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AthenA last won the day on February 10

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About AthenA

  • Birthday November 22

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  • Location
    Québec, Canada

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    .|AthenA|. -AthenA-

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  1. Welcome to the forums and nice intro, Sancho ! It's always a pleasure to game with you
  2. Happy Birthday, I hope you have a great one !
  3. Happy Birthday everyone and I hope you have a great one ! Also, merci / thank you everyone for the warm wishes ! @rexbowan, you're a poet !
  4. Don't worry, it's a "nice" FU Mark
  5. Hi Athena, question for you. If i re-install COD4 with patch should i install  for XI servers  Thanks

    1. AthenA


      Salut Hijack ! De mémoire c'est jusqu'à 1.7. Si tu as une version en CD c'est l'idéal, mais si jamais tu es sur Steam et que la game se patch automatiquement jusqu'à 1.8, il y a moyen de revenir (il y a un post là-dessus). 
      On va pouvoir jouer à AceMod avec @LoJaK ? :D

    2. Hijack


      Merci, jai changer d'ordinateur je veux mettre cod4 dessus. 


    3. AthenA


      Uh oh ! Tu vas être encore meilleur au couteau ! 🗡️ 

  6. Happy Birthday, I hope you have a great one ! Bonne fête @RIP>XI<, j'espère que tu vas bien et je te souhaite une magnifique journée !
  7. I must admit that I laughed Thank you guys ! Special attention to @major-mark63 :
  8. Happy Birthday ! I hope you have a great one !
  9. Yes, congratulations guys, you really played well. And Girls, we played well too ! Thank you to everyone, it was really fun ! We may have lost the battle, but not the war...
  10. You have to tell me when you get on @BUDMAN and I'll do my best to make it possible to make a "special appearance" :D
  11. A REAL fan I guess as my "collection" contains SO many purses... all from Raisin I'm still in for a match !
  12. Happy Birthday Esssieee ! I hope you have a great one ! (and to see you soon in game too )
  13. Challenged accepted ! @{BUG} Seven, I use the same name here and in the game. I can't remember who it could be, but we'll notice and find it !
  14. Joyeux anniversaire Corsicaman ! Je te souhaite une magnifique journée et bon weekend !
  15. Hi Esssieee ! I think that the rotations on the Vietnam server do indeed change every two weeks. I hope to see you in game soon !
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