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Posts posted by X-RayXI

  1. BigPapaDean is a shy man. He's never using CAPS on the website 😉

    I know your struggle, man.. I just can't find one of my M2 SSD's after some clean/organizing in one of my rooms. These things are so freaking small and it is the one that I need with game-data on it and no other backups somewhere. 

    You get (in) there, sir!

  2. 7 minutes ago, 2_MANY_BEERS said:

    Everything looks better after redoing the drivers for the graphics. Now what about the monitor.  Device manager says it is a generic driver.  Wouldn't it be better to get the driver from who made the monitor?

    No, leave that alone please. The only thing that is does is color patterns. I might be wrong, but you can do your own research. 
    In the past of my monitor, it messed more up than fixes things. I even believe that I couldn't get the right Hz or screen resolutions, one of the two. 

    Got new screenshots to show how it looks now?

  3. If that all fails, just grab a 100GB empty drive and just a fresh setup installation of Windows at this point. Just don't activate* Windows. Just the setup/install and only grab the videodrivers. Just that and install the game and see what happens. 
    (*=unplug the LAN cord right away and only plug it in when you test the game)

    If looking good, run 3DMark first and make screenshots of the NVidia settings. 

    It is so easy when you have an old(er) SATA drive. I am always having a fresh Windows install ready and a clone of my drive(s) as 'backup'/spare.

  4. 9 minutes ago, 2_MANY_BEERS said:

    depth of field off didn't do anything   Going to look at video.

    I'm almost going to ask you, to eliminate at Windows Settings, to make a new user like "Admin", but that costs a lot of time and most programs you are not able to see (default account). So, skip that.

    I do not use Win10/11 yet, but try to find a way to set the Windows settings as default. After that, do DDU (from the video) and let it force the Save Mode and let it restart. I would even do DDU twice. 

    Next, if that fails again; Force in the driver. 
    Open Device manager, select the videocard driver. Select properties and manually forcefully load in the GPU driver. The screen should turn off and flicker and asking you to restart. 

    Also, silly or not, Google "dxwebsetup" and run that. See if that does download and install parts. 

  5. Damn, that looks like drawn images. 

    DDU from that video above is always good and;

    From Reddit:
    "This is Finally someone said turn off “depth of field” and bam, probables solved."

    Second person: 
    "I found that turning DEPTH OF FIELD OFF fixed the ugly graphics issues with my 3060 and MW2 with DLSS"

    Third person:
    "Definitely looks like the artifacts you get with DLSS. You either need to turn it off or mess around with the settings til you get something that looks decent. DLSS just isn't great in this game. You get the performance boost but it takes a big iq hit."



    After you did DDU, download 3DMark and see what it does. Please do a reboot after you installed the NVidia videocard software.

    Want to post the Reddit URL, but it messes up the post. I included the link in a Notepad. Some comments are hidden as in replies and you have to open them up.



  6. Giving you a weird suggestion; 

    1. Make a picture from your phone/a camera what you see.
    2. When suing a screenrecorder, do you happen to see it there too? A screensrecorder you might find that you can (trial) use.

    I bet when you use a screenrecorder or Fraps, you don't see it there?


  7. 10 minutes ago, SoColGuy said:

    UGH! I know how to do zero of this..... The worst part is I didnt even change anything since the last time i played.... Thanks

    If you start System Restore, without doing it(!) ,you can see the last time it (MS) Updated or not. Or what changes the OS did. Maybe you can see what shows there.

    Unless, you don't have that Enable(d), you can Enable that at least, lol. Make the Pagefile bigger and that might be on stock settings that does it for you. Or change it to auto-settings, if you already that manually. Flip things over at settings and see what it does. 

    I say this as a joke, but.. it can be gone for weeks and it happens again or months later. People also tend not to reboot/restart and just leave the PC on, which I hate dearly. 

  8. That is a rough one, because it can be your hardware setup is not stable, or your OS is corrupt (or both of course). The report been sending out is, because the application had crashed. Like you get the feeling, MS is going to dig in and solve it for you, but nope. 

    Basically, even if other applications or other games are running fine, something is taken a lot of pressure on your system that other 'things' don't. To make it harder, to sort this issue out, you just have to try things. Like, undo your Overclock on your CPU, and/or RAM related.

    Install MS Visual (studio) or .Net or DX Websetup. Bring your hardware to stock. Make your Pagefile bigger and try it again. 

    Start somewhere.

  9. 1 hour ago, Intruder said:

    if you dont change your name from the default "survivor" the admin programs will automatically kick you and tell you to change your name

    Is there a way, to change that 'survivor' name into like something else? F.e. in Crysis we could change the stock name 'Nomad' to 'Psycho'. Actually more names, but simply put.

    Put it in this way, a name that they actually do not want ;)


  10. 49 minutes ago, BlackRose said:

    just dl and running it,,i may try the usb later

    Trust me, it is very easy to do so.

    -Just have an empty or a USB stick, or one for full format ready. 
    Once you have the ISO, load that into Rufus. Look at that screenshot I gave, but 99% of the time, the ISO/Rufus does it for you.
    -You can change the Title of the USB stock yourself, as I use : Win10 or Win11, depends on what I want. After that, boot it from it and let it go.

    If there are issues again, you might have to check the BIOS for settings. The most important thing in the BIOS is to have the boot from GPT. That is, that you don't have the CSM enabled (in BOOT section). But with the BIOS reset/default, it is not enabled. UEFI is what it is needed. 

    Have Secure-boot enabled too. Check what motherboard you have and google it, select images, and you see where that is. 

    Secretly I hope you have purchased an AMD system, but I guess I am wrong ;)
    Intel sucks ass.


  11. 3 minutes ago, CW4 said:

    I installed Win 10 booting from a USB stick using the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool  https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 and the Win7 key.  Then after 10 booted up to the desktop I did ran the "setup" file from another stick I made using the Windows 11 Media Creation Tool  https://www.microsoft.com/software-download/windows11 .  But during the install I did tell it to "not" check for updates. I think it works better that way.  I did the 10 first because my daughter had never used 11 and I let her mess around a bit on my 11 box to see if she wanted to move to 11.  Right now not much reason to rush to 11 unless you just want to.

    Good! She doesn't like ISO's, so this will be perfect for her. 

    Keep in mind, @BlackRoseif you do this, be sure you have an empty USB stick. Once done, you can always do a fresh installation with it. You can fill up this USB stick with whatever you want. I always download and save the motherboard drivers and such, on the USB stick. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, BlackRose said:

    ok that is my main concern,,but it does say before to disconnect any extenal drives,,and my game is on one.

    Unplug it if you can. WIth USB you can just let it 'eject' in that systemtray. Let the program Rescan/refesh it again. Or else shut it down, unplug and do it again. If it is a fixed drive, any drive, just focus and select them underneath and checker it. Sometimes it is a matter of looking and concentration  ;)

    Read ya tomorrow! As always, let us know if it works for you. Always helpful for others. 


  13. 3 minutes ago, TBB said:

    Macirum is no longer free - no updates after 01/01/24

    We are not there yet ;)

    But, I never update mine and disabling that service, it still works. Thank you for that info, good warning. Or else I had to clone back in 2024, lmao

  14. 28 minutes ago, WldPenguin said:

    Yep, that's what we used also :D 

    Yes, it is so handy! I always have an extra drive. When the one I use breaks, just plug the other one in and boot: Done.

    Always have one as spare 'n cloned, ready to go. Downtime is just, absence/gone/finito/weg/.. . Back to daily doses of crap/nature movies/idiots.

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