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Everything posted by Goesje

  1. I say, take a look at the bottom of the first page
  2. Claim all you want Love the stabbin of Mista at the end
  3. I know were Barron is comming from with this, played enough other games to have felt the effect of it... positive and negative But I know from personal experience that I won't return to a server that has fucked up my killstreak/points/overall game by kicking me for takin up space/playing there in the first place. Granted, sniperlimit and priority joining is also given to not members, if they're regulars on TS (and bf4 server). But this won't effect members joining, since the waiting time with priority hardly ever passes the 4 minutes (for me atleast). And what @ said, it gives a bit of an administrative clusterfuck every time an admin is asked to clear out the queue (that queue is a double edge blade, if it's needed it's because we got popular servers, but then again no one wants to wait.) I think it might come down to: 'different games - different ways'
  4. To reply to Ducky, Defuse, Obliteration, Rush and/or CTF are the modes for me. Keep it small and compact, more mayhem
  5. I was lucky enough to be taken to Indonesia for 3 weeks with my inlaws the orchids I posted earlier are also from that vacation. I borrowed a Canon 50D with a 18-70 and a 20-300 mm lens from my dad, and when to town with it xD I'm no camera expert or do this when I am home, but hope you like the pics!
  6. And that's all you'll ever be, interested if you could beat the EU
  7. Scrolling back in the posts, I did miss a good explanation for maby the odd person that was not informed about it. (maby the post starter ) Your not missin' anything @@nosleep
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