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    Belvidere, Il. USA
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    Harleys, guns, RVing, Blues and classic rock

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  2. THANKS EVERYONE I DID THIS AND RE-POPULATED MY FAVS, THANKS mERLIN! "A list of all the servers and their IP are on the left pane of the main website page too"
  3. this is the way.....thanks, got them back!
  4. i haven't changed anything, i can see other cod 4 MW on the internet
  5. lost My COD 4 favorites? Can see them any more and when I go on the internet to see servers I don't see XI servers any more in COD 4, any suggestions? what ip address of COD $ freeze tag server?
  6. I get in cod ww Freeze tag server, I reset my settings to optimal default, I have fast internet service. I have fast internet service. The only thing different is I got a new monitor and it worked fine for awhile. It shows my ping at 37, but still I can't get in the server anymore....any suggestions?
  7. Ghostlupus if I'm ever out your way I will buy you a couple pints...You need to come to freeze tag server and play with us.
  8. the air strike shows unbounded in the icon, just don't know what control button it is to set up
  9. how/what button controls air strikes in Freeze tag? How do you set it up to use it? What's the air strike control button called and where is it? I've asked doing game play but I'm hard of hearing and can't understand sometimes... thanks in advance! SweeperMan
  10. Sorry to hear, what was his COD name?
  11. like sex...you have to know when to pull out....
  12. Thats Crazy!!! Pun intended...lol
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