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Everything posted by BoomSlang

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=htYlycJEZvY
  2. JohnnyDos Thanks for doing that Beers.I'll give it a shot after I cut my kids lawn.(he's got a broken foot) not only do you have to take care of his dog. now it's his yard. Wow can you adopt me.
  3. The I7 3rd gen will be out before the end of the year 30% faster than The I7 2600k
  4. Looks great thanks m8
  5. Steam has a sale on crysis 7.50 and crysis wars $10.00 portal 2 $15.00
  6. http://www.techspot.com/news/45713-battlefield-3-beta-hacked-dice-threatens-ea-account-ban-.html
  7. Just played It sucks. I'll stay with crysis best game ever
  8. Yes it is. The hat you can use as a joy stick or program it too any key. http://www.trustedreviews.com/Logitech-G13-Advanced-Gameboard_Peripheral_review http://www.geek.com/articles/games/review-logitech-g13-advanced-gameboard-2009034/
  9. HP2511x is the one I use. Markoff got one too. WE both love it. I use photoshop so I need colors to match. The best monitor I have found. better than my $800 nec monitor
  10. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823126050&nm_mc=EMC-GD092811&cm_mmc=EMC-GD092811-_-index-_-Item-_-23-126-050 Logitech G13 USB Advanced Gameboard $54.99 With Promo Code: EMCYTZT786 Free Shipping!
  11. Your answer lies here http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/nvidia-geforce-gtx-560-ti-gf114,2845.html
  12. I like run and gun. This is more layed back. I find it harder to play because it is more like real life.
  13. I have both the n52 and the g13. The n52 is not in use
  14. Sonovabich I got it last time it was free, i can only get to the second level....DOH! You tube walkthough
  15. Dark Asylumn so we can only play free for the weekend You can only download it free for this weekend. It's the real game no time limit
  16. Portal is free this weekend from Steam http://store.steampowered.com/app/400/ Walkthrough
  17. Select the arrow on the right of the task bar to view the programs running in the system tray. If you're using ATI CrossFire Double-click the "ATI" icon to open the Catalyst Control Center. Check "Enable CrossFire," then click "OK." If
  18. LilAcorn http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/br229516 if anyone wants to test run it.... I am wanting to get windows 7 for the time being but my husband has windows 7 32 bit and i want windows 7 64 bit for my PC that mtdew built for me and its a 64 bit system. But he (my hubby) keeps saying 64 bit sucks and its the cause of all driver issues n etc and refuses to get windows 64 bit... >.> gawd he PISSES ME OFF! I see one windows 7 64bit for 50 dollars on Amazon and he wont let me buy it!!!! Buy it and tell him you thought it was 32bit ops Both 32 and 64 disks came with mine
  19. http://www.techspot.com/news/45153-crytek-releases-cryengine-3-sdk-free-of-charge.html Crytek releases CryENGINE 3 SDK free of charge
  20. http://www.tomshardware.com/charts/graphics-cards,1.html
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