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Everything posted by HellTiger

  1. My 2010 Pontiac which is also the same company had to have the transmission replaced after the 2nd year of owning it so 2012 I had it replaced. Luckily it was still under warranty. GM sucks.
  2. Not everyone such as myself have disposable income that can be thrown into a $120 game if you want all the content. Instead of paying outrages prices for games, that money goes towards my bills, car repairs, computer parts, etc... I will join all the other people in the same money situation as me when it's $25 for the ultimate edition.
  3. I won't be the only person to do this so there will be servers full of noobs, and some veterans. I would rather enjoy a finished game instead of an unfinished game for full price that I play for 2 years until the next unfinished game is released.
  4. This is why I wait 1 to 2 years before buying a game. BF1 is on sale and ultimate edition which includes the base game, deluxe content and all future DLC is $97.48. If the game is still any good by then for when I pick up ultimate edition for $25 or so. It's rare I pay full price for a game. The last game I paid full price for was Tom Clancy's The Division... Huge mistake. Before that it was Metro Last Light. I do not regret paying full price for metro. Still the best single-player campaign I have ever played. If my friends want to be idiots and spend $120 on a brand new game go ahead, I will wait until it is 80% off which is 120 x .80 = $96. Then 120 - 96 = $24
  5. Yeah you idiot, just buy premium and there is no more shit to buy. Those damn boxes are just cosmetic items that change the look of something. It's nothing game breaking.
  6. At a casino I'm either up anywhere from $20-$40 or as soon as I lose $20 I'm out. I'm cheap when it comes to throwing my money away. Also I said there is a chance to raise your value. I did not say you absolutely will raise your value.
  7. Spending 100s of dollars or whatever your currency is on cosmetic items is just fucking retarded. It is these people's own fault for trying to get a fucking skin. I can't even bring myself to spend $2 for a cosmetic item no matter how cool it is. If I have to gamble my purchase then I'm not going to purchase anything at all. When I spend my money on something the first time I better get what I paid for the first time. These people gambling for a skin that has no value but eye candy have a worse problem than gambling at a casino because at least at a casino there is a chance to raise your value.
  8. You can't be an NVIDIA, Intel, or AMD fanboy. I have used any of these 3 at some point because one was better than the other for the games I play. Pick the right parts for the job you want to do. Eventually I know I'll be back with AMD in the future because it will do the job better. I'm not intel and NVIDIA today just because everyone says they are the best. It just performs for the tasks I need them for. Also this rumor that the i7 hyper-threading actually boosts performance in games is false. In BF4 you only get a couple more frames but it is not worth it just for 2 more frames per second. That's it, HT only gives you +2 FPS.
  9. What hxtr is trying to say about the admins is that they will try to get you to suck them off in order to provide you with what you want. Also you won't like hxtr's gay midget porn that is filmed down in his cellar. Welcome to the forums!
  10. AMD FX and Intel's i5 and i7 series all get very hot with heatsinks. Why not go with a hydro cooler on any CPU? Your CPU will have a longer life with hydro cooling. AMD FX and intel are both good processors and intel may have plus 5 FPS on average depending on the game. Other games AMD is better or Intel has the higher FPS. It all depends on which CPU is best for your favorite games. Either way AMD or Intel your PC will perform well. Most games rely heavily on the GPU so the CPU doesn't really matter unless your playing a game like ARMA which is more CPU intensive... That's the only modern game I can think of that heavily relies on the CPU.
  11. I didn't like inception. It is not a complicated movie. It is a really dumb idea that is basically a rip off of the matrix but instead of a computer program it is people's dreams. There are multiple dream levels so you can go to sleep within a dream.... The higher the dream level the slower reality is and the longer you have to get the information you need from person's mind. Some how people have dream defenses and dying in a sub level dream can kill you blah blah blah.... It is a really bad boring movie. Nothing original or entertaining in Inception. A movie called The Thirteenth Floor (1999) is a great movie which is similar to The Matrix and Inception.
  12. The Evil Dead 1981 is a fantastic movie. Then hollywood got their hands on it and made it into a modern atrocity. The Evil Dead is not meant to be modernized. Most movies are not. Fuck hollywood.
  13. okay let us say these are real... where are they today? where are all the other remains like these? a house in london can not be the only place that has dead creatures like these. until more remains are found and proven real, the movie troll is still fiction.
  14. I think people with regular fitbits are dumb. Most people with a fitbit don't even workout. I don't need to track any of that crap. My fitbit is how much more weight I can lift this month compared to last month. I'm training for when hxtr tries to rape me and i can pry him off with ease.
  15. People buying computers in South Carolina would be limited in their access to porn online under newly proposed legislation. A bill pre-filed this month by state Rep. Bill Chumley would require sellers to install digital blocking capabilities on computers and other devices that access the internet to prevent the viewing of obscene content. The proposal also would prohibit access to any online hub that facilities prostitution and would require manufacturers or sellers to block any websites that facilitate trafficking. Both sellers and buyers could get around the limitation, for a fee. The bill would fine manufacturers that sell a device without the blocking system, but they could opt out by paying $20 per device sold. Buyers could also verify their age and pay $20 to remove the filter. Money collected would go toward the Attorney General Office’s human trafficking task force. Chumley’s bill has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee. http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article121673402.html
  16. Die Hard is a Christmas movie! Get over it!
  17. https://gfycat.com/MerryFrightenedDarklingbeetle
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