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Everything posted by Merlin007

  1. Next rotation for DM2. Small map rotation map mp_africorp_rmk map mp_bridge map mp_gardenofheat map mp_lichtung map mp_meatgrinder map mp_pmcod map mp_snr_seals_2 Medium map rotation map mp_agx_depot2_night map mp_anzio_beach map mp_ax_neuville map mp_boneville map mp_cityhall2 map mp_cw_dawnville map mp_dinant map mp_dundygrad map mp_gits_harbor map mp_haguenau map mp_jsvacant map mp_makin_day map mp_murmansk map mp_nijmegen map mp_powcamp_n map mp_riverbank map mp_streets map mp_toujane_rmk map mp_wolftown map mp_xfire_bay map mp_byalistok Large map rotation map mp_13_townville map mp_agxdepo map mp_ax_trainwreck map mp_sfrance_nite map mp_byalistok map mp_camp_merc map mp_cw_strasbourg map mp_ederdam map mp_gtown44 map mp_kharkov map mp_lost_temple map mp_outskirts map mp_renan_bridge map mp_bridgefthunt map mp_southfrance map mp_suburban map mp_ugcarena map mp_vodka map mp_xi_shima Cheers
  2. The next rotation for DM3 is loaded, server will need restart. Small map rotation map mp_africorp_rmk map mp_bridge map mp_gardenofheat map mp_killhouse map mp_lichtung map mp_pavlov map mp_trainingcamp Medium map rotation map mp_506th map mp_agx_abusimbel map mp_agx_eindhoven map mp_argentan map mp_bf1942_berlin map mp_clum map mp_cw_neuville map mp_decoytrenches map mp_dinant map mp_eindhoven2 map mp_hob_mohdv2 map mp_lao_cai map mp_mohdm1 map mp_murmansk map mp_newvillers2 map mp_pds map mp_remagen map mp_snr_matmata map mp_the_cube map mp_waw_chateau Large map rotation map mp_78townville map mp_agxdepo map mp_ax_brecourt map mp_bessie map mp_caen2 map mp_corregidor map mp_cw_hurtgen map mp_desert_storm map mp_foy_nite map mp_hunt map mp_kwanriver map mp_mohaa_dasboot map mp_outskirts map mp_ramelle map mp_sfrance_nite map mp_snr_st_mengs map mp_stalemate_1 map mp_townville2 map mp_vm_crash map mp_winter_war map mp_xi_castillo
  3. The next rotation for DM3 is loaded, server will need restart. Small map rotation map mp_78bathroom map mp_breakout map mp_fritzkrieg map mp_hospital map mp_killhousev2 map mp_nachtfeuer map mp_snr_seals_2 Medium map rotation map mp_82ab_panzerwerk map mp_agx_destroyed map mp_anzio_beach map mp_beuvron map mp_chateau map mp_cw_hill map mp_db_snowypark map mp_die_bruecke map mp_dundygrad map mp_gits_harbor map mp_koshiki map mp_lapatrouille map mp_mohaa_dv map mp_newvillers map mp_paresu map mp_reichattack map mp_snr_kassel map mp_tge map mp_warsaw map mp_waw_burgundy Large map rotation map mp_78rocket map mp_agx_psel map mp_assembly map mp_bentys_depot map mp_cabu map mp_contrav2 map mp_derailed map mp_foy map mp_hill78 map mp_kwalajein map mp_malta2 map mp_omcbrest_ffa map mp_railgun map mp_snr_ridge map mp_stalemate map mp_townville map mp_vm_caen map mp_winter_crash map mp_wolfsquare
  4. @KaptCrunch Just went into server and loaded this map and started without issue. The unhandled exception error message is sometimes received if you have to download the map for the first time or at map change. This is a know issue with cod5 custom maps and is not fixable other than just don't touch any buttons on your keyboard as this seems to draw the error more often for some (but not all), it's an oddity. And then sometimes there's no issue at all. In any case, the map loaded as expected. Perhaps try it again. If the problem persists, delete that map folder from your local usermaps folders and try downloading it again. It's a decent map and has been played before on this server.
  5. Don't have a ton of playing time but always enjoyed bf3 and looking to get back into a bit for a change. Is anyone here still playing?
  6. The next rotation for DM3 is loaded, server will need restart. Small map rotation map mp_asylum map mp_dugin map mp_hhk_yokora map mp_killhouse map mp_maquina_viet map mp_ripac map mp_villa Medium map rotation map mp_78stalingrad map mp_agx_depot2_night map mp_anbinh map mp_bellicourt map mp_cav_slated map mp_cw_dawnville map mp_cw_rocket map mp_desolate map mp_dug_in78 map mp_frucanal map mp_hunt_winter map mp_hedgemaze map mp_matmata map mp_nachtzug map mp_owatatsumi map mp_rb map mp_snr_freedom2 map mp_sweat_blood map mp_tankhuntwaw map mp_waw_arnhem map mp_yomi Large map rotation map mp_78lolv2 map mp_agx_port map mp_assault map mp_beltot map mp_cabanatuan map mp_contra map mp_cw_strasbourg map mp_farmhouse2 map mp_hangar map mp_kwai map mp_lyon map mp_oldbrecourt map mp_ps7 map mp_salerno map mp_snr_flatdeck map mp_sps_xian map mp_supply_depot map mp_vm_brecourt map mp_warehouse_rnr map mp_wdocks
  7. The next rotation for DM3 is loaded, will take effect after next server restart. Small map rotation map mp_algiers map mp_dome map mp_hgy_c map mp_iceworld map mp_maquina map mp_republic_1 map mp_shipments Medium map rotation map mp_78outpost map mp_agx_depot2 map mp_all_out map mp_beertruck map mp_snr_carentan map mp_cityhall2 map mp_cw_burgundy map mp_deadwood map mp_drum map mp_freedom1 map mp_haguenau map mp_kneedeep map mp_marsh map mp_myths_farm map mp_overleaf map mp_ravine_v1 map mp_cassino5 map mp_snrwcarentan map mp_subway map mp_warehouse map mp_xi_nowhere Large map rotation map mp_78junobeach map mp_agx_assault map mp_armory map mp_bastogne map mp_byalistok map mp_communique map mp_cw_saintlo map mp_erdingtonoff map mp_gustav map mp_kursk map mp_lsb_gloomy_moor map mp_nuenen map mp_provence5 map mp_rtcwchateau map mp_snr_arnhem44 map mp_snr_arnhemwt map mp_sps_station map mp_suburban map mp_verteidigen map mp_waw_caen
  8. Update your favorites list. The two servers without a name are gone.
  9. For nearly 20 years, assembled car seats for the Ford Crown Victoria and Mercury Grand Marquis. For about 14 of those years, I was a supplier quality engineer dealing directly with supplier for new model changes and production quality related issues. Ford shuttered that plant in 2011, London Ontario, so our plant closed as well. For the last 10, been working in a bearing manufacturing plant making/assembling bearings (tansmission bearings, differential bearings, wheel bearings, chain guides, belt and chain guide tensioners, belt pulleys) serving customers (Ford, GM, Chrysler, Honda, ZF, TRW, Mitsubitshi, Nissan) from NA, Mexico, Thailand, Korea, China, Japan). Carried over in the supplier quality role for first 7ish years and for last 3 years, now do the same thing but on the customer side, so now deal directly with the customers on our plant quality related issues. After nearly 30 years of the automotive world, I've had my fill of stressful and crazy busy days. In a couple of months, I'm packing it in and my wife and I are moving to another province to start the next chapter of our lives. I have now just started my training on becoming a certified home energy advisor, a lot of material so will take a bit of time, but a completely new line of business from what I'm used but is interesting and will essentially be my own boss once we get to where we are going.
  10. Thanks Buck, appreciate your time and efforts on these. We have these going into our FT mod rotation today.
  11. The next rotation for DM3 is loaded and will run after next restart. 2 new maps have been added. Small map rotation map mp_agx_shinu map mp_cw_abandoned map mp_egn map mp_give_up map mp_leningrad map mp_opera map mp_sandbox Medium map rotation map mp_down_trodden map mp_agx_depot1_night map mp_bog map mp_alcazaba map mp_beach_redeaux map mp_borisovka map mp_canal2 map mp_cw_breakout map mp_ddd_wet map mp_dropzone map mp_feba map mp_frenchvillagen map mp_kalsville map mp_makin_day map mp_montelimar map mp_opcenter map mp_ravine map mp_rostov map mp_ship_n map mp_streets map mp_vm_maichau map mp_xi_jordan5 Large map rotation map mp_78gaperon map mp_district map mp_agx_algiers map mp_anzio map mp_barracks map mp_burma map mp_claremont map mp_cw_pacific map mp_ederdam map mp_gtown44 map mp_kneeriver map mp_lost_temple map mp_normandie map mp_prague map mp_roundhouse map mp_silesia map mp_snowypark map mp_sps_kiebu map mp_sturm map mp_v2bunker map mp_waterway Cheers
  12. Update: 2 new maps added compliments of Buck from the DI clan. These will be in play after the next server restart. mp_gambler, added to the large map rotation mp_rust (ported from cod4), added to the medium map rotation
  13. The next rotation for DM2 is now running. Small map rotation map mp_78bathroom map mp_breakout map mp_fritzkrieg map mp_sandbox map mp_leningrad map mp_pavlov map mp_shipments Medium map rotation map mp_broadcast map mp_agx_depot2 map mp_anbinh map mp_ax_dawnville map mp_bgate map mp_chateau map mp_cw_burgundy map mp_desolate map mp_frucanal map mp_down_trodden map mp_makin map mp_montelimar map mp_nightmare map mp_pds map mp_rb map mp_snr_kassel map mp_toujane map mp_wbridge map mp_byalistok Large map rotation map mp_1078carentan map mp_agx_port map mp_anzio map mp_caen2 map mp_communique map mp_dumont map mp_great_escape map mp_industrial map mp_lolv2_codwaw map mp_newsicily map mp_ramelle map mp_seelow map mp_snr_st_mengs map mp_stlo map mp_trenchville map mp_vm_caen map mp_wolfsquare map mp_byalistok map mp_bentys_depot
  14. The next rotation for DM3 is now running. Small map rotation map mp_africorp_rmk map mp_bridge map mp_gardenofheat map mp_killhouse map mp_lichtung map mp_pavlov map mp_trainingcamp Medium map rotation map mp_78druglord map mp_agx_depot1 map mp_akushima map mp_ax_neuville map mp_bergsnow map mp_broadcast map mp_crossroads map mp_dawnville map mp_docks map mp_fatherland map mp_frenchvillage map mp_jungle map mp_makin map mp_mohdv2 map mp_nvabase map mp_railyard map mp_ratskitchen map mp_scarecrow map mp_poolshark map mp_v2 map mp_xfire_bay Large map rotation map mp_78compound map mp_aa_vosges_fr map mp_ambush map mp_ballpark map mp_bridgefthunt map mp_city map mp_cw_farm map mp_duong map mp_great_escape map mp_kilian map mp_lolv2_codwaw map mp_newsicily map mp_panzerschlacht_02e map mp_river_09b map mp_rocket map mp_siege map mp_southside map mp_stronghold map mp_ugcarena map mp_warlord
  15. New rotation is now playing on our 2nd OWFT server. This server is US based so may be more ping friendly for our non-NA friends, guests, members. If you don't have the server in your favorites, it's listed on our sites home page. Server name is OW Freezetag2. This weeks rotation: map mp_13_townville map mp_78kwai map mp_78lolv2 map mp_assault map mp_bocage3 map mp_breakout map mp_cw_brecourt map mp_dugin map mp_ederdam map mp_gits_tanks map mp_hospital map mp_housewars map mp_maquina_viet map mp_nazaire map mp_provence5 map mp_stanjel map mp_stlo map mp_vacant map mp_waw_caen map mp_wbridge map mp_wolftown Cheers
  16. We'll be keeping this server so this week I'll be renaming it to OWFT2 or something like that and yes will add a message with the IP and likewise on the current one.
  17. Do I need just the basic game or some/all of the extra packs?
  18. The next rotation for DM3 is now running. Small map rotation map mp_78bathroom map mp_breakout map mp_fritzkrieg map mp_hospital map mp_killhousev2 map mp_nachtfeuer map mp_snr_seals_2 Medium map rotation map mp_5nav1 map mp_agx_ameland map mp_agx_market map mp_argentan_n map mp_bgate map mp_courtyard map mp_cw_ship map mp_doc78 map mp_downtown map mp_enigmaoff map mp_ict_stone map mp_line_of_fire map mp_mohdm3 map mp_nightmare map mp_pavlov_h map mp_psycho map mp_riverbank map mp_snr_treblink map mp_toujane map mp_wbridge Large map rotation map mp_1078carentan map mp_82ab_nomonha map mp_altered map mp_ax_trainwreck map mp_xi_halloween map mp_bocage3 map mp_castle map mp_cw_bocage map mp_downfall map mp_gb_karkand map mp_industrial map mp_kiev map mp_little_village map mp_nazaire map mp_panzerfact map mp_rhinevalleygits map mp_shallowgrave map mp_southfrance map mp_stanjel map mp_trenchtoast map mp_vm_river map mp_xi_shiro
  19. Have had these for last couple of years. First wireless set and so far, happy with the sound and performance. Not super higher end but worked for my budget. https://www.corsair.com/ca/en/Categories/Products/Gaming-Headsets/Wireless-Headsets/VOID-RGB-ELITE-Wireless-Premium-Gaming-Headset-with-7-1-Surround-Sound/p/CA-9011202-NA
  20. The next rotation for DM3 is now running. Small map rotation map mp_asylum map mp_dugin map mp_hhk_yokora map mp_killhouse map mp_maquina_viet map mp_ripac map mp_villa Medium map rotation map mp_506th map mp_agx_abusimbel map mp_agx_eindhoven map mp_argentan map mp_xi_halloween map mp_bf1942_berlin map mp_clum map mp_cw_neuville map mp_decoytrenches map mp_dinant map mp_eindhoven2 map mp_hob_mohdv2 map mp_lao_cai map mp_mohdm1 map mp_murmansk map mp_newvillers2 map mp_pds map mp_remagen map mp_snr_matmata map mp_the_cube map mp_waw_chateau Large map rotation map mp_1078brecourt map mp_82ab_erdol map mp_airfield map mp_ax_simmerath map mp_bgaden map mp_camp_merc map mp_ctrain map mp_dogville map mp_gb_atami map mp_hurtgen map mp_hurtsum map mp_landing map mp_montargis map mp_overcong map mp_renan_bridge map mp_sfss_castle map mp_snrtrondheim map mp_stalingrad map mp_trainstation map mp_vm_jungle map mp_xi_shima
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