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Everything posted by hxtr

  1. Chile it just won't be the same bro.. FU Chile can never be replaced. Having to say FU Dos-Sacos... FU Dos-Sacos... I blame you Dos-Sacos..... then again it has a ring to it. I can calling you FU Chile Dos-Sacos!!!!!!!
  2. I love you too Ted.... Thanks bro.
  3. Happy Birthday LCB.. you rock brother. Come visit SA again.
  4. hahahahahaaahahahhahaahahahahahahahaqaahahahahahhahaha you crack me up.
  5. This happened to me twice... the first time I flew to Birmingham Alabama in the late 90's and went to eat.. correction I went to drink at the Outback Steak House across the street from my hotel. I had so much fun I never ordered food. So after they closed I waked to a Walmart a few miles away to grab a frozen pizza. After hours of walking still having fun, I threw the pizza in the oven in my room and sat in the couch. When I woke up I smelled something burning... then I remembered my pizza. All that was left was the round hockey puck looking thing that stunk the entire room up.
  6. Wait.. what monkeys were in Wizard of Oz. That was money you idiot... hahahaha
  7. Is that cheese dripping out the sides. WOW. I want to have sex with that pizza.
  8. Mint is a fantastic version of Linux, though lacking everything we need in an OS to play games. I searched for a way and I found none. No different then Intel/Microsoft not supporting Windows Updates. All part of the game on new hardware.
  9. This is the largest maze ever on TV.
  10. I want to call you. What number can I call you at. We think alike when we talk.
  11. When? I hate email Ray... I fucking hate it. not sure why... I guess all the spam. You emailed me to what address. I only check [email protected] I stop checking [email protected] I am also at [email protected]. if you email that you get direct to my phone. I can't ignore you then. Ignore X-Ray.. on purpose?????.. never.
  12. I have run Office 2007 on Linux. I can't promote the way in a business environment. Help prove to me it runs games. Maybe then I can see it been comparable. For now... Direct X is the only way programmers are programing games for PC's. Yet I would love to change......... Teach me Ray. Show me the errors in my way.
  13. My customers can't have a copy of my hard drive. That's illegal or I would.
  14. That makes sense. Yea.. that took a lot of show to do that. lol
  15. I's a corn field. Corn don't need shade.
  16. Where the hell did that snow come from?
  17. yep reason I had to start building Windows 10 machines and not Windows 7. Stupid Microsoft!!!!!!!!!!!! and their Windows Updates.
  18. Man they have a App to help you? Very cool.. I could of used this as a kid.
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