty Costa Rica, ours is around about 17th totally unnaceptable but a lot better then yours And as an older Englisman as you put it i have voted for the labour party all my life (the lot thats in now arent true socialists ) yes i'm a socialist because i believe everyone should be equal regardless of how much they are worth and as you said about people fighting for freedom well in my experience in this world you are only free if you have plenty of money. I don't want to fall out with you Phrog it's all about opinions mate but you have got to get this socialism bee out of your bonnets over there, i can assure you you won't all turn into a mad communist state like North Korea, because you are a Democracy and always will be and if you think your President is a socialist well he was Democratically elected unlike George Bush who stole the 2000 election and nobody did anything about it..mmmm reminds me of the sort of thing communist and fascist governments get away with.
  5. I also spoke with Warrex and he told me that he had asked all you German players not to give up your tags, so i think you should respect your friends wish and not be too hasty it won't achieve anything. I am also a friend of Warrex and i hope in the future when things have calmed down that he will be allowed to play here again after all many other people who have been banned have been given a second chance, so hopefully Warrex will get another chance too i think it would be fair.
  6. You guys should stop worrying about something as trivial as socialism (it ain't a disease you know) and start taking the threat of the Muslim hordes more serious, socialists don't chops heads off.
  7. I asked Mule how he got is name and he said his father gave it to him, i said why and he said i don't know hee haw hee haw he always called me it.Welcome to the idiots
  8. George_Doublya do you mean the few power hungry malcontents that left our great clan to seek the power they craved from other clans.
  9. Big wobbly BOOBIES oh i forgot amboy has already put them on
  10. Hear hear Animal, and yes your English is ok
  11. Gorrilla hes been on ftag server one all morning
  12. Sonovabich

    Howdy All

    If you are an idiot you are very welcome.
  13. I love Boilerdon he is an XI legend, no doubt about it.
  14. I'm the same as you Ricko i was transfixed by them wobbling BOOBIES and i forgot why i was here....oh yeah welcome to another idiot...phew wobbly BOOBIES i think i'm gonna cry with happiness.
  15. Hey anyone badmouthing Bungle Zippy and George will have me to deal with.
  16. Hey another lady to give me hugs and cuddles
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