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Everything posted by chavez

  1. I'm tired to fuck you everyday, can i have a day-off please. okee , see ya next wednesday.
  2. Welcome back. Good to see you again danko.
  3. Well hello Nisty good to see you in the clan .lol.
  4. happy b-day petru. take some beers .
  5. congrats with your b-day wardog.enjoy.
  6. strange , they sell the same birdfeeder here too.
  7. welcome to the forum. hmmm, gladiator , wish you all the luck with your sword and shield in da game.
  8. ................... no, this is the wall of the prison where he belongs. . jk man , nice car .
  9. I wish all the good luck to your dad .
  10. welcome to the house of idiots. enjoy.
  11. Nice helmet but 1499 dollar is to expensive for me , i stay with my schoei helmet.
  12. I live on the battlegrounds from ww1 and still we find stuff of this war , bullets , weapons ,bunkers,non exploded bombs,even skeletons from soldiers . The war started in 1914 (100 years ago ) for 4 years (ended 1918). We have a lot of wargraves here. I live 10 miles from ypres. http://www.toerismeieper.be/en/page/334/ypres-and-the-great-war-in-flanders-fields.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Passchendaele http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Yser http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menin_Gate Menin gate at ypres. every name of the fallen soldiers are written on this monument . Everday at 8.00 pm they play the last post for the fallen soldiers of ww1.
  13. . .. welcome to the house of idiots.enjoy.
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