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Posts posted by Sharpe

  1. 20 minutes ago, spoonjab said:

    Yes. Changed to Fastest on the monitor menu.

    Ages ago I set my FPS in cod4 to 125. Do I need to increase that to 165 to match my monitor? I can't remember the command, but I believe I ran 2 commands in the cod4 terminal to both change my FPS but also display the actual FPS in the bottom right.

    In the graphics/settings menu of Cod4, there is a separate option to set the refresh rate, I think the max for this is 144hz (at least it is for me), whatever it is, I would set it as close to your monitor as you can.

    The one you are talking about is frames per second in the terminal. "/com_maxfps 125" (max 250 allowed on freezetag). I have mine at 125. You can play around with it and see what feels best. Different rates alter the mechanics of the game slightly. To see what you are actually getting is "/cg_drawfps 1" or 0 to turn off. 

  2. 36 minutes ago, spoonjab said:

    @SharpeGot it figured out! I'm running 165hz now according to testufo.com. I would have never known without that website.

    Setup is 27" Samsung G32A with 1070 nvidia. Turned off Freesync on monitor settings. Then on Nvidia control panel, went to "Adjust desktop size and position". It already displayed 1920x1080 @ 165hz. However, on "Change Resolution", it was set to 1920x1080 with highest possible refresh of 120hz. Scrolling down that list, there's a section called "PC" and then if I select 1920x1080, I have 165hz as option.








    Another one joins the promised lands! Did you set response time to fastest in the OSD as well?

    Sweet deal for only $150! Enjoy!

  3. 15 minutes ago, Totty said:

    Hd.i lead supplied with monitor into slot 1 of both 3070ti and monitor There is an extra lead supplied with the monitor  but my 3070ti doesn't have a port for it


    I looked up the manual online. It looks like there is probably a setting in the OSD to be able to use the full 160hz: 



    Not sure if you've messed about with that yet. Looks like there is a button at the back of the monitor to access the various menus. It also seems to have a response time setting (similar to my own that I mentioned previously) where you can make it as fast as possible:


  4. 51 minutes ago, Totty said:

    update, I did the UFO test which came back at 60 hz, so went into Geforce control panel and the max Hz available was 120hz ,

    I am assumong this is for desktop only and the game can demand the extra HZ



    Nice, you should notice a big difference next time you play, now that it's above 60hz. What kind of cable are you using to connect the monitor (hdmi, displayport?). There must be something stopping it from being able to reach the full 160hz.

  5. 3 hours ago, Totty said:

    It's arrived and it's a beauty. 

    It runs Cod4 4k 120hz no problem.

    144hz didn't look as good so I backed it down a bit 

    The monitor itself is 160hz



    Sweet, enjoy! Did you double check the fps on https://www.testufo.com/ ?

    When you say 144hz didn't look as good, do you mean the ingame setting (in the graphics menu)?

  6. 11 hours ago, KaptCrunch said:

    good links 

    i see why i suck at gaming  using 1080p  55" @ 60 Hz  look at the reaction time 


    Weird, did something go wrong on the reaction test? It should be around 150-300ms.

    Pertinent info given underneath on that page. "While an average human reaction time may fall between 200-250ms, your computer could be adding 10-50ms on top. Some modern TVs add as much as 150ms!".

  7. 4 hours ago, ReAhdapt said:

    I am a big fan of Acer; I have an acer 165hz monitor that costs around $200 USD, but they have cheaper options that can still have 165hz.  Also, with some Acers' you can enable a crosshair and mess with other settings for your monitor.  They also will typically come with AMD freesync that syncs your systems min and max refresh rates.  

    Also a tip for people with monitors.  Some systems do not automatically have your display set to the highest setting that you can achieve.  Going into your settings and then display will allow you to change your refresh rate to the maximum that your monitor allows to improve your experience.

    Yeh, good point. There's an ingame Cod setting for this too. Some monitors (like mine) have further advanced settings to adjust input lag and response time as low as possible. 

    Worth double checking on https://www.testufo.com/refreshrate that you are getting the rate you want. 

    You can also test a before and after on https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime with an old monitor and new monitor to see what kind of difference it made.

  8. 8 hours ago, WeednFeed said:

    @Sharpe seems to have some good advice on this. I just can't commit the funds to upgrade.......ie I'm too cheap lol.

    The monitor I got (and still have) didn't break the bank, it was around $250 when I got it. Still going strong almost 6 years later, time flies! It is a Viewsonic 24", and 144hz. I noticed a large difference when I got it. 

    I'm not up to date on the latest models etc. However a few things that come to mind: Going from 60hz to 144hz gives the biggest improvement if I remember correctly, compared with going from say 144hz to 250hz (someone can correct me if I'm wrong). 

    The other thing that comes to mind is the input lag, which can vary quite a bit from monitor to monitor. Once you've narrowed down your selections, I'd look up some independent reviews on what the input lag is like on the monitors you are looking at. Older monitors and tvs can be bad for this, so you can see a big improvement going with something gaming specific. 

    Something else to bear in mind is I believe the larger the screen and the better the resolution, the greater the graphics card requirements. Worth bearing in mind if you intend on playing newer games and/or your card isn't great. Cod4 shouldn't be as badly effected, although I believe @KidSlayer! may still have ran into this issue at some point trying to play on something like a 64" screen?

    I think @crimson upgraded to I believe a 144 or 165 last year and noticed a big difference, not sure which model he got, but perhaps he will chime in.

    Maybe have a look here: https://www.rtings.com/monitor/reviews/best/by-usage/gaming 

    Their reviews consider/measure input lag. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Chris said:

    Can somebody please remind me how to fix this problem? I've installed COD4 on my laptop from Steam and have the wrong version. I saw the post between Loco and Janey and tried the fix from Dropbox...no joy.



    Is this what you tried: 


  10. 1 hour ago, Nycz said:

    Does anyone else when playing CoD have trouble tracking targets or snapping to them where the crosshair seems to jump around and/or overshoot? I have changed mouse dpi, sens, mousepads and even mice yet still there. Mouse acceleration is off but i dont know what is happening. Constantly having to correct my aim and missing easy shots due to it.

    What's your /cl_mouseaccel set to? Assuming this is Cod4. Also, the mw2 snipers are set up a bit strangely. 

  11. 41 minutes ago, YACCster said:


    Specifically this is covered under the last one here:


    333 is a known glitch/bug/cheat, keep it at 250fps or less.

    Think it's unfair to call it a cheat. Different fps levels alter the game mechanics in different ways. 125/250 have benefits/disadvantages over 333. I was playing a bunch in a deathrun server earlier in the year, and they'll toggle between all three to maximize the advantages of each. 125 for example will have benefits over the default 85. Is it fair to call that a cheat?

    Ultimately I think it boils down to what the admins/owner of a server allow/disallow. Expecting everyone to think 333 is disallowed because of the last line is dubious, especially when other servers/gametypes allow or even encourage it. It should be clearly stated as a rule.

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