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Status Updates posted by Streetcleaner

  1. Guys can be Idiots...Yes.... but you have to put up with the "idiot" stuff to get to the "great" stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AthenA


      Do you want another definition Mister ? Maybe ... code 18 ?? :P

    3. Streetcleaner
    4. AthenA
  2. Crazy...you wouldn't know crazy if Charles Manson was eating froot loops on your front porch

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. L!ckALotAPus


      that was not frootloops ;)

    3. Streetcleaner


      you goof.......loop

    4. USMale


      Your BOTH Goofy, Beavers! :-)


  3. I never "Try" anything ,I just "Do" it.......you wanna try me? .....:guitar:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Streetcleaner


      okay...okay   I was talking about gaming ...but I should have known  ....


    3. Streetcleaner
    4. USMale


      ur so sick! :sofa:

  4. I went to war with reality....That Motherfucker he was waitin' on me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AyaqGuyaq


      Lol. That Mo-Fo is always waiting . . .


      Great post, better than most. Ayaq

    3. USMale


      I agree with AyaqGuyaq.

    4. Streetcleaner
  5. one resolution was not to majorly fuck something up....uh ....what day is it?.....Dammit.....

    1. USMale


      yeah me 2, hee.hee


    2. AthenA


      January 4th it was... :P


    3. USMale


      any day is the correct answer, Amen?!


  6. There's some things you don't want to say "I'm gonna do this or die trying" before you do it ,say like.... parachuting

    1. USMale


      or "putting ur gun into ur mouth & pulling the trigger."

    2. Streetcleaner
    3. USMale
  7. Two wrongs don't make a right......but three lefts do

    1. USMale
    2. AyaqGuyaq


      I liked your post, bud, about going to war with reality . . . Lol.

  8. When the killin' is done and the carnage has ceased ....what do you have?

    A fucking mess.

    1. 7Toes
    2. Hijack


      oh!oh ! shit is going to hit the fan:sick: LOL

  9. some days I just want to say FUCK OFF to everything....guess what day it is.....

    1. USMale


      ok,...I can understand that....Snoozie

    2. AthenA


      Yesterday !! ;)

      But wait a minute... for me it's today. Hmm.

      It's "fucked up" !

  10. LSD ....? Ppfftt....Who needs LSD,when we have Trump....:guitar:

  11. Roses are red violets are blue,the only reason I wrote this, is to say...PHA-QUE

    1. BUDMAN


      lol no !fu SC


    2. Streetcleaner


      Lol...ah ,the love is all around.....

  12. Have you ever opened your mouth only to stick your foot in it and make yourself look like an ass?  ...well ,I have ....too many times to Count....:X


  13. new vids...IS THIS COMING THROUGH ?

    1. Hijack


      Nice street good music, your a very good guitar player. Keep on rockin?

    2. Streetcleaner


      thanks Hijack   :guitar:

  14. Have you ever been nice?...."YEAH ! 1998 The worst year of my life" !......

    1. USMale


      ok, I'll bite; so what happened during the worst year of yer life while being nice in "98"? :-)

  15. Don't confuse smart and intelligent as the same.....you use your intelligence to become smart.

  16. You're a monster,your hearts and empty hole,your brain is full of spiders,you've got garlic in your soul,I wouldn't touch you with a 39and a half foot pole !!

    1. USMale


      You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch.

      You have termites in your smile,

      You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile,

      Mr Grinch.

      Given the choice between the two of you,

      I'd take the seasick crocodile

  17. Don't you have better things to do than to look at my sorry ass profile?

  18. well...uh...hhmmm...?..Yeah,I got nuthin'

  19. It's all fun and laughs until someone gets their arm blown off......

  20. Surely,not everyone was Kung Fu fighting.....and no I didn't call anyone Shirley

  21. Road Rage.....uh,yeah....I remeber when I was 15 and riding a friends moped,this guy in a Beamer cuts me off.I was like you Dick !! when I catch up I'm gonna !!.....never caught him....Fuckin' moped...

    1. USMale


      yeah I remember stuff like that too,.....funny stuff!

  22. Have you ever gone into a food coma and passed out on your bed ,only to wake up and find out you're really on a display model at a mattress store?.... well.......


    1. USMale



  23. I Got Blisters On My Fingers  !!! :guitar:

    1. Streetcleaner


      your lifestyle  determines your deathstyle   

  24. Sometimes,even when you don't want to,you just have to say "FUCK IT"and move on.....

  25. Road Rage...uh...yeah...I remember when I was 15 and riding a freinds moped,when this guy in a Beamer cuts me off ! Iwas like"you Dick"!! when I catch up I'm gonna....never caught him....Fucki' moped....

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