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Everything posted by X-RayXI

  1. On one server with all the maps *=(and or shared with other server). I can not remember that I had to remove/delete one map/level. You grab all there is of the root, and you make that the IWDs with the FF file. All maps combined you make it, from what I did. From there, to the redirect. *=all IWDs into that ZIP file (so called IWD) and drag the FF file over. Two servers, all the maps and control that by the rotation cfg.
  2. Also installed MS Visual Studio yet? Go from 2010+, so 2010, 13, 15 and up. Download 3DMArk 2006 and test that out after. It has MS VS inside, but I rather have you install them beforehand. Get .Net too. Reason, Windows installer fixes and such.
  3. Hmm, thinking about it, him impure client? I have to write that down.... (just kidding Shaun) @Merlin007How about that merging stuff I mention. If we run one map on two servers by the level rotation and share the IWD's . The check is not there as the rotation cfg is not in the package.
  4. You, have a wonderful nick-name and pretty sure you can fix this pain Yeap, I have worked on COD2 servers for us too. I started that when I joined >XI< for the EU part of >XI< in 2007. Was and is a puzzle to do and one slip up, edits needed. It is the FF file right?
  5. Can it be a solution, that the smaller file needed to get it to work, to combine the servers together? I have worked on the servers to that stuff and that one smaller file need to be in and that reads the maps. Gosh, what is that filed called again. It had his other extention, I bet a "ff" file or something? Merge that file with the other servers or even put that and all maps on all servers. The level rotation asks the rotation file command and what maps to be used and what Game Modes, And should be no problem to share all files and maps together? Maybe I am thinking too simple now /Edit: @Ruggerxiwould this be an idea, or do we pay for the storage too? If it works though.
  6. Go to that folder and delete that file. And see what happens when you log back in. I think it should re-download it for you.
  7. My vote for the best topic of the month. Just saying,... Also late right now, might be a thing. Good night
  8. Don't start me on this one, I will be the next "HXTR" which is going to be a good meme here....
  9. LMAO, time travel, and some conspiracy about that or those pictures taken in the 30's or 40's. There is so much to say and so much to think or to believe in as a human. History: Is all we know.
  10. Do some animals understand what we like them to do? It goes deeper than that. Communication is not only by speech. Yeah yeah, that movie stuff and mind-reading(s) and communication by that. Signals, signs, lights or waves or Infra-red or GSM or other kinds. And what can travel through air or space. People still think they freeze to death in space. They burn up. Would you, as an Alien. Do deals with humans as in trust? Yes or no.
  11. "in the form of radio waves, etc" heck I have no idea. Look what humans have invented just looking back from 150 years ago till now. Just sum it up and that makes a huge list. Weaponry alone and order a Pizza from your chair Or even, what was the USA or Canada, 500 years ago? (you would have spoken Dutch 400 years ago if the Brits and,.. the Yankee's were not created ) And "form of radio waves", well, what do they know about us and what we use. Or what are we going to use in the next 200 years. Lets make it more crazy...... what if other Aliens already found other Aliens and yeah so, we are fu**ed! They only have to blow up our sun. That's it.
  12. "from where did these craft/objects originate?" All time answer: Area 51 I expect other question from @Ruggerxi That is: 1. Do you believe that we have a hidden place that we build UFO's or sorts? 2. Do we control the weather or/and with that mass killed wales at shores or mass killed birds, that we do that? Just kidding, but this post can lead to anything.
  13. Yeap, when you open up a pack it will be sticky as that is fresh. You'll have to spread them out on the table and let it dry a little bit and not to much. Or else you end up adding a slice of potato into the pack lmao. Been there done that. When I was still a Field service engineer, in the morning I used that machine and clicker d clack 20 of them in a box and staring to leave for work. When I overslept myself, can happen, well, they still have to wait a bit longer But yeah, compare that thickness of the filter to a regular rolled cig. The amount you use is a bit more. I used this one before in the attachment and cheaper tubes:
  14. @loaderXI , do you use that thing because you travel a lot and can't roll? Before my house ended up in flames, I was using that too. But these tubes are thicker rather then regular rolling and caused me to smoke a lot more grams per cigs. Also, the tubes are bigger. Just for the fun, you should buy regular rolling paper and first one you roll, you are thinking "holy shit, that is a small cigarette" because you are used to that wider and longer tubes it is kind of funny how you get used to them.
  15. Yeah I know right? Website Reports all over the place! (just kidding) You know what? G G ....... we('re) lost.
  16. I don't know. I roll it with roll paper and I do around 10 grams a day. it is hard to count how many. @TheDrimpXI When I do get weed, I am always buying "gruis" and that goes here for 6 euro's per gram. That are left over(not sticks and such) of all kinds mixed together. Btw do you smoke Van Nelle? I suggest you buy Kornet form AH. I find that much better as in taste and costs lesser. https://www.google.nl/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.coffeeshopdirect.com%2FShopPics%2FKinkEde.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.coffeeshopdirect.com%2FKink.html&docid=VZyb4ugx_RvaVM&tbnid=lYz_RpEH7rwUcM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwi5hfz71PPjAhWH0KYKHWPKAFwQMwg1KAEwAQ..i&w=540&h=480&bih=733&biw=1536&q=kink ede&ved=0ahUKEwi5hfz71PPjAhWH0KYKHWPKAFwQMwg1KAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
  17. €8,50 per 50 grams "black" (heavy) tobacco. That is pure tobacco and nothing added to make it lighter like the "Half" middle one. The 40 grams is online here: https://www.ah.nl/producten/product/wi188357/kornet-zwaar
  18. I would say, No. Reason is that magma comes from deep within Earth and formed into 'Lava' or 'Lava Flow' (Italian word). There are weak spots on the crusts of Earth, which would have already had been flowing out for many thousands of years. Maybe underneath that molten lava, could be partials of gold. Gold mines might be old mines of formal bursts? No idea. Same goes for diamonds and other rich materials. Maybe you should play Minecraft @Ruggerxi
  19. Hahaha, just don't throw away motherboards! Even though it is chemically hard to manage that. It can be done, but with what costs...
  20. With Aliens, I always said that we are Aliens too I absolutely believe that we are not alone. Some say that there are already 'Aliens' on our planet, but no way I believe that. People that believe that, are more into movies or the TV-Show "V", lmao. That was a heck of a show if you haven't seen that: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1307824/ UFO's? If that was a case, we would have been attacked anyways with all our resources we got. You know what is interesting @Ruggerxi do you know where Gold is coming from? I find that also interesting: "Gold is thought to have been produced in supernova nucleosynthesis, and from the collision of neutron stars,[49] and to have been present in the dust from which the Solar System formed.[50] Because the Earth was molten when it was formed, almost all of the gold present in the early Earth probably sank into the planetary core. Therefore, most of the gold that is in the Earth's crust and mantle is thought to have been delivered to Earth later, by asteroid impacts during the Late Heavy Bombardment, about 4 billion years ago"
  21. Yep and that is what I thought. I can not remember entering my key when I re-installed it and copied the old files over the folder. Reason that I did that was I didn't had to use the game updates and such. Nice that someone can confirm that.
  22. Yes, was that shown like: COD key "ADFG3746GRHTYUJAN" or something? do not post that of course!
  23. Yeah, you find that in the Register of Windows. I can not remember asking me for the key though. It might be attached to your account. How to check register: 1) In Run: regedit 2) Minimize everything on the left panel. 3) Search in Register by: CTRL F and type in : Call of Duty and let it search. 4) Once found, right click that part on the left panel and choose Export and save it like on a USB drive. 5) Your new PC, just double click and it will be imported.
  24. Gosh, I said Bling... nothing to that! Lol
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