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Everything posted by X-RayXI

  1. So, what is exactly the problem that I can try? I got it anyways, so why not use it. If I crash (, for sure for 99999,9999999%) I don't blame you
  2. @hxtrNot all people are interested in all those things. What is true or not or, what people believe in or at. Lol, you are almost making a Religion of this now., right? Humans, or any living creatures on Earth lies and betray and you name it, with their actions. For one, for grouping together and one stating the Earth is flat. Who cares!? No one, as long they believe in something like you do. It is not ignorant, but you almost rage about it. I love to hear you and our discussions over TS as we did before, but yeah. Calm down dude! Ontopic: 2018 Airdrop my Place.
  3. What a great story and Tony 'fighting' for years getting this done next month. I hope they are going to record this and show that to the world. It is touching indeed. Well today, I had my moment too when three of them where close flying over my place. I was to late for the first one and just now they flew back, you might see all three on this picture. I just love aircrafts like these and happens a lot here that a few F16's flying over my house here as it is a common flying route it appears:
  4. @papithegun I have here a brand new one in a box. I thought I got rid of it, but it was sitting on highest closet in my kitchen. I remember that I used it once and I put it away. We could meet up when you have time on Teamspeak, this weekend or something or, whenever you have time. The thing is back wrapped up and can make a picture of it this week if you want.
  5. Oh yeah, as far as Single Player goes, Crysis 1, the best. Made me play all other Single player games, but only one came close: Far Cry 3.
  6. I can't pick one. Can I pick 3? Crysis, Call of Duty 2 and Starcraft 2 (mods/arcade).
  7. And I thought I wasn't getting any emails from this post. I was SO wrong! 10+ "Notify me of replies" Yep, that works! Glad you got your balls sorted Crack. I mean it, because, you never know which one is smaller, you know? -Bunch of (hairy) idiots.. I have to go to sleep, with that in mind.... ?
  8. Hahaha lol , no Was just a reminder that if someone says "You suck!" and I reply with "But you swallow!" that works most of the times.
  9. But at least, HE, doesn't swallow
  10. Poor Crack, waking up to this.
  11. Your problem not mine! Hahaha Van: Ray . <[email protected]> Verzonden: maandag 17 december 2018 04:37 Aan: Jeff Hicks Onderwerp: Re: Ass
  12. I have emailed you a week or two ago, I tried. hahaha
  13. Download an ISO of Linux, anything. Use Rufus and burn it on a USB Stick. Run and boot it from there and tell me what you have as default. A Office version of Linux for free. As for games, https://www.google.nl/search?ei=2c8zXJXaI43HwQLVgJCgCg&amp;q=linus+tech+tips+linux&amp;oq=linus+tech+tips+linux&amp;gs_l=psy-ab.3..0.4423.6450..7157...0.0..0.88.678.11......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i67j0i10j0i22i30.jBkSWibFVr8
  14. What are you missing in Linux? All is there and free and even Office. Run it from a stick and it goes.
  15. I would for private selling (private, a big word) A full updated Windows 10 Pro is now around 80 to 90GB. One SATA drive of 120GB for 5 bucks and they can clone from that to a SSD. Did you know, that you can still go from a fresh Windows 7 to Windows 10 for free? Yes, and branded in the motherboard, but takes at least 5 hours to make that complete. A fresh Windows 10 and there you go, auto activated and Legal. /Edit: Now with all updates on Windows 7, MS disabled that feature. That is why I said a fresh Windows 7 without any updates. And use their upgrade tool. The MS activation servers are not down from when the free upgrade was offered.
  16. This, bothers me for a looong time and have read up a couple of months ago on Github. Guess, who likes Github and took them over? Yes Microsoft! And they will not remove that there and just patch it up by a new build. Enjoy this for a long you can right now. Just plain stupid because the hardware can and will be running fine on Windows 7 or even Windows 8(.1). Hey, marketing you know. So, better to shutup10 (and other programs to disable telemetries in Windows10). It just went like this: Microsoft: "hey Intel and AMD, listen up! With Windows10, people can't run Windows7 and 8.1 on the latest hardware. Like that? We will build in some ad./spy features in Win10 and people are going to buy anyways right? " Intel AMD: "Good plan, do it up" Now, do me a favor and watch this video you all. It is a lot of work to do so, but at least you have a 'better and a save' feeling about your operation system. I am running Windows 7 and Embedded.
  17. Contact Steam for support and provide your information to them. But I heard that their support is bad. Good luck!
  18. Hard to say if Intel keeps their 1151v2 BGA socket for a long time. AMD does that way better or you could have kept your Z270 motherboard. But nope even though they could and has already tried(BIOS and pin tweak). Is your i7 bottlenecking and can it keep up or stuck above 90%? And pretty sure you mean RTX 2070 GPU, but right now please keep that sweet 1080Ti and people did massively buy those because of the bad reviews about the RTX right now. I just don't think that it is worth(quality) this year or maybe till the summer of 2019. Just keep an eye on NVidia with a grain of salt. They even are going to release a other small RTX kind of card soon(was leaked) because of the problems they have with the production and not only issues with the VRAM. The flawed ones are going to be 'refreshed'. Try to run games from a nice and fast NVMe drives, because your OS can run from a simple SATA600 SSD. And put your "Pagefile" on a NVMe If you have the money, I'd go for the 9900k. Thing is great as a chip, but requires good CPU cooling. And if you have to sell your 6700, hit me up by PM and we talk about it
  19. Dumbest thing to say with "I am also of Middle-Eastern and African American descent, so I thought that it wouldn't be claimed racist." That means that all the 6mil Jews were killed or people been hanged, for what? Get the ..... out of here.
  20. Please to add, This program called: Core Temp and download the portable version and let it run when Windows is starting. Having a second screen or a single one, you always see the temps and what Max hit of Celc. it did. Amazing and a lovely program, just like CPU-Z to check things out. With Core Temp you can have gadgets too to have all monitoring at your screen(s).
  21. That been said, I had the server open on my laptop. Once my internet was up again, refreshed the page of https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ and a Teamspeak one. I have to say that @loaderXIyou are the man, man. Controlling the servers and so much time spend on them, that I was wondering if you even slept this weekend. You were always there and mostly on AFK because, you had a thought of changing it up again and listening to the players. Saw DM mixed up and LIB, KTF, CTF and more. You were are still, rocking that server. @RuggerxiGreat job and thank you. The freedom you give us to the servers and you leading these Idiots pure heart. I had some fun too and that is because you kept them all organized and in place. I hope this goes on forever. I bet it does without a doubt. @Anyone , Hey I missed out a lot more game with you. Thanks for being there for us all and our friends and guests, for the fun. Some know me and some don't and that is ok. All about >XI< and chestnuts/idiots.
  22. I totally agree with you @Labob great post by the way. To be busy with irritation or a grudge in this weekend is absurd. Mature, childish or other nature, does not matter. It is nothing about this 'shit' or to even spend time on, geez, think about it. We have lost so many friends and Yeah! We don't all like all of us, but have the head to what is the best for our >XI<! Check the responses on Facebook. I copied/pasted @loaderXI 's Web-post about this weekend there. Look how many people were Shocked and join our Weekend, to think about them and what we stand for. Personally, I don't hate anyone. Dislike a few, but that doesn't stop me for playing on not to join that server, but this is. Been thinking about for one full 1 minute, why? Because I'm an idiot and could have watched some 'nature' movies instead. I don't waste time on this. That was my weekend, thank you. Two games of COD2.
  23. Crap, played two rounds and Pizza was ready. Will check again at Sundays. @Dirk Diggler I thought I was rusty
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